Catfish The TV Show Recap 7/8/15: Season 4 Episode 11 Summer Premiere “Tiana & James”

Tonight on MTV their series about online dating, CATFISH airs with an all new Wednesday July 8 season 4 episode 11 called “Tiana & James.” On tonight’s summer premiere a woman moves across the country to be with the object of her online affection. He, however, is more elusive than ever.

On the last episode Rather than plan for college, a young man wanted to move to California to support his online love.

On tonight’s episode per the MTV synopsis “a young woman moves across the country to be with her Internet love, but he is being elusive.”

Tonight’s episode of Catfish: The TV Show airs on MTV at 10 PM EST and is going to be exciting, don’t forget to come right back to this spot and watch the show with us.



#Catfish begins with a cake celebrating it’s 50th episode. Then they check the email. It’s from 21 year old Tiana in Charlotte, NC. She says she met James on MySpace three years ago. She says she’s 24 and lives in Statesville, NC where he works as a mechanic. She says she did live in Washington state when they first met. She says she fell for his personality but they were so far apart.

She says they talked and texted and fell in love. She says he’s her first and only love. She says she tried to video chat but there were always excuses. He told her they could move in together once she moved back to NC. She says she’s been back five months and they still haven’t met and he’s hiding something from her. They live only 45 minutes apart. Nev says he must not want to meet her.

They call Tiana on Skype. She says she’s nervous. She says she watches the show and says it’s funny and she doesn’t even know which of them is Nev and which is Max. She says she had just had a baby when they met and she’s raising her baby alone. She says she hasn’t dated anyone else since they met. She says he told her he had a raggedy camera and couldn’t video chat.

She says they talked about a future together so she moved but then he kept making excuses. She says he’s good to talk to. Max asks if James has expressed interest in being a father to her daughter and she says she hasn’t told him because he doesn’t like kids. She says since he loves her, he will love her kid too once they meet in person. Max says this should be interesting.

Tiana again calls them the wrong names and Max says this is going to be a train wreck and he can’t wait to go along for the ride. Nev shoots video of Max sleeping in the car. Nev says it’s a shame they’re in NC for this when it’s such a beautiful state. They head to see Tiana who gives them a side hug. Tiana talks about how her sister was sent to foster care and she was sent to her grandma.

Then they talk about James. She says she contacted him right away when she got there. She says she made dinner reservations, got dressed up and waited and he didn’t show. She says she then drove to meet him and he didn’t show up or answer the phone. She says he knows how to calm her down and says she has a bad attitude that has made her lose a lot of friends.

She plays a voice mail where he says he loves her and works a lot and though it seems like he’s been neglecting and mistreating her, he really loves her. She says at first his profile pic was a cartoon picture then he sent a selfie. She shows some photos. Nev says it looks like a photo from a photo shoot and she jumps to the insane conclusion that he might be famous (not that he stole a photo).

She says it’s three years and if he’s not who he is, it will be hard. Nev reminds her she’s been lying to him too. Max says they’re going to see what they can dig up on him too. She still has their names wrong and they refuse to tell her which of them is which. They wonder what James is hiding and decide it must be big.

Nev and Max head to a coffee shop to work. Nev says it’s a #classiccatfish. They start with the image search. They find a YouTube channel from NC. It’s a guy called TipsyTwist who’s a local rapper who also goes by Klassified. Max says they can show Tiana the video and asks if it sounds like his voice. They wonder if he’s married. They wonder why a rapper would pretend to be a mechanic.

They look him up on Facebook and his name is Gregory Johnson. Nev says this is not good news for her. They look up James Sloan on Facebook and find a bunch in NC. They find one that’s a mechanic. It’s a white dude! Max says it’s a 50 year old pervert guy and says he’s the picture of who you fear you’re talking to on the internet. Nev says this could be a serious disaster.

Nev and Max go meet up with Tiana and her friend Aisha and their daughters. Aisha says she doesn’t like what James is putting her through. She says she wouldn’t have let it go on this far. Max asks if Aisha knows that James doesn’t like kids and she says that will be awkward. Nev says they found some things. He says they searched the photos and found a YouTube video.

They ask if she knows the name Tipsy Twist. She says James never talked about making music. Then they show her Gregory Johnson’s Facebook page. They show her the video and ask if it’s his voice. Tiana says it doesn’t sound like him. She says his voice was way deeper. Now the #TruthComesOut. Then they tell her about the James Sloan they found. She says it’s the same icon on MySpace.

Then they show her that he’s a mechanic and then they see what he looks like. Aisha says it’s crazy and Tiana is stunned. She says she’s 21 and is stunned. Nev says they know nothing yet. He says this guy profile fits the description. Nev says the guy in the photos is not the guy she’s talking to. She starts crying. Aisha says not to start crying now. Aisha says this is crazy and Nev says he’s going to call and try to meet up with the guy.

