Carrie Underwood and Husband Mike Fisher Divorce Coming – Fighting Over Second Baby?

Carrie Underwood and Husband Mike Fisher Divorce Coming - Fighting Over Second Baby?Carrie Underwood and Husband Mike Fisher Divorce Coming - Fighting Over Second Baby?

Divorce rumors about Carrie Underwood and her husband Mike Fisher are nothing new, but you’d think that they would die down after Carrie gave birth, right? Wrong. According to a new report from the National Enquirer, Carrie Underwood and Mike Fisher are once again going at it – and this time, it’s because they’re fighting over whether to have a second baby.

Considering that Carrie very recently gave birth to their first child, you’d think that her own husband would give her some leeway before pressuring her for another, right? Maybe not, if this report is accurate.

The Enquirer’s source explains, “Mike wants to convince Carrie to have kids close together in age, and take another year or two off! Carrie thinks it’s unfair. He gets to keep playing hockey, and she’s home doing the heavy lifting.”

So two months after giving birth, Carrie’s being pressured to have her second child.. Can one blame her for thinking about divorce? Sure, it could be tabloids making assumptions as always, but the noise surrounding the divorce rumors has increased significantly over the past few months – so much so that it’s hard to believe that everything’s just fine and dandy.

Plus, Carrie Underwood is not the type of person to put up with demands from her husband, even if her husband is Mike Fisher. If he really ‘forced’ her to have a second child so quickly after delivering her first child, I’m sure she – like most women – would say sayonara and file that divorce as soon as they possibly could.

Do you guys agree or disagree? Will Carrie Underwood and Mike Fisher end up getting a divorce in the near future, or are the rumors exaggerating the state of affairs? And if they do get a divorce, will it be because Mike is pressuring Carrie to have a second child? Let us know your thoughts in the comments below.

Carrie Underwood, Mike Fisher: FameFlynet

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