Dance Moms Recap – Cathy Is Back and Bitchier Than Ever: Season 5 Episode 10 “The New Maddie?”

Dance Moms Recap - Cathy Is Back and Bitchier Than Ever: Season 5 Episode 10 "The New Maddie?"Dance Moms Recap - Cathy Is Back and Bitchier Than Ever: Season 5 Episode 10 "The New Maddie?"

Tonight on Lifetime Abby Lee Miller’s Dance Moms continues with an all new Tuesday March 10, season 5 episode 10 called, “The New Maddie?” and we have your weekly recap below. On tonight’s episode, the ALDC girls are fresh off a big win and seem to be moving forward after their rocky journey to LA. That is, until Abby’s nemesis, Cathy from the Candy Apples, returns with a surprise choreographer who’s sure to rattle the ALDC’s confidence.

On the last episode It’s the ALDC’s first week back in Pittsburgh and the pressure was on to win after the girls’ lackluster showing in Los Angeles. There is division amongst the moms based on who stayed to film the MattyB music video and who left. In true Abby fashion, the group dance was a personal attack against the mothers. Making matters worse, Abby discovered the team was in the teen division and one older member must sit out, sparking even more controversy amongst the team. Did you watch the episode? If you missed it, we have a full and detailed recap right here for you.

On tonight’s episode as per the Lifetime synopsis, “The ALDC girls are fresh off a big win and seem to be moving forward after their rocky journey to LA. That is, until Abby’s nemesis, Cathy from the Candy Apples, returns with a surprise choreographer who’s sure to rattle the ALDC’s confidence. Abby invites Ashlee and her daughter Brynn to come dance at the ALDC and quickly praises her as the next Maddie, which the original Moms do not appreciate.”

Tonight’s episode is going to be another drama packed evening, which you won’t want to miss. So be sure to tune in for our live coverage of Lifetime’s Dance Mom’s Season 5 episode 10 – tonight at 9 PM EST! While you wait for our recap, hit the comments and let us know how excited you are about this new episode of Dance Moms tonight!

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Dance Moms starts with the girls coming in and then the moms. Jill says Ashlee is back because Abby must have talked her into bringing Brynn back. Abby says she brought Brynn to Pittsburgh because she has the skills but needs more education. It’s time for pyramid. Nia is at the bottom for not placing in her solo. Next is JoJo and she says she stayed on the music and kept time. Next is Mackenzie. Abby says her ability to comprehend choreography quickly is amazing.

Kendall is next and Abby wishes her happy birthday. She says the solo was great but says she should have stayed out of Maddie’s age category. Next is Maddie. She was in the group and says that helped with the win. Kalani is at the top for winning overall high score in her division and for the whole day. Abby says this week is Sheer Talent in Wayne, NJ. She says Cathy will be there. Holly says Cathy annoys Abby like no one else.

Holly says Cathy hasn’t been seen once in the last eight weeks and that’s strange. She wonders what’s up. Abby says Maddie gets the first solo called Vertigo. She says she has a reputation to uphold because Chandelier was art and it’s nominated for four Grammys. Abby high fives her and says they’re going to the awards show. Maddie says she’s really not going with Abby. The next solo goes to Brynn and it’s called Diamond in the Rough.

The group routine is Dance in the Rain and says you can’t wait for the storm to pass. They have just two days to rehearse. She tells Nia and Mackenzie to bring their banner and crowns for winning national Sheer Talent awards. Abby is annoyed that Nia has a sour look on her face all during pyramid. Abby says Nia is making a face and Holly defends her and says she’s just standing there listening. Holy says the little needling needs to stop and says of course she’ll bring the banner and crown.

Abby tells them all to get out. Holly says Abby is never satisfied and says her treatment of Nia is horrendous. Holly says Nia was focused and attentive and Abby was picking on her. Jessa says Brynn didn’t flinch and it shouldn’t be a problem for Nia to react the same way. Melissa wishes Abby and Holly would talk and move on. Over at Candy Apples, Cathy tells her group that ALDC went to LA and didn’t work out very well. She has Erin Babbs there, one of the LA choreographers that beat her.

Cathy has brought her in as a guest choreographer. She says Abby came back to Pittsburgh to regroup. Cathy says Abby is going down at the next competition. Abby tells the girls that Cathy thinks she’s a rival but isn’t much to talk about. They start rehearsing the group routine and Abby says Cathy won’t beat her no matter what she has up her sleeve. Abby says Nia is not turning in fifth. Ashlee asks if it’s been this way since the music incident.

Jill says Abby has been this way since Holly called Aubrey O’Day behind her back. Kira says Abby is going to do what she’s going to do. Jill asks Holly if she’s considered talking to Abby. Holly says she has no desire to do that. None. She repeats none several times.

Abby next works with Brynn on her solo. She says she has talent but not enough experience and putting her against Maddie this week will push her. Abby says if Nia was in here they would have to change it 14 times because Nia couldn’t do it. Holly says Abby always lavishes praise on new people. Jessa asks if it’s real or fake. Kira says Brynn isn’t the first to hear this. Ashlee asks if they’re intimidated by Brynn being there. Jill says she’s not but feels territorial.

She says for a new kid to come in and get a solo was a solo that could have been Kendall’s. They tell Ashlee the first few weeks are the honeymoon phase. Abby tells Ashlee that Brynn has a real special gift for dance. She says the solo can be amazing if she nails it. She says she can’t make any mistakes. Over at Candy Apples, Erin is working on a contemporary number called Turn about good versus evil. Cathy says she’s the good guy in white while Abby is the bad guy. She says bringing in Erin will rattle Abby. Cathy has two days to competition and isn’t seeing the focus level from her dancers. She says Lucas is acting squirrelly. His mom Brigette says Lucas feel like she’s playing favorite with the Moraleses. She says Lucas loves and respects her. Cathy wants Brigette to pipe down and be happy Lucas is on the team.

