Dash Dolls Recap “Taylor Breaks Bro Code”: Season 1 Episode 5

Dash Dolls Recap "Taylor Breaks Bro Code": Season 1 Episode 5

Dash Dolls continues tonight with an all new Sunday, October 18 season 1 episode 5, called “Taylor Breaks Bro Code” and we have your weekly recap below. On tonight’s episode, the ladies travel to Miami, where Taylor Cuqua becomes close to her ex’s best friend.

On the last episode, Malika went through a difficult breakup and wondered why she so often found herself in unhealthy relationships; and Caroline had some unresolved issues to work through with her severely conservative mother. Did you watch the last episode? If you missed it, we have a full and detailed recap right here for you.

On tonight’s episode per the E! synopsis “the ladies travel to Miami, where Taylor becomes close to her ex’s best friend. Meanwhile, Durrani comes down with a case of wedding fever after a few of her colleagues get engaged.”

Tonight is going to be another crazy episode that you won’t want to miss, so be sure to tune in for our live coverage of E!’s “Dash Dolls” tonight at 9PM EST! Meanwhile, while you wait for our recap hit the comments and let us know how excited you are about this new show.

Tonight’s episode begins now – Refresh Page often to get the most current updates!

It was Taylor and the twerk class. Apparently some of Taylor’s friends wanted to cheer her up after her recent break up and they thought a twerk class would be just the thing.

And to be fair, the twerk class did get Taylor smiling again. She was having fun and others were trying to figure out if they had a butt to begin with. So the only person that walked into class ready to take it seriously was Mel.

Yet it wasn’t that long after her friends came out to support that Ryan texted Taylor. He said in his text that he wanted to apologize for the way things ended between them and that all he wants her to be now is happy. Only she was happy – right until she got the text.

Taylor obviously had strong feelings for him that’s not going to go away overnight. So she was crying reading his message. Thankfully, though, only Stephanie got to see that part and Stephanie was very understanding of Taylor’s situation. She said in an aside that you could really care for someone while knowing that’s not the person you’re going to end up with.

But regardless of the tears, Taylor appeared to have forgotten all about Ryan and what he meant to her when she spotted several of his friends at a club.

The ladies had all gone out clubbing together with the exception of course being the underage Stephanie and, what are the odds, they ran into a group of Ryan’s friends. Including most of all Derek who was Ryan’s best friend. Yet that didn’t stop Taylor from hanging out with him in a flirtatious manner or from inviting down to Miami for what supposed to be a girls’ trip.

Now that Miami trip took a lot of planning and Nazy for one didn’t want anything to ruin it so she had hesitated before inviting her boyfriend Josh. Their relationship had still been new at the time and Nazy wasn’t sure she wanted to make their relationship official when the Miami trip came up in a conversation. But then Durrani had said she was inviting Shalom and that her boyfriend would like someone to talk to while they were down there. So Nazy had grudgingly extended an invitation to Josh.

Though she had been hoping his fear of flying would have kept Josh at home because what started all the trouble down in Miami was all the guys. There was Derek who was way too much into Taylor and Josh who turned out to have a temper. And having had combination of that, it wasn’t all that surprising a fight happened.

First Derek told the group about a party his friend had been hosting so that’s everyone went. To the night club where the party was located. However there was just that one guy at the party that went looking for a problem and unfortunately he found Josh. The other guys began mouthing off about the girls including Nazy and Josh had politely told him not to disrespect his girl.

And when Derek saw that Josh was having a problem, he offered to get his friend to the throw the other guy out. So that’s what they were going to do when all of a sudden a shoving match happened between the guy and Josh. Therefor Shalom and Derek tried to get Josh away from an escalating scene as fast as they could and Nazy eventually drew her boyfriend away.

But Nazy wasn’t upset with Josh. She was actually more upset that their first trip together as a couple was marred by an incident with a drunk. And was quick to defend said boyfriend if anyone else believed he was the one that had started the fight.

Only look at what happened when Derek was so eager to please and Josh was so eager to defend.

That same Derek that almost got knocked out during the shoving match later found himself making out with Taylor. And initially it had looked like a culmination of everything they wanted. Though by the next morning both Taylor and Derek were claiming their kiss was a drunken accident and that they wouldn’t want to hurt Ryan.

In other words they wanted to completely forget their make-out session and claim they weren’t doing anything wrong before that. But the kiss itself hadn’t come out of nowhere. Taylor and Derek had been taking baby steps towards it since that first night they ran into each other and their mutual attraction was obvious to everyone.

Mel had even warned Taylor about Derek coming across as interested so Taylor can’t complain after the fact that she had no knowledge of what either of their behavior would lead to in Miami. She knew what she was doing and she knew what he was doing. And the kiss was what returned them both to common sense.

And speaking of unpleasant truths, Shalom had a conversation with Durrani. He had found out that she had took pictures in wedding dresses and he wanted to make sure that she understood that their relationship was a dead end if she didn’t tell her family. Durrani is Muslim and Shalom is Jewish. So unless Durrani had the courage to openly declare their relationship to their family then he didn’t think they were going to go that far.

However Shalom didn’t have any misgivings about introducing Durrani to his family. So he had a cousin and the cousin’s wife come over for dinner. And not just any dinner. They had a traditional Shabbat and Durrani had even taken part in prayer.

So the ball is in Durrani’s court. She could either fight for Shalom or stop pretending they have a future with a big wedding and kids?

Khadijah had officially declare that she was finish with having kids so she wanted to get their names tattooed on her arm. And it was kind of funny to watch. She burst into tears for what only took about two minutes.