Dance Moms Recap – Nia Out, JoJo In: Season 5 Episode 6 “Nia Risks It All”

Tonight on Lifetime Abby Lee Miller’s Dance Moms continues with an all new Tuesday February 10, season 5 episode 6 called, “Nia Risks It All,” and we have your weekly recap below. On tonight’s episode, after a chaotic first week in Los Angeles, things do not settle down when Abby and Holly have their biggest and most shocking fight ever, causing Holly to go behind Abby’s back to work with a huge star despite the consequences.

On the last episode, the ALDC had finally arrived in Los Angeles and they were in for their toughest competition yet, when a top West Coast dance studio declared war. Abby setup an audition with a casting agent for the girls but the pressure of LA was too great and Abby suffered her biggest breakdown yet, forcing the moms to question her abilities as a manager. Did you watch the episode? If you missed it we have a full and detailed recap right here for you.

On tonight’s episode as per the Lifetime synopsis, “after a chaotic first week in Los Angeles, things do not settle down when Abby and Holly have their biggest and most shocking fight ever, causing Holly to go behind Abby’s back to work with a huge star despite the consequences. Maddie prepares for another big Hollywood job, and all the girls soon are on edge when Abby announces an open call audition in Los Angeles. Holly and Nia grow especially fearful of their futures with the ALDC.”

Tonight’s episode is going to be another drama packed evening, which you won’t want to miss. So be sure to tune in for our live coverage of Lifetime’s Dance Mom’s Season 5 episode 6 – tonight at 9 PM EST! While you wait for our recap, hit the comments and let us know how excited you are about this new episode of Dance Moms tonight!

Tonight’s episode begins now – Refresh Page often to get the most current updates!

#DanceMoms starts now. Still in LA, they are three days out before the next competition and are at a new studio. Jill wonders if Abby will show up for rehearsal since she’s been so erratic since they got to town. Holly asks the moms if they’re going to speak up and have her back. Jill says she will but Melissa says nothing. Holly is reaching out to people she knows to try and promote Nia. She called up Aubrey O’Day to ask if she would work with Nia. Holly says if Abby isn’t going to do her job as manager, she’ll do it.

Abby is there for rehearsal and calls the girls in. She says the last competition was a failure. Holly asks how she can blame the kids when Abby was absent and Jill said Abby showed up looking like a homeless woman. Jill says she wasn’t herself last week and it concerned all of them. Holly says she never explained herself and Jill demands to know if it will happen again. Abby says she doesn’t owe them an explanation and says if she’s not there, she’s doing something important.

Holly tells Abby that she’s mean spirited and ruined Nia’s audition. Abby tells her she’s lying when Holly says Abby always takes things from Nia. Abby says the girls need to go in the other woman and dance. Holly says she won’t be in the room with a liar and she calls Abby a shallow, nasty woman but says she’s not leaving the team. She screams at Abby to get her act together and stop telling lies. Then she screams at the other moms and calls them cowards before she storms out.

Jill says she’s never seen Holly likes this. Outside, Holly cries and says she’s sick and tired of it. She says she and Nia deserve better and calls Abby nasty, foul and insane. Abby calls up Aubrey O’Day and tells her that Holly called her behind her back. Abby shuts down Holly’s interaction with Aubrey. Jessalynn thinks Holly needs to keep Abby in her pocket. Abby says it’s hard to feel like she has a team when a mother goes behind her back and uses one of her friends like that.

Abby does pyramid. She has Jojo at the bottom then pulls her off since she’s not part of the team. There’s Nia, Kendall, Mackenzie, Kalani and Maddie at the top. She says they’re doing Sheer Talent where she’s sure they will be humiliated. She gives Kendall and Jojo solos but says JoJo is still not on the team. Jill wonders why JoJo gets a solo when she’s not on the team. Abby tears up and says no one is going to talk to her like that.

She says she wants to teach dance and be creative but doesn’t want to do this anymore and waves her arms around at the moms. She walks out and Jill wonders if she’ll come back at all this time. Abby says she didn’t come to LA to fight with mothers – she says this is about ALDC making the move to Hollywood. Abby tells the moms they can stay in the room since there’s no viewing room but has to be respectful.

Jessalynn asks if JoJo can be a swing in the group number since Nia is gone. Abby is fine with plugging JoJo into the spot and thinks Nia is dumb for not being there. Abby says they have to redeem themselves from their second place win last week. Jill asks if the moms need to step out to let the girls focus. They promise not to go outside and yell. Abby tells them being nasty will not help them with her. Jill says they’ll be good and they step out.

Jessalynn says they have JoJo back but the other moms says they’d rather have Nia. Jessalynn says Holly did this to herself. At the Boom Boom Room, Holly takes Nia to meet Aubrey O’Day at the studio. Aubrey asks what happened and Nia says Abby got crazy. Aubrey says that’s an extreme amount of drama and says Nia needs to fight for her opportunities. They put Nia into the studio to sing. Holly says Aubrey has been working with them and called in people.

Holly says they’re making the song with or without Abby. Holly says she’s in LA to pursue opportunities for Nia and says Nia is flourishing. Abby coaches Kendall on her solo and tells her it’s jazz but shouldn’t be so angular. Abby says this solo is Bollywood and they researched to get the right arm movements. Jessalynn asks if Jill is worried that JoJo will beat Kendall. Jill says Kendall will beat her. Jill says it will be tough for Kendall to focus since Nia is her best friend and is not there.