Nia isn’t there and Maddie says something bad with Holly and Abby happens every week. Kalani says it’s also hard to have your teacher be mad at you because something your mom did. They agree it’s like Chloe and Christy all over. Maddie says if this goes on it will be that big. Maddie says you can’t mess with Abby and expect things to go well. Maddie is rehearsing her solo and Abby says to get her butt in gear.

Abby says Maddie is being pulled in so many directions she doesn’t want her to rest on her laurels. She says Brynn has many things that Abby doesn’t. The moms ask Ashlee about what Abby said to her. She says Abby told her that Brynn is perfect and was put on this earth to dance. Holly says wow and says that’s interesting since Abby is tearing down the dancers on her team. Holly says Abby won’t let a new kid come in and beat Maddie. Jill tells Ashlee that she’s buttering her up but won’t let Maddie lose.

Rehearsing the group number, the moms discuss the timing is all off. Jill says they can’t be off this week because of Cathy especially after the turmoil in LA. She says they can’t lose to the Crabby Apples. Jill says Cathy told her she looks like a man. Ashlee asks why Cathy is back after all this time and Jill says you’d think Cathy would tuck tail and run. Abby tells the girls they have to put the blinders on and ignore the Candy Apples.

Abby gives them notes on solos and the group numbers then sends them off. It’s competition day and Abby’s fans are out in force chanting her name. Cathy has her bullhorn and goes to mess with Abby’s head. She comes out and poses for photos with some of Abby’s fans. Abby tells her girls not to acknowledge them. Holly says the only thing worse than Cathy’s obnoxious voice is hearing it over a megaphone. She follows them down the hall and says Erin is there after beating the pants off Abby in LA.

Abby says Cathy is a snake for going all the way to LA to get a choreographer. Holly says Abby’s mantra is usually that Cathy is beneath her but says with Erin Babbs there, she’s under her skin. Kira says she wants to shove the megaphone up her ass. Abby pulls off her microphone and walks off. Cathy says her job is done.

Abby says she can’t let Cathy get under her skin and has to focus on beating her on stage. Brigette, one of Cathy’s moms comes to give a sporting good luck. Cathy sees her and rants and asks whether she’s the welcoming committee. Cathy says she can’t fraternize with the enemy and says to keep her butt out of the ALDC camp. She says Lucas belongs on the Candy Apples. Maddie is up first with her Vertigo solo. Abby says Maddie isn’t the same kid she was last year because she has so much going on.

Abby says Maddie’s training has suffered and Brynn is a real threat to her. Jill says Melissa must be flipping out worried that Brynn will beat Maddie since she has more tricks in her bag. Abby says Brynn is capable of giving a stunning performance and will give Melissa and Abby a run for their money. They get ready for the group number and Abby says they talked about the storm and says that’s chaos. She says they’re not waiting for the storm to pass. She says they can scream and yell but they dance.

Abby tells the girls to please get a win for her. Cathy tells her team that they need to focus because this is huge and is one of the best dances they’ve ever had. She says they want to celebrate after with a group win. She says they are worthy. Cathy says Abby’s material is tired and old. She says Erin’s choreography will shock and amaze the judges and get their attention. Jill says with the Candy Apples being there and the girls having a rough rehearsal, she hopes it’s not too much for them.

The ALDC group number starts. Abby says it was poetry. She says it was perfect and rhythmic. Now it’s the Candy Apples’ turn. Cathy says she has amazing dancers and Erin’s best moves. She’s sure she has this in the bag. It’s more like musical theater than a straight dance number. It’s interesting. Holly says it was cool, edgy and different and may have beat them. It’s time for the awards so we’ll see if Cathy accomplished her goal at long last.

The solos are up first. Brynn takes second place in the solo. Maddie takes first. Abby hoots and hollers. Maddie took overall high score solo and says she can always count on Maddie to put her heart and soul into whatever she gives her. Now it’s time for the group awards. Cathy is sure Abby is going home empty handed. But then the Candy Apples take second place. Cathy barely claps. She says they got robbed. ALDC takes the first. Abby says they did it again and beat Cathy.

She says maybe next time Cathy should take a longer break next time or just quit trying. The other moms lurk in the hall and congratulate the ALDC moms. Cathy creeps up and Jill asks where the megaphone and all that crap is. Cathy says they’re done three real dancers and all the real ALDC girls are stuck in the back. She says Nia and Kendall are stuck in the back. Jill says her child is dancing with winners. Cathy says to kiss her butt then Jill calls her a loser.

Brigette then says they’re not even supposed to talk to them and Cathy says she can go over there if she’s going to defend them. Jill says to go eat her tea and crumpets and calls her bitch. Cathy kicks Lucas and Brigette out and Brigette says good luck without her son and walks out. Brigette tells Lucas that he needs to tell Cathy he was going to quit anyway. Lucas says he doesn’t even want to waste his breath on Cathy. Brigette says Lucas has worked so hard for Cathy but this is not the place for him.

Jill and Melissa come in and get the megaphone and yell out that ALDC beat her. Jill says it doesn’t feel good when someone is screaming at you with it but she stooped to Cathy’s level. She says she knows it wasn’t nice but she did it anyway. Abby congratulates Brynn, Maddie and the group. Abby says second to Maddie is great but says Brynn won’t come back next week since she has to make arrangements at home. Maddie and Mackenzie find the megaphone and Abby says they can use it. They chant ALDC.

Abby says that’s what winners sound like. Boom!


Stormy Elizabeth:
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