Dance Moms Recap 7/14/15: Season 5 Episode 27 “Abby vs. Kira…AGAIN!”


Tonight on Lifetime Abby Lee Miller’s Dance Moms continues with an all new Tuesday July 14 season 5 episode 27 called, “Abby vs. Kira…AGAIN!” and we have your weekly recap below. On tonight’s episode, with only four weeks until Nationals, the ALDC is desperate for a group routine win. To make matters worse, the Candy Apples are back with a surprise guest and they’re ready to capitalize on ALDC’s current misfortunes.

On the last episode after last week’s blow out between Abby, Kira, and Kalani, all three were nowhere to be found. With only five weeks to go until Nationals, each girl had a solo to determine who got a spot at the National Competition. Meanwhile, Kendall’s single was dropping, but without her manager there to promote her, there was minimal fanfare. Nia met with music producers to plan for her next single which included a rap, a first for her. Therefore, Holly decided to enlist the help of a special guest to get Nia in the zone, which only served to make Jill jealous. Did you watch the episode? If you missed it, we have a full and detailed recap right here for you.

On tonight’s episode as per the Lifetime synopsis, “with only four weeks until Nationals, the ALDC is desperate for a group routine win. To make matters worse, the Candy Apples are back with a surprise guest and they’re ready to capitalize on ALDC’s current misfortunes. The ALDC is traveling to Arizona and because Kira is still dissatisfied with Abby’s treatment of Kalani, she brings in reinforcements from Kalani’s past, which poses a direct threat to Abby.”

Tonight’s episode is going to be another drama packed evening, which you won’t want to miss. So be sure to tune in for our live coverage of Lifetime’s Dance Mom’s Season 5 episode 27 – tonight at 8 PM EST! While you wait for our recap, hit the comments and let us know how excited you are about this new episode of Dance Moms tonight!

Tonight’s episode begins now – Refresh Page often to get the most current updates!

#DanceMoms starts with the moms showing up at 3rd Street Dace and wondering if Abby will be there. Jess says it’s four weeks until nationals and it’s crucial she stop skipping out on them. Kira says Alexa will work with them – she’s Kalani’s teacher from Arizona. She says Alexa is coming to work on Kalani’s solo since the competition is in Arizona. Jill reminds her how mad Abby got last time she tried to sneak in a solo. Jill thinks Kira is walking into a viper’s nest with this deal with Abby.

Kira says Jeanette is taking over Candy Apples and Melissa shows them a social media post about Ava being with Candy Apples in LA but Cathy not being part of it. Over at Candy Apples, the moms wonder where Cathy is. Jeanette comes in and tells them that Cathy won’t be there this week and she’s going to run the team this week. She says she asked her to lead them to a victory over ALDC. She says she heard Kalani will have a solo and will put Ava up against her since she beat her before.

Then she says the group dance is Famous/Infamous and will be about people who got famous then went crazy like Abby did. Liza wants Chloe to dance this weekend and just wants Jeanette to get rehearsal started. Back at 3rd Street, Nia says she doesn’t see pyramid set up. JoJo asks about Abby but the moms tell her they haven’t seen her. But then Abby is there out of the blue. The moms ask if she watched the solos and she says no.

Holly says she’s glad to see her back. Abby starts talking to the girls and ignoring the moms. Holly asks if she’s going to be there more regularly and Abby says when she’s needed at her studio, she’ll be there. She warms the girls up and mostly disregards the moms. Melissa asks where’s Gianna to let them dance and Abby says they wanted classes so she’s doing what they were hired to do. Kira says Alexa choreographed a solo for Kalani and wanted to work with Abby on it.

Abby says she has to do her job and Alexa can come in and learn from her. Then Gianna comes in and asks if she can warm the girls up. Abby says there’s some controversy over her job description. Abby says she has nothing to say to the moms and Jill asks for five minutes but Abby says that’s five minutes away from the girls. Abby says there are hundreds of girls back home doing without her then Jess says five more minutes shouldn’t matter.

Abby whispers to Gianna to come get her in five minutes and not to let anyone stop her. The moms tell Abby they were just concerned that she wasn’t there last week and she says it had nothing to do with Kira but had to do with Jess. She’s shocked that she’s being blamed. Jess says Kira called Abby names that she never would have done. Abby says it had nothing to do with that. Jess thinks Abby is out of touch. Abby says Jess mentioned that you should help people if you can.

Abby says she has hlped hundreds of children. She says she babysit, bought shoes, food and drove kids around. Holly asks what that had to do with last week. She thinks Abby is deflecting and targeting Jess and making her a scapegoat because she needs Kalani to win. Gianna comes to get Abby and says it’s been five minutes. Abby walks out on the moms. The moms then break into bickering. Jess says Kira should have stood up and taken the blame.

Jess says no one but Kira could have stood up and said that. Jill tells Kira she’s all talk. Abby tells the girls they’re going to Arizona to Expressions Dance Competition. She says Kalani will have a solo and she has to be amazing. Abby says they have a group dance called The Panic Room. She starts rehearsal. Abby says the moms are ridiculous for thinking she’s given up on them when she is busting her butt to make their girls stars. She says they undermine and offend her constantly. Abby says this is inspired by the Jody Foster movie Panic Room.

The moms talk about facing off against Candy Apples and beating them last time in the group competition. They worry they could lose to them. Holly says they’re on a losing streak and that’s got her worried. Jeanette is rehearsing a lyrical number with Candy Apples. Back at 3rd Street, Alexa shows up and Kira says she’s not happy with the current solos that are not showcasing Kalani’s potential. Kira doesn’t want Kalani to lose to Ava and says she needs to not do acro this time.

Alexa says she will do her best to prepare Kalani but says they have a lot of work to do since Kalani hasn’t been training. They go talk to Abby. The other moms see her come in on the screen. Kira tells Abby that Jeanette is coaching the Candy Apples. Jill watches and says she’s kissing up to Abby. Kira describes the solo and Gianna and Abby tell her they didn’t approve the music. Kira offers to let them hear the song. Alexa says she thinks it will showcase Kalani’s maturity.

Abby asks what her story is and Alexa says she’s just there to coach her student. Abby is really annoyed that Kira is treating her this way. Kira tells Abby that Kalani’s dad is coming in and all her family and she just wants to put her best foot forward. The moms trash talk Kira and says she’s taking up all the group rehearsal time. Jess says Kira thinks she and Kalani are better than everyone else. Abby says Alexa has to sign her contract for non-compete and all that to work with her.

The other moms wonder what that means that she has to sign that. Jess says otherwise, Kalani has to enter the solo as an independent and not under ALDC. Alexa says she’s not comfortable signing a contract. Abby says she’s upset and she can see Gianna is getting upset and she doesn’t have time for this. Abby says she doesn’t want Kira to put the blame on her when it comes back to bite her in the ass. Abby is not happy and says this will affect her and Kira’s friendship.

Kira tells Alexa to just focus on Kalani and the solo and says there’s no reason Ava should outscore her. Kira says she can’t let Abby ruin Kalani’s dance career. Alexa talks to Kalani about the storyline for this solo. She says this will be about her wasting a lot of time and it being frustrating. Kira says Kalani has to win this time. Jeanette tells Ava that she’s going up against Kalani again and can beat her again. Her number is called Praying Mantis which is aimed at how Abby criticizes her arms.

Ava says she used to be nervous dancing in front of Abby but now it’s fuel and makes her want to kill it. Alexa critiques Kalani heavily during her solo rehearsal. Alexa thinks she’s gotten sloppy under Abby’s tutelage and says the energy isn’t the same. Kalani agrees and says the choreography is different and she hasn’t had as much class time as she did at her old studio. Kira tells Kalani she needs to work harder.

Abby is working the group rehearsal the day before the competition. She’s worried about the timing of the dancers. She says it won’t do well without complete precision. The moms think the number is really cool. Abby tells the moms the dance looked great yesterday but then it’s fallen apart. She says JoJo is still doing the same thing, Kendall is off beat and Mackenzie seems lost. Abby says she’s very worried.

It’s competition day and Abby says it’s hot in Phoenix. She’s not happy to see the Candy Apples. Jill asks how they picked the soloist and Jeanette says it’s Ava. The other moms says Ava beat her last time. Kira says Kalani is a better dancer than Ava will ever be and says she’ll prove it today. Alexa is doing last minute notes with Kalani. Melissa says she’s never seen this level of correction that Alexa is doing and says Abby is just sitting there.

Alexa tells Kalani this is not like her and Jill tells Abby she can tell she has something to say. Kira asks her to speak up. Abby says Kira made it clear that she didn’t want her and Gianna’s input. Kira tells Kalani that it’s all down to her on this solo. The competition starts and solos are first. The moms and Abby take their seats. Jeanette says winning is all that shuts Abby up so she hopes Ava wins. Ava takes the stage to do her praying mantis routine.

Ava looks creepily skinny in the costume and it just draws attention to her extreme thinness and ultra-long limbs. Kira says she’s been talking a big game and really hopes that Kalani can win this for ALDC. Kira thinks she did the right thing bringing Alexa in to coach her. Then Abby talks about pulling out one of the older girls to pull the group back down into the junior 9-11. With both Kalani and Nia in it, they pull the average age up.

Abby tells Kira she’s pulling Kalani out of the group number. Kira asks if she’s punishing her daughter. Abby says it’s math, not punishment. Abby goes off on Kira and points out that they have too many teens to be able to compete in the junior group. She says she won’t let them compete in the junior league. Abby says JoJo should not be dancing teen like Kalani should not be dancing junior. Kira rants that Kalani’s dad flew in for this.

They have to reblock the group number at the last minute. Kira is furious. The Candy Apples group takes the stage. The number centers around Ava as the black swan. Jill thinks the cards are stacked against with them. She thinks the Candy Apples looked good and they had a last minute debacle with their group. The ALDC girls talk about how they just have to kill this. They do the group number and it looked good. Jill says the girls nailed it and they’re like little professionals.

Now on to the awards. First up are solo awards. Kira is backstage angry that Kalani was pulled from the group number. Ava takes 4th place. Jeanette is furious and says – what a joke. She says it makes no sense. 1st place solo goes to Kalani. Kira says maybe Kalani doesn’t need Abby. Now group awards. 3rd place goes to Candy Apples. Jeanette is furious. And ALDC takes 1st place. Jeanette’s head is going to explode. Jill is thrilled the losing streak is over even with all the commotion.

Back in the room, Kira tells Abby they’re done and they’re leaving. Abby asks if this is all about the group dance. Kira says it’s not fair that Kalani is giving up everything and coming to her hometown and getting pulled from the group dance. Kira is ready to walk out and tells Abby that if this is how Kalani is going to be treated, she won’t take Kalani back to California with ALDC. Abby isn’t happy, Kira isn’t happy and Kalani definitely isn’t happy.