CSI: Cyber Recap 3/11/15: Season 1 Episode 2 “CMND: \CRASH”

CSI: Cyber Recap 3/11/15: Season 1 Episode 2 "CMND: \CRASH"CSI: Cyber Recap 3/11/15: Season 1 Episode 2 "CMND: \CRASH"

Tonight on CBS CSI: Cyber returns with an all new Wednesday March 11, season 1 episode 2 called, “CMND: \CRASH” and we have your weekly recap below. On tonight’s episode, a roller coaster crash is investigated.

On the last episode, agents with the FBI’s Cyber investigated illegal activities on the Internet. In the opener, the cyber analysts probed a case of hacked baby monitors. Did you watch the last episode? If you missed it, we have a full and detailed recap right here for you.

On tonight’s episode as per the CBS synopsis, “a roller coaster crash is investigated and the probe reveals it was caused by someone who hacked into the ride’s internal computer”

Tonight’s episode looks like it is going to be great and you won’t want to miss it, so be sure to tune in for our live coverage of CBS’s CSI: Cyber at 10:00 PM EST! While you wait for our recap hit the comments and let us know how excited you are about the new season.

Tonight’s episode begins now – Refresh Page often to get the most current updates!

#CSICyber starts with a guy who’s made a model roller coaster in his garage. He tests what would happen if the brake system failed. We see the full scale model of the coaster at a theme park in Virginia. The next car crashes into the one before it as people try to get out. It’s a mess. There are body parts and one dead person. Brody wakes to the sound of a car alarm and curses as he rushes to get dressed. He goes out to find Avery sitting on the hood of his car. She cuts off the car alarm and he can’t believe she hacked it. She says it took all of five minutes.

She tells Brody that associating with known felons breaks their deals. She says the black hat upstairs is a bad hacker and says it’s binary. He works for her or goes to jail. She says that’s how it is and he asks how she even knew he was there. Avery tells Simon he seems grouchy but he says he’s covetous after he saw Brody’s car. He says they have a new case – the amusement park coaster crash. Simon says the coaster’s computer is their only suspect. Elijah says he’s pulling the info now and complains about having to split custody and missing time with his kid.

Daniel complains that it looks like Brody will be sticking around. Simon looks at the board while Avery asks what they have. Simon says they collected smart phone and footage from bystanders and riders. There were no ransom demands or public claim of responsibility. Avery asks Raven to pull the ride’s diagnostics. They look at a 3D rendering. There were more than 100 fail safes that all failed. Avery says there’s no coincidence and says someone compromised the code. They look at a guy who proposes to a girl as she gets off. Then the coaster hits and she goes flying. She’s the one who died.

They head to the scene of the accident. Avery listens to witness statements and says there are dozens of witnesses with no connection to the park or each other. Elijah gets a call and says two more victims died. There’s no physical evidence and no one was near the compute room. A guy shows up and Avery asks what he’s looking for. He says it’s Sarah’s ring. He says he wants her to have the ring. Avery asks his name and he says it’s Alex. He asks how something like this could happen. Avery says they’re going to find the person responsible for Sarah’s death.

Brody looks around at the wreckage and Daniel asks him to cable him. He asks if Brody is freaking out and he asks Daniel if this ever becomes normal. Daniel says there’s no shame admitting he’s not man enough for this. Brody tells him one day they will be best friends. Daniel says he’ll get back to him on that. Avery comes over and Daniel says the fail safe didn’t engage because the coaster computer didn’t think the incident happened. No system failure was detected. Avery asks what Brody is thinking. He says it’s rumors and speculation but says there’s been chatter about a source code to hack and crash this.

Daniel says it wasn’t remotely hacked. He says it’s completely air gapped with no internet or blue tooth. Elijah sees that the camera on the door was turned away. Raven gives them park security logs. She asks Raven to go back two days on the footage. They see 17 different employees tried to get into that door with 17 different IDs. Avery says the hacker tried a bunch of different cards. Raven says no employees have reported cards lost or stolen and Elijah says it was likely skimming. The guy put a dummy device where the employees scan in to steal info.

Raven says she found one denied swipe five times. Raven says the guy was laid off two months ago and he was a park engineer. Raven pulls up a photo of him and puts it up. It’s Alex Davis – the guy looking for the ring. They bring Alex in for a chat and asks if he hacked the coaster computer. Elijah asks why he was fired. He says he was always late and his boss could only cut him so much slack. Alex says he was only mad at himself. Elijah asks why he snuck into the park but Alex says he never did that. Avery says his card tried to open the door a week before the crash.

Alex says that day was the first time he’d been back since he was fired. Avery asks why he didn’t ride. He says he met Sarah when she got off the ride and he was recreating that moment. She asks how designed the engagement ring and he says it was his grandmother. Avery says he’s innocent. Elijah says Alex’s ID card was the first attempt and the hacker must not have known that Alex had been fired. Avery says bank robbers cache banks and they need to figure out what this guy’s goal was. Daniel pulls out a card and finds a bluetooth radio in the ride’s computer.

