Bobby Flay Divorce: Stephanie March Demands More Money – Chef Allegedly Cheated On Her With January Jones & Giada De Laurentiis

Bobby Flay’s high-profile divorce from actress Stephanie March has gone from amicable to a hot mess in less than a week. Celebrity chef Flay’s soon-to-be-ex-wife, March, is refusing the terms of the pre-nup that was already signed at the beginning of their marriage because of Bobby’s alleged affairs with Giada De Laurentiis and January Jones. Bobby is furious that March is coming after his hard-earned money, and the chef is fighting back by cancelling all of March’s credit cards and threatening to evict her!

The April 27 edition of Star Magazine reveals, “Amid ongoing rumors that he cheated with both January Jones and fellow Food Network star Giada De Laurentiis, the celebrity chef has filed for divorce from his wife of 10 years Law & Order SVU star Stephanie March. Things began heating up a month ago when Stephanie kicked him out of their Manhattan home. She is reportedly trying to get more money than what is stated on their pre-nup, on the grounds of infidelity. Meanwhile, Bobby has cut off her credit cards and wants to issue an amicable split statement to save face.”

It sounds like there is nothing amicable about their break-up, and if anyone is saving face by not issuing the joint statement it is Stephanie March. At this point no one would believe Bobby Flay if he tried to say he and Stephanie were divorcing on good terms, and he would look like a complete phony. Considering Bobby Flay allegedly cheated on Stephanie with not one, but two different women – can anyone really blame her for being less than amicable right now? Whether or not she deserves more money is an entirely different story though – Bobby Flay could have cheated on her with 17 other women and if there was not an actual infidelity clause in their pre-nup, he legally doesn’t owe her any more than the $5,000 check that he already tried to send her but her lawyers returned.

Have you been following Bobby Flay’s eventful break-up and divorce? Do you believe that he was having an affair with Giada De Laurentiis? Should the celebrity chef pay up, or is Stephanie March just being bitter over the divorce? Let us know what you think in the comments below!

Image credit to FameFlynet

Amanda Austin:
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