Abby has JoJo working on a solo based on the horror movie Carrie. She tells her it needs to be chaos. Abby says JoJo needs to watch the movie to get Carrie’s vulnerability and the metamorphosis of the emotion. Jill says JoJo has been lucky to get what she wants from Abby. Jessalynn says it will be a good week for JoJo and says Holly’s problems don’t affect her. JoJo wants to be on the team and Jessalynn says this is the week for JoJo to shows what she can do.

Abby tells the girls they’re done for the day and says they need to show up the people that aren’t there with them. Abby says Holly has known her well enough to know what happens to people that go behind her back and says the kids always pay for the parent’s actions. Next day at rehearsal, neither JoJo or Nia are there yet. Jill tells the girls if Nia shows up, they need to help her learn the group number. Nia and Holly come in and the girls run to give Nia a hug.

Holly says she wants Nia at ALDC but says they needed to have a little time to focus on why they’re in LA. They tell Nia that JoJo took her spot int eh group number. Gia calls the girls into rehearsal and Jill asks if Abby is going to show up. Holly thinks Abby is trying to avoid her. Gia works with the girls on the group number. JoJo still hasn’t shown up. Melissa asks Holly what they did yesterday and she says they were in the studio with Aubrey O’Day.

She says it was really cool and an encouraging experience. Jessalynn calls Kira and says JoJo is being treated for lice and says the other girls gave it to her. Jill is annoyed then says Nia is there and they don’t need JoJo. Abby calls Gia and she says she’s working on JoJo’s costume. Gia tells her that Nia is there but JoJo is not. Abby says Holly was in the wrong and could have apologized to her. She tells Gia that Nia is not in the group number.

Gia goes to talk to the moms and says that Abby said Nia can’t be in the group number. Holly thinks Abby is taking her anger out on Nia. The moms go out for lunch and wine. Kira says Jessalynn keeps getting her way. Then they tell Nia that Jess said Holly brought it all on herself. Holly calls her a vulture and says she’s taking advantage to advance her own kid. Jessalynn shows up and asks what happened. Jill says Nia is out and JoJo is still in group.

Holly confronts Jess about saying she brought this on herself. Jessalynn says Abby is not in her right frame of mind right now. Holly calls her a lousy mother and a disgusting person. Jessalynn tells her it’s Abby she’s really mad at but is going after her. The other moms walk out annoyed. It’s the day of Sheer Talent. Holly says this is the worst day they’ve had since she brought her to ALDC when she was three. Holly brings Nia to be with the other girls even though she’s not dancing with them.

Abby shows up and is greeted by screaming fans. Holly tells Nia that Abby is not the end all and says there are other Abbies in the world but tells Nia she can do anything she sets her heart and mind to. Abby comes in and sees Holly and Nia there. Abby tells Nia she bought a treat for her. Nia gets a t-shirt that says “Stay Strong.” Jessalynn tells Abby she looks good. Jessalynn is thrilled they got rid of JoJo’s lice and she gets to dance.

Abby puts fake blood on her to prepare her for her solo. Abby says she’s not psycho enough and asks if she saw the movie. Jessalynn says they didn’t have time and Abby says she should have put it on the laptop in front of her when she was getting her lice treatment. Jill is really hoping that Kendall will beat JoJo and shut Jessalynn up for good. Kendall starts crying and says her costume is too tight. Jill thinks Kendall is cracking under the pressure.

Abby tells Kendall to pull it together. She says other kids aren’t getting solos and she is. She tells the girls to break a leg. Jill says it’s been a long rough week with no enough rehearsal. Jill is worried about Kendall’s break down. She goes out for her Bollywood-inspired solo. It’s a little stilted looking and the music is an odd choice. Then the music abruptly stops and Kendall keeps going. Abby and the other moms start clapping to give her some rhythm. She continues on hearing the music in her head.

When she’s done the crowd goes wild. Abby says she was a trooper. Next up is JoJo’s bloody prom queen. It’s really horrific looking but in an inspired way. The crowd seems to love it. Abby says JoJo looked good but didn’t have the emotional roller coaster she wanted. She says it’s because she never watched the movie. The girls go get ready for the group number. Abby says it’s nice that Nia is there for the other girls but says Holly is on thin ice and may fall in if she opens her mouth again.

Nia watches from the wings as they dance. It looked great. Nia tells them it was really good and she says she was sad about not being in it. JoJo says now she knows how she feels for the past three weeks. Nia tells JoJo that she’s not really on the team anyway. Solo awards are up first. JoJo takes fifth place and Abby looks angry. Kendall takes second place. Jill is thrilled that JoJo didn’t beat Kendall. Jill says she’s so proud.

Now in the group category, ALDC takes first place. The moms are pleased and Abby claps. Holly says Nia needs to go up there but Abby tells her to stop it. She says if you don’t dance, you don’t go up to get the award. Abby hugs the girls afterward and says the week ended on a high note. She tells the girls she’ll see them tomorrow. Jill says Nia should have been in the group number. Jill admits that JoJo did her job but says Nia should have been allowed in the number.

Holly says the moms keep saying Nia is part of the team but say nothing when Abby is in the room. Jessalynn says it wasn’t her decision to put JoJo in but says she stepped in and helped win the number and says – you’re welcome. She tells Holly that she’s sorry it didn’t work out for her but Holly says it was a great week and that Nia got to follow her dreams. Holly says the team is broken and the other moms won’t support her.



Stormy Elizabeth:
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