Nev calls James and asks if he’s heard of the show Catfish. He says he got his number from Tiana. He says he’s at work and needs to call back. Nev says they know the photos are fake but she still wants to meet up with him tomorrow. He says it’s a possibility. Nev says he doesn’t want him not to show and Nev says to do the right thing. The guy agrees.

Nev comes back in and says James says he would meet her. He says maybe they can make it happen. Nev says Aisha knows as much as anyone and asks if she wants to get involved. Nev says he’ll text him and make a plan and they won’t let him get away this time. The next day, they go over to Tiana’s to talk. She says she felt like she wasting all her time. Nev texts James to tell him they’re ready to go.

He texts back and says I’m at the shop alone – come by. He gives an address that’s about 10 minutes away. Tiana says that’s wrong he’s so close. They head out. They pull up at the address and Aisha says it feels familiar there. Aisha says it’s Ricky G’s shop – it’s her baby daddy’s cousin. Tiana says she doesn’t know him. They get out to go inside and check it out.

Nev opens the garage door and Aisha freaks out. It’s Trez – Tiana asks who it is and it’s Aisha’s baby daddy. Tiana asks if she’s in on this. Aisha is furious. Trez admits he had a kid with Aisha who stomps off. She gets back in the car and says she’s f-ing ready to go. Trez asks why they brought his f-ing baby mama. Nev says he had no idea that’s what it was.

Nev and Max talk to Tiana then Max goes to talk to Aisha. She gets back out of the car and Aisha goes off on Trez who is trying to close the garage door. She’s yelling at him about locking down Tiana for three years and then ran off all her boyfriends and doesn’t want her to be with anybody. Trez keeps saying it wasn’t like that. Tiana then says she’s the one going through this.

Nev asks Trez why he was talking with Tiana and he says he didn’t want this to be messy. Aisha says he’s the father of her seven year old and he runs off her boyfriends and always had a new bitch in the picture. Tiana says she’s never met him and he says they met three years ago at a bar in Halloween. He says they weren’t properly introduced but he liked her. He says he was trying to just holler.

Then he says sorry and it wasn’t supposed to go on this long. Aisha says now her friend is looking at her like she had something to do with this. Trez says it was never supposed to go this far and he had to keep stretching the lie out. Aisha says he helps with her other kids and tells Tiana he has eight kids. Tiana says she’s in love with who and Aisha says with her baby daddy.

Nev asks how he feels about Tiana and he says he has strong feelings for her and he says he cares about Aisha because she’s his baby mama. Nev comes and tells Tiana that Trez has feelings for her and she says they’re supposed to be in love and says he knows he screwed up bad and wishes it hadn’t played out like this. Tiana cries and says she just wants to go and can’t talk right now. She’s bawling.

Later, Tiana cries and Nev tells her it’s nothing she did. He asks if she and Aisha talked after they left. She says this was all a slap in the face. He asks if she wants to sit and talk with Trez and she says yes so they head to talk to him. They go to his house. Nev says Tiana wanted to hear what he had to say. Trez says he couldn’t speak his mind yesterday. He says he didn’t want to hurt Aisha’s feelings.

He tells Tiana he loves her but she says it’s bullcrap. Nev asks what he loves about her. He says he loves her personality. He says she plays means but she’s really sweet and sarcastic as hell and pretty too. Max asks if he knows she has a kid. Max says James told her that he didn’t want kids and didn’t like him. He says it’s not that he doesn’t care about kids. He says he doesn’t want more kids.

Max asks if there are eight and he agrees then says others that he helps with that aren’t his biological kids. He says he is friends with Aisha but that’s all but says he and Tiana can be together now and says he can help her raise her daughter. They leave to let them talk but leave the camera. Trez says he’s sorry he lied to her but never lied about his feelings. He says he can grow some dreds and she laughs.

She says he’s a clown. She says he can handle her attitude but says it will be hard to be with him when her best friend is his baby mama. Tiana says he is good about taking her out of being mad and she says she can’t let it go and says it’s real. Nev says Trez has some work to do to earn her trust. Tiana says she lied to but he has that touch. They hug and then she leaves with the guys.

One month later, Nev calls Tiana and she says she and Trez are not a thing. She says it just didn’t feel right and she’s ready to move on to someone else. She says she and Aisha got into an argument and aren’t friends anymore since Trez kept calling. She says she showed her true colors and there will not be any friendship there again.

Then they call Aisha and ask her what’s up. She says Tiana wants to believe that she knew it was Trez and she can’t believe she didn’t know. Aisha says she wants nothing to do with Trez and she has moved on. They reached out to Trez but he ignored their calls.

Stormy Elizabeth:
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