Elementary Recap Winter Premiere – WIll Sherlock Relapse? Season 3 Episode 9 “The Eternity Injection”

Elementary, one of our favorite detective drama/comedies returns to CBS tonight with with an all new Thursday January 8, season 3 episode 9 called, “The Eternity Injection,” and we have your weekly recap below. On tonight’s episode, Watson [Lucy Liu] and Holmes [Jonny Lee Miller] search for a missing nurse Joan used to work with. The investigation leads them to another person who recently disappeared. Meanwhile, Sherlock struggles with sobriety when he finds the recovery process monotonous.

On the last episode, Holmes and Watson joined forces with the NYPD after a police officer was murdered. Also, Sherlock searched for the creator of a “recovery blog” who was posting personal statements he had made in sobriety meetings. Did you watch the last episode? If you missed the episode we have a full and detailed recap right here for you.

On tonight’s episode as per the CBS synopsis, “when a nurse Watson used to work with asks for her help finding their missing acquaintance, the woman’s trail leads Watson and Holmes to another person who has disappeared. Also, Sherlock struggles with his sobriety when he finds the recovery process monotonous.”

Are you looking forward to the season 3 episode 9 tonight? Be sure to come back here later tonight at 10 PM EST for our awesome recap of this episode. In the meantime, hit up the comments below and let us know how excited you are for season 3.

Tonight’s episode begins now – Refresh Page often to get the most current updates!

Sherlock is checking out a car alarm that warns it’s taken his photo and is notifying the police. Sherlock says it’s a gimmick but Alfredo says he can’t crack it. Sherlock tries to sneak up on Odin, the alarm, from another angle. Alfredo says he’ll leave it with him and says they have to go to their meeting. Sherlock wants to play with it but Alfredo says he needs to head to the meeting and asks why Sherlock has been skipping. Shaun Milius shows up asking for Joan saying she’s a former coworker that wants to hire Joan. He sends Alfredo off but first he tells Sherlock he hid several of the sensors around.

Shaun tells Joan and Sherlock that a nurse, Marissa Ledbetter, has gone missing. Sherlock asks to see the notes from the police report and he flips through them. He asks about the bodega credit card charge and sees that it’s not on the way home. Shaun says the cops think Marissa owed money. Sherlock sets off a hidden Odin sensor. Joan asks Kitty how Sherlock ended up on the case and Kitty says she thinks he did it to avoid going to a meeting with Alfredo. They see that Marissa got a $150k payment right before she went missing.

It was from a company in Luxemburg but that’s all they know. She says she hasn’t told Sherlock yet. He texts and sends an address saying for them to come wearing sensible shoes. They are in the alley behind a bar. Sherlock says the place attracts seedy clientele and he uses bolt cutters to unlock a dumpster. Kitty says she won’t get in unless he tells her what he’s looking for. He says he investigated the bodega and noticed this place has been complained about by the neighbors.

He said a couple of businesses complained of a foul smell. He hops into the dumpster and digs around then finds a body. He tells Joan he’s sorry and she comes to look. She sees dead Marissa under the stinky trash. They found a list of dosages on her body and Sherlock says it doesn’t look official. Joan says she hadn’t seen Marissa in a while but says she was really sweet. The ME says Marissa died quickly after being struck in the head then choked. She had her attacker’s DNA under her nails.

The sample matches Christopher Jacoby who applied for a job at the DA’s office. Sherlock offers to give Shaun the bad news. Marcus is there and says he’s checking something on Jacoby. He says he recognized the name – the guy is also missing. His wife filed a missing person report last week. They bring in Chris’s wife and she’s surprised that he’s a murder suspect. She says there must be a mistake. Joan asks her wife about Marissa but she doesn’t know her.

Marcus says Chris’ friends said he never showed up for the guy’s weekend he told her he was going to. She says her husband wouldn’t run away or kill someone. Gregson comes in and asks if Sherlock brought a child in too. Sherlock says Mason is older than he looks. He passes Sherlock a note from Mason saying he found him. Mason says their computers sucked. He was searching cached surveillance images. He says the guy in the photo was clean cut but the match was something else.

They show Chris Jacoby looking very scruffy. A woman is at the area of the park and works there daily. They show her Chris’ photo and she says he’s spoken to her a few times this week and says he seems very damaged. She says she thinks he’s sleeping nearby. Joan asks Sherlock how he’s doing and he says his heart rate and blood pressure are good. He asks what she’s getting it and she asks about him missing meetings and if it’s about the blog posting his testimony.

Sherlock says he decided the postings were good because it gave him some distance from the program to decide which parts of it work for him. She says NA isn’t a la carte. He takes her down some stairs and into an area where a chain link fence is broken. They look around and she sees someone lying on the ground. They head over and try to wake the man. They roll him over and he’s all bloody and quite obviously dead. Joan texts Marcus the info.

Sherlock says the ground has been disturbed. He flips a tree branch and finds a plastic bag with a journal in it. He says Jacoby thought it was important enough to hide it. Kitty has the pages hung up and reads from them. It’s about him being in a room that won’t change and that he thought he was in hell til a woman came for him. Sherlock says they know Chris killed Marissa but not why. Sherlock says he was shortly driven to madness and then Marissa had all that money.

They don’t know how they met or where he killed her. Sherlock is playing with Chris’ laptop and found emails indicating he opened a new bank account. There’s a notation from Purgatorium and he also got $150k like Marissa did. Sherlock looks at the dosage list they found on Marissa and he says he thinks once Chris is autopsied, they’ll know what happened. The ME says Chris suffered serious brain damage very recently.

Sherlock asks about Marissa and she had no such results. He asks about Chris’ tox screen and the ME says they did find some things they can’t ID. Sherlock says he thinks Chris was paid to take an illegal drug trial and that Marissa was administering it and it all went bad. Sherlock says the person in charge of the trial dumped her body and likely killed Chris. Sherlock says the person was tying up loose ends and that Chris wasn’t really responsible.

Sherlock says there are likely other people receiving the mystery drugs and there are four other people they need to find. Marcus and Joan go fill Gregson in on the facts and their theories about EZM-777. She says clinical trials are expensive and likely can be traced back to one of a few companies that run these things. She says an off the books test is likely. She says they think there are four other participants and those are their best chances.

Sherlock says he’s getting help from the hackers and, in exchange, he has to write a treatise on the Bella, Edward, Jacob love triangle and read it in public at a convention that’s in town. Joan heads home but comes back the next day and finds Sherlock on the phone listening to a symphony. He remarks that she didn’t break in and she says Kitty gave her a key. He’s ID’d four other people that got money from Purgatorium.

One checked into a hospital and then died, two are noted as missing and one hasn’t been reported missing but seems to be. Sherlock says Spencer Renny was barely coherent when he checked into the hospital and was a raving lunatic when he checked in. He had virtually identical delusions and Sherlock says he thinks it’s a time dilating drug that messes with your perception of time so you think one hour would feel like a week or hundreds of years.

Sherlock says they cram neurological function into smaller periods of time so you could learn a language in a day or send someone to prison for a day and they feel like they were punished for years. Odin chimes at Joan and he says it’s an Alfredo project. Kitty is checking on Lou and a colleague says she got an email saying he was going into hiding. They head to the bar where she works and Tessa says she doesn’t know where he is. She says he was helping his mom pay for cancer.

She says Lou’s mom just died and was getting her place ready to put on the market. They head over there to look for Lou. They knock on the door and there’s no answer. Sherlock tells Kitty to test her lock pick skills. He doubts her tool of choice and then so does Joan. She tells them both to stop and she breaks the lock and heads in. They go in and he runs out to the fire escape and they tell him they know about the drug and that there are people after him. He asks if they’ll keep him safe and says if they can, he’ll tell them everything they need to know.

They take Lou to the police station and Kitty says he seems more functional. Sherlock says some people got smaller doses. Joan points out a hand tremor and says he has some brain damage. Gregson and Marcus go talk to him and tell him he’s not under arrest. He says he has no names. He says it was $150k up front and then again each year so long as he didn’t talk about the study. He says it seemed shady but said for that amount, he could live with it.

He says he found out about it on an ad online and says they emailed back and forth and when he got the wire transfer, it seemed good. He says he went to a rented office to get the drugs and he spent the night there. He says they told him it would seem like a lot of time had passed. He says it was okay until the tremors started. He said he emailed them but they didn’t help and started having him followed. He says he recalls a nurse and a black guy about 40 years old he thinks was in charge.

They get a sketch of the guy. Sherlock gets a text as Joan comes in. He asks why she’s there and she says Alfredo called because he missed a meeting. He says he’s working. He thinks it’s Dr Dwier Kirke, PhD who works at a major pharmaceutical company. He