Dance Moms Recap – Surprise Win: Season 5 Episode 30 “Nia vs. Kalani: Winner Takes All”

Dance Moms Recap - Surprise Win: Season 5 Episode 30 "Nia vs. Kalani: Winner Takes All"Dance Moms Recap - Surprise Win: Season 5 Episode 30 "Nia vs. Kalani: Winner Takes All"

Tonight on Lifetime Abby Lee Miller’s Dance Moms continues with an all new Tuesday August 4 season 5 episode 30 called, “Nia vs. Kalani: Winner Takes All,” and we have your weekly recap below. On tonight’s episode, with only one week left until Nationals, the ALDC is facing the super talented MDP who are bringing their best routine yet.

On the last episode the ALDC was finally in their new LA studio and Abby announced that their official grand opening party will coincide with Nationals in two weeks! After Kendall beat JoJo last week, she was rewarded with a solo up against both Maddie and Mackenzie to determine once and for all who got the solo at Nationals. The girls had tons of fun with a bridesmaid themed group dance and Kira announced big news — she’s five months pregnant! Did you watch the episode? If you missed it, we have a full and detailed recap right here for you.

On tonight’s episode as per the Lifetime synopsis, “with only one week left until Nationals, the ALDC is facing the super talented MDP who are bringing their best routine yet. Abby gives Kalani and Nia head-to-head solos to determine who will get the senior division solo next week. On top of prepping for this battle, Nia is really feeling the pressure as she is also shooting her second music video, hoping to cement her status as a pop star. Will she be able to balance both?”

Tonight’s episode is going to be another drama packed evening, which you won’t want to miss. So be sure to tune in for our live coverage of Lifetime’s Dance Mom’s Season 5 episode 30 – tonight at 9 PM EST! While you wait for our recap, hit the comments and let us know how excited you are about this new episode of Dance Moms tonight!

Tonight’s episode begins now – Refresh Page often to get the most current updates!

#DanceMoms starts at ALDC LA and Kira says she’s feeling better but says she can’t be on her feet all day long. She says she’s getting bigger and her back is hurting. She says the pregnancy scare if done and she just needs to rest. Melissa asks if anything is coming and Jessa says MDP is coming for them. She says it’s tacky to make a dance to spite someone. Melissa says they don’t even do that to Cathy.

Holly says MDP has won two recent competitions and it’s critical for them to beat them this week. Abby tells Kira to sit and the other moms get her a chair. Jill is gone for a couple of days for her other daughter’s graduation. Abby congratulates them on the win and says next week is the grand opening of the ALDC LA and it’s a big deal. She says they have one more week then nationals.

She says she doesn’t think they are ready and are not in the physical and mental condition. Abby says they’ve won four nationals so their priorities aren’t right. Jess says they want to go and win. Abby says to show that to her. Then it’s pyramid. Jojo is on the bottom for messing up in the group dance. Next is Kendall for dropping her prop in her dance and coming in 3rd.

Abby says Kendall doesn’t have the wow factor and is out of the running for nationals. Nia is next and Abby says she was good. Then it’s Kalani and she says she was great in the group routine and her face was great. Next is Mackenzie for playing the part and sticking to it as they went off the stage. Top is Maddie for her perfect solo and Abby says her turns were under par because of the head piece.

This weekend they are going to Dance Kids USA in Anaheim and it’s the one with the kid judges. Abby says kids can be cruel. Two soloists will go head to head – Kalani with a contemporary and Nia with a jazz solo. Nia is doing one called Bye Felicia. Abby says by the end of the week she will decide who gets a solo at nationals. Holly thinks Abby is setting Nia up to not win against Kalani.

The group routine will use props – parasols. Abby says Nia is not in the group routine since she’s shooting her music video. She says she can’t hold the others back because of her selfishness. Holly is annoyed and says Nia is working hard. Holly says when Mackenzie was out working, Abby made allowances and thinks the rules should be the same for everyone. Abby says Nia is out this week.

Abby asks the moms to leave so they can start warming up. Over at Murrieta Dance Studio, Erin Babbs has the girls doing a very difficult routine with blindfolds on and is worried but is sure they can pull it off. Erin rehearses them then says it has to be bigger. Back at ALDC, Abby has the parasols out and explains the reason for the prop. Abby wants to do something pretty on stage.

She has a beautiful lyrical routine in great costumes and says that’s what people want to see at a dance competition. Holly says they’ve only placed first four times out of the last eight and says it’s not impressive compared to last year. The moms are concerned that the prop parasols are breaking and Jess says the prop track record is not good. We see flashbacks to disasters.

Jess says they’re up against MDP and have these janky umbrellas. Kira agrees it’s scary. Abby works with Kalani on her solo and says her face has to tell the story and goes over the character story. She says Rosanna was a disco girl and then a guy ditched her and broke her heart. She tells her to dig deep. Abby says Kalani is flexible, beautiful and has great lines. She says she wants something more though.

Abby says she has to bring the character to the surface. Abby says if the kid judges get the lyrics, she’s unstoppable. Jess asks Kira if she’s worried about the kid judges since it will determine if Kalani gets a national solo. Kira says Kalani is a shoe in. Holly thinks Nia is the underdog that everyone underestimates and she could win it.

Abby then talks to Nia about her solo and says she has to tell the Bye Felicia story with her solo. Nia talks about how it’s about dissing haters. Nia is worried to face off against Kalani. Jess tells Holly the Bye Felicia thing is cool. Holly says Nia can personify that with the urban vibe and says she doesn’t know if this is Abby’s dig at her music video. Holly says Abby is not supporting Nia’s music career.

She says Abby is always putting Nia down and hopes Nia can prove to Abby and herself that she can do it all. Abby tells Nia to push her attitude over the top. Holly comes in and tells them Nia has to leave. Abby thinks Holly should have planned the video shoot after the competition and tells Gianna she thinks Nia and Holly bit off more than they can chew.

At Nia’s video shoot, Mikey Menden works with the dancers on the vision. It’s a beauty salon with all sorts of people and says it celebrates the beauty of inclusion. Jojo and Jess show up and Nia is happy to see her and says she likes that someone from her team is there to support her and be in the video. Holly tells Mikey she doesn’t want to alienate people or make her into a stereotype.

Mikey says it’s a character like she would play on stage when she dances. Mikey says it’s the Nia they all love with an urban fab edge. He tells Holly not to worry and she says she trusts him. He says not to over analyze it. Holly says Nia is a brave risk taker and this is her chance. She says she hopes everyone goes on the journey with her. Carmen Electra is there and Nia hugs her in greeting.

Nia is excited she’s in the video and Carmen says she thinks she’s a good girl and deserves the support and tells Nia she’s going to nail it. The shoot starts and Mikey directs it with a lot of energy. Holly and Jess are both in it playing beauty salon customers. She says Nia is becoming a woman with a voice in the music industry. Mikey yells at her to work it like a diva.

Back at ALDC LA, they’re rehearsing the group number. Melissa is worried about the parasols falling apart when they’re up against MDP. Melissa asks should they put dowels in and Abby says it will change the weight and throw the dance off. Abby says a big prop always causes chaos and says the moms need to figure it out. Abby tells Nia and Kalani to remember they’re competing for nationals.

Jill is back and says the kids have to beat MDP and put them in their place. She says they have to figure out how to make the cheap umbrellas work. The moms get to work on these. It’s competition day and Holly says this competition really matters so they go into nationals off a win and defeat the rival MDP. Erin has her girls outside warming up and Abby thinks it’s crazy she has them out in the heat.

Abby says she doesn’t want any distractions and Jess tells Erin all their kids look the same and she can’t even tell them apart. Erin asks how LA is working out for them statistically. Erin trash talks them and Abby says her girls are triple threats – singing, acting and dancing. One of Erin’s moms says Abby is only in it for the money and they talk about non-Broadway kids wasting time with Abby.

Abby says dance teaches kids to stand taller and do well in life but she doesn’t know about her kid. Abby curses at her and walks out.

Abby calls the girls to get ready and Holly tells Nia to really go for it with her solo. She thinks Abby is counting on Kalani to win but thinks she can beat her. Abby wishes them both luck and says break a leg. Nia says it’s her shot to get a solo at nationals and hopes she can beat Kalani this time even though she usually loses to her.

Abby shakes her head no like she’s bothered by it. Holly thinks it was a great performance no matter what happens. Kalani is next and Kira says she knows she’ll kill it and land the solo for nationals. Abby says it was breathtaking and thinks there’s no stopping her. Some other moms give them compliments and one asks about Kalani’s technique and Jill says it was freaking amazing.

Abby goes off on them and then hugs Kalani but not Nia. The other moms mention it and Holly thinks Abby should be embarrassed by them seeing her snub Nia. Abby finally does give her a little attention but Holly thinks it’s too little too late. Jill says Nia’s solo was more entertaining but Kalani’s had better technique. Erin and the other moms come in and they’re not happy to see them.

Erin asks about Nia’s video shoot and Holly says it went well. Melissa rolls her eyes at them and Holly says it upsets people when she talks about Nia’s work. Melissa says this is driving her nuts and tells them goodbye to kick them out. Holly thinks Jill and Melissa hate that other people are interested in Nia’s career. Jill says Mikey Menden hasn’t done what Abby has done.

Holly says they just can’t listen to anyone talk about Nia and it devolves into an argument. Holly says Jill and Melissa just are not sincere. The girls get ready for the group number. Kira says the group number worries her since the song makes her want to fall asleep and the umbrellas are flimsy. Abby tells them they can’t lose since they are representing her.

Erin tells her girls to go out and kill it like they have. Kira hopes their girls can beat them so they don’t go into nationals off a loss. MPD’s number is pretty cool. Talia had a couple of missteps. Jill says it had the wow factor and a lot of crowd appeal and they have umbrellas. Jill says the umbrellas are a handicap and it’s like having a couple of marks off but hopes the girls show good technique to override.

At least the umbrellas hold up through the number. Abby is thrilled with the number. Kira says the girls looked amazing but she thinks MDP may have still beat them and says with kid judges, you just never know how it will go. Holly is sweating the solo results. It’s awards time and it starts with solos. Kalani takes 3rd place! Kira is stunned and says it’s BS. Nia takes 1st place and Abby is shocked.

Nia is thrilled and Jess is all smiles. Holly is so happy that Nia beat Kalani and says she knows Abby can’t like that. Maddie hopes they go into nationals with a win – she says they need this. The group number has Erin’s girls take 2nd place. She is angry and thought they deserved the win but ALDC takes 1st place. Abby is so excited and so are the moms. Jill says they really needed this.

She’s so glad they beat MDP. Nia is over the moon and thinks she proved to Abby she can do a winning number. Abby hugs Kalani and says she looked amazing. Nia asks if she gets a solo at nationals and Abby says not necessarily. Abby says Kalani had a huge breakthrough today. Abby says Nia has won three times in her life. Abby says Nia doesn’t blow her away at nationals.

Kira asks if solos are still up in the air. Holly says Abby sets the rules then changes them. She is angry and says Nia did what Abby wanted and won. Holly says Abby just won’t be happy with whatever Nia does.



Stormy Elizabeth:
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