Bobby Flay Divorce: The Celeb Chef Claims Stephanie March’s Lawyer Is Bullying Him Into The Ground – They’re Just Gold Digging!

The Bobby Flay/Stephanie March divorce drama is continuing with full steam ahead, and both sides are using the media to manipulate the public image in their favor. After Stephanie leaked her side of the story via TMZ, alleging that Bobby was taking advantage of their prenup and shortchanging her [i.e. kicking her and her sick mother out of their shared home], Bobby is returning the favor [again via TMZ] claiming that both Stephanie and her lawyer are trying to bully him through PR tactics.

According to him, he doesn’t understand how Stephanie and her lawyer can call the prenup ‘immoral’ and ‘unenforceable’ when Stephanie agreed to it ten years ago. And you know what? He’s actually right. Stephanie March might not have seen the divorce coming [which actually hints at infidelity on Bobby’s end], but if she agreed to the prenup ten years ago, then she’s still legally bound to follow it today. If she had issues, she probably should have brought it up before these ten years passed, because now she just looks like she’s gold digging.

Right now, Stephanie March will get $5k per month in spousal support, per the prenup agreement. She will also get a million dollars for the right to the house in addition to any and all moving expenses.

But alas, Stephanie’s lawyer is allegedly threatening to air Bobby’s ‘dirty laundry’, so to speak, if Bobby doesn’t agree to a better divorce settlement. It seems like Bobby’s very worried about the infidelity rumors, which again points to some truth there. However, if there’s nothing about infidelity in the prenup, then it really shouldn’t matter to the overall settlement, no? It might affect Bobby’s public image, so whether he settles for a better deal with Stephanie and her lawyer will be entirely outside of the arrangement of the prenup.

What do you guys think about all this Bobby Flay and Stephanie March divorce drama? Are you surprised? Let us know your thoughts in the comments below.

Image credit to FameFlynet

Siyana Riley:
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