Avery asks where Brody is and Daniel says he’s with Raven. Avery tells him to embrace the bromance. Daniel says that’s the murder weapon – the bluetooth card. He says the target placed a fake panel Daniel says the extra panel hid in plain sight because no one knew to look at it. He hid similar panels around and shows her how he can control the elevators and lights. He says that part costs about $50 and you can get it anywhere on line. Daniel says it’s so easy that a nine year old could use it. Daniel says he’s hoping for trace evidence on the board.

Daniel says the hacker wasn’t in the control room and only had to be within 60 feet. She says he just uncovered the target’s motive. She goes to tell Simon the killer was there among the crowd. She rattles off a list of personality types that would want to witness the carnage for fun. Avery says the person likely shared the footage of the carnage was posted online for other sickos. Simon wonders who the guy was trying to impress. Avery says she thinks the target is part of a deviant peer group. Simon says he’s used to fighting street gangs and drug dealers but this is a whole new level.

Avery says she thinks the target will strike again and will escalate because of the encouragement they likely got from the first attack.

Raven and Brody work on the board. She says she found blood. They get to work looking for some DNA. Brody says the target left blood. They got a match but the target’s identity is sealed by the FBI. Elijah calls Simon and asks him to push for it. Simon talks to Colin but he won’t hand over the name and says the guy is a CI in a case he’s been building for two years. They next go after Ronnie Sloane. The guy is working on a computer with headphones on and is shocked to see Elijah there with a gun. He says he didn’t do anything. They tell him they found his device.

Ronnie says he had nothing to do with it. He says he has connections at the FBI and Elijah says they’re not there and he better start talking. The guy says he makes a lot of boards for people but says it’s an all cash business and he doesn’t ask questions. Avery tells Brody the blood trace was a dead end and asks him to get her into a black hat gore porn forum. He says you have to be invited. He says the forum administrators take exclusivity seriously. She says to create an identity and earn their trust. He says she told him to stay off the deep web but she says to just do it. Brody says he likes her roll.

He goes to work and starts trying to get into a site. He lands an account and then goes looking for the coaster photos. He finds a match and says he’s been using Naughty99 on the server. Simon asks how he did it that fast. Brody says some guy named Otto posted the video. Brody says Otto has been trying to get into the private forum and he was told the roller coaster crash wasn’t deadly enough. Otto is planning a subway crash to try and get the access he wants.

Elijah says he checked surveillance everywhere in the park within the 60 foot radius and says he found nothing. Elijah suggests tagging the bluetooth device and he has a bluetooth sniffer. Brody is chatting with Otto. Avery says to tell him she’s incredibly aroused by the promise of a spectacle. Then she asks when it will happen. He says three hours from now. Elijah says that’s peak rush hour on the East Coast. Avery asks where so she can see it but not be in it. Avery asks if they can watch it together. He says no. Avery says if he wants access, he has to meet her.

The blue screen shuts them down and Daniel says the real administrator likely shut them down. Avery says as far as Otto knows, they kicked him off the forum. She says he’ll be there in Boston the only question is which line. She says he’ll crash it into the barrier at the end of the line since that’s the only place to guarantee a crash. Avery and the crew land in Boston. Simon says they found a train still moving and blowing through stops. Avery tells them they have to move now because it looks like Otto accelerated the plan. They roll out lights blaring.

Daniel gets a call from Brody and tells him he’s trying to load code telling the trains they’re at the end of the line. Brody is in a car racing for the station. Daniel says he stopped the train and tells Brody to get to Hillridge Station now. Avery says to get everyone off the train. Elijah and Brody rush into the train station and pry the doors open. They rush them out but then the car starts to move again. Elijah jumps on the back of the train and Brody calls Avery to say Otto got control of it again. Elijah heads to the front and tries the manual break.

He calls Brody who tells him to look in the panel and yank the card out. Elijah opens the panel and says the POC isn’t there. Brody says to check outside underneath the last train car. He goes running back there. He struggles to reach the card and then grabs a coat hanger from someone’s dry cleaning and uses that. He uses the little bracelet his kid gave him to work with the hanger to get the card. Avery gets out at the station with the bluetooth chaser.

Brody tells Elijah how to pull it but he just bashed it and the brakes engage. The train stops and Elijah gets off. Avery finds the phone in a trash can. She looks around for the perpetrator. She spots a guy and calls him Otto. He’s smirking a little. He goes to run and she knocks him down. They arrest and haul him out. Everyone is safe. Brody says he never thought he’d be riding with 5-0 then asks Daniel if he wants to go to a rom-com with him. Daniel says he’s not his boyfriend and isn’t going to hang out with him. Elijah goes to pick up Michelle and gets a big hug.

She asks where her bracelet is and he says he used it to save a lot of lives today. She says she’ll make him another. He’s thrilled. Brody asks Daniel if they always have to do paperwork. Daniel says he’s trying to get rid of him so he can write the report up and take all the credit. Brody asks how much time he thinks Otto will get. Raven asks Brody who’s blowing up his phone. He says he’s supposed to ditch her but doesn’t know what to say. Raven and Brody leave to get pizza. He left his phone so Daniel picks it up. He says Brody is unavailable but he’s a colleague of Brody’s. He tells her she has a sexy voice too. He asks if she can come pick him up since he doesn’t have a car.



Stormy Elizabeth:
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