Dance Moms Recap – Nia’s Video Premiere: Season 5 Episode 17 “Showdown in Pittsburgh, Part 1”

Dance Moms Recap - Nia's Video Premiere: Season 5 Episode 17 "Showdown in Pittsburgh, Part 1"Dance Moms Recap - Nia's Video Premiere: Season 5 Episode 17 "Showdown in Pittsburgh, Part 1"

Tonight on Lifetime Abby Lee Miller’s Dance Moms continues with an all new Tuesday April 28, season 5 episode 17 called, “Showdown in Pittsburgh, Part 1” and we have your weekly recap below. On tonight’s episode, with the ALDC back in Pittsburgh to wrap up loose ends before they make the full-time move to LA, Abby has scheduled the team to attend both a competition and a convention.

On the last episode, it was the ALDC’s last competition in LA and JoJo and Kendall had challenging solos. To add to the pressure, Nia and Kendall were both shooting their music videos this week. While Holly and Jill initially remained supportive of each other’s daughters as recording artists, their competitive sides got the best of them which resulted in an all-out war. Did you watch the episode? If you missed it, we have a full and detailed recap right here for you.

On tonight’s episode as per the Lifetime synopsis, “with the ALDC back in Pittsburgh to wrap up loose ends before they make the full-time move to LA, Abby has scheduled the team to attend both a competition and a convention. Adding to the pressure, two of Abby’s biggest enemies, Cathy and Jeanette will be at the competition and are confident they can win. Meanwhile, Holly has organized a premiere party for Nia’s music video, but not everyone in the ALDC is excited about her big debut.”

Tonight’s episode is going to be another drama packed evening, which you won’t want to miss. So be sure to tune in for our live coverage of Lifetime’s Dance Mom’s Season 5 episode 17 – tonight at 9 PM EST! While you wait for our recap, hit the comments and let us know how excited you are about this new episode of Dance Moms tonight!

Tonight’s episode begins now – Refresh Page often to get the most current updates!

#DanceMoms begins back in Pittsburgh. The moms agree it’s good to be home even though they love LA. Holly says she liked LA but missed her husband and sons. They wonder if this will be their last Pittsburgh pyramid. Abby says they’re back for one week and then it’s back to LA. Abby says this may be their last competition in PA. Abby says she wants to get through pyramid fast.

They have their regular competition plus JUMP, a competition where they can attend master classes and win scholarships then they’re headed back to LA. Jessa says Ava and Jeanette are coming and so are the Candy Apples. Jill says this week is more important than any other week but thinks Cathy and Jeanette are going to drive Abby crazy.

Abby calls the girls for pyramid. She says she had a good time in LA and thinks the highlight was seeing Maddie perform at the Grammys. Melissa says the crowd screamed Maddie’s name and Abby says Maddie got more applause than Madonna. Maddie says she had the blonde Sia wig on and celebs were approaching her. Holly says Nia’s video will premiere this weekend between the classes.

Abby asks Holly if she’s lost her mind having a premiere party Saturday afternoon during the JUMP event. Abby tells them all they’re going to Australia and performing a showcase there. The girls cheer. On pyramid at the bottom is Kendall. Abby says she’s not there because of an imperfect solo. She’s there because she cried backstage.

Next is Mackenzie because she didn’t perform. Next is Nia and Abby says she needs to work on her feet. Next is JoJo. Abby says she was good and says it’s hard to perform with arms tied. Next is Kalani and she says she wants to see more leadership out of her. And Maddie is on top as usual. Abby talks about this week’s competition – Star Bound.

Abby gives Kendall a solo and also one to Kalani. She says the group routine is deep and should be chilling. Abby says Cathy has competed against ALDC about 20 times and beat them twice. Abby says the Candy Apples want to beat ALDC so bad and are hungry and that’s the problem. She says Cathy’s team is out for blood.

Melissa says this is a lot of pressure in their lost competition before they go to LA. Abby rehearses the group number first. Holly says Mikey texted her and says he’ll send her a link to the full video shortly. Jill says she gets Holly’s excitement but thinks the team should come first and that Holly is being annoying. Jill says Kendall has a video coming out too and isn’t crowing about it.

Holly says her other friends didn’t think she was bragging and Jill says that’s because they didn’t see what Holly did before it. Jill says Holly got lucky that Aubrey O’Day hooked her up and Holly disagrees. Melissa asks them to focus on this week’s activities. Cathy has her team in a rented space to prep for the competition. She says Jeanette will also be there and they agree she’s a stalker.

Cathy really doesn’t want to lose to Jeanette as well as wanting to beat Abby on her home turf. Cathy starts her group rehearsing. Abby tells the girls she’s not on her phone like their mothers but is working on their merchandise. Jill says she doesn’t see how Abby can manage all this. Holly says she’s distracted and not focused. Jill says Abby is thinking big and it’s too much.

Abby steps out of rehearsal. Cathy talks to her daughter Vivi-Anne. She says her number is about her recent citizenship and then talks about her adoption. She says she wanted her to hold the flag in her hand and know what it meant. Cathy and Vivi are out for ice cream and she says win or lose, it’s a celebration of her daughter. They toast to a winning team.

Cathy works with the group and says they’re introducing Vivi who will be in the dance. Cathy says Abby is always sticking her nose where it doesn’t belong and says she screamed at her years ago that she should have told Vivi was adopted. Then Jeanette shows up and interrupts because she’s also rehearsing in the same space. They talk about having a lot in common.

Cathy says her team are winners against Abby and that’s something not in common. Holly tells the moms she invited Jeanette and her team to the music video premiere. She thinks the more the merrier to support Nia the better. Cathy hears Holly and Jeanette talking and speaks to Holly. She even tells Jeanette she can bring Cathy along to the video premiere. Jill says they cannot tolerate Jeanette and is annoyed that Holly is talking to her and not focusing on the team.

Kira is worried that Kalani won’t be prepared for her solo and Abby is putting pressure on her to beat Cathy’s soloist. Holly gets a call from video director Mikey and says he sent the link to the latest edit and says to watch it in private. Holly says she’s nervous and excited. Holly tells the other moms she’s nervous. Holly steps out to watch the video.

Kira says Holly is pretty conservative and says some stills from the shoot and says it’s pretty risque. Jill asks why Nia is pushing the envelope and going out on a limb. Jill says she thinks Kendall’s video is much more appropriate and isn’t sure she’s going to the premiere. Jessa says at least Kendall’s video is wholesome. Holly watches Nia’s video with a smile.

Abby works with Kendall on her solo and says she doesn’t care what’s going on, she can’t let her emotions come out like that. She says she doesn’t want her to be in Nia’s shadow and says to imagine her video is going to the VMAs. Jill says Abby is nervous and has high expectations. She says the kids are going to be hurt if they don’t beat Eva.

Jeanette asks Eva about her solo and she says it’s going to be called Hurtful Words because of Abby and social media being hurtful. Jeanette says Eva has dealt with so much with Abby. Over at ALDC, Abby calls everyone into the studio – all her students – I’ve never seen all of them. It’s a huge group. She tells them she’s opening an LA branch and says her parents bought the land for her Pittsburgh studio when she was in her 20s.

She says she’s not leaving, closing or going anywhere and ALDC Pittsburgh will always be there. But she says she has to strike while opportunities are hot in LA. She tells them all to get back to class. Melissa says this is hard on everyone and says she’ll miss Pittsburgh. Later, Abby comes to talk to the moms and they compliment her hair. They ask Abby if she’s going to the video premiere and she says she has to work it in during lunch at JUMP.

Abby says she saw some photos that she wasn’t thrilled with. Abby tells Holly she didn’t like the men in underwear around Nia. Holly says Maddie danced with a guy in underwear. Jill says Nia doesn’t have the name Sia does so it’s different. This devolves into an argument. Jill says she doesn’t want to comment because it makes her look jealous. Abby goes back to rehearse with the group. Jeanette says she’s going a harder route to try and beat Abby. Her girls are doing a hip hop number.

Back at ALDC, Kendall is finalizing her solo. Jill is worried about Kendall going up against Kalani and Eva. Jill tells Abby the stakes are higher in their backyard. Holly tells Nia it’s been a tough season for them then asks Nia how she feels about the video. Holly says it doesn’t look like a 13 year old’s video and says the professionalism has some of the other people upset. Nia says they’re hating on her video when they haven’t even seen it. Holly tells her not to let it bother her.

One hour before Nia’s video, people are starting to assemble. Her brothers and dad are there and Holly says Nia may not be the star of ALDC but is a star in her own right. Holly tells her she’s really proud of her. Jeanette is there and Melissa, Jill and Kira are there but the girls aren’t there. Melissa says the girls had another commitment. Holly says she’s not sure Abby will be there and says it is what it is. JoJo is the only ALDC kid there. Holly says Cathy and Jeanette are there to support her.

She says it’s a lot of positivity. Holly and Nia take the stage and people chant Nia’s name. Holly says it’s great to be among friends, family and supporters to celebrate this accomplishment is great. She says it’s not every 13 year old that gets to make a music video. She says she has worked with a lot of great people and says this song is Nia’s story. They play the video. Jill, Kira and Melissa refuse to come stand up front next to Holly and she’s annoyed. Only Jessa and JoJo are up with them.

Abby shows up right before the video starts. She stands with the other moms. The song is kind of meh and it looks like she’s chanelling Nicki Minaj. Lots of thrusting, grinding, crotch shots and bared flesh. Then she dances with some guys in gold Speedos. The video looks cool but more suited to a 17 year old (or someone in their 20s). There’s a guy doing a crotch grab right in the middle of the screen. It’s pretty provocative for a kid is the point.

The audience cheers once it’s done. Nia and Holly seem very pleased. Abby applauds but looks uncomfortable. Holly thinks it’s wonderful. Nia takes the stage and thanks everyone for coming then thanks Aubrey O’Day then thanks Abby for being such a great dance instructor. Abby smiles nicely for the crowd. Her dad Evan invites Abby up to say a few words. She hugs Evan and congratulates Nia on a job well done and says as she moves into the professional world, this is just the beginning.

Nia is glad that Abby is there to support her. She gives Nia a big hug. Abby says it was a slick, dynamic video but she was disappointed that the song and video seemed contrived and not like Nia’s own life. They other moms take off right after Abby. Jessa and JoJo stay. Holly is annoyed since she scheduled it on a break in the event schedule.



Stormy Elizabeth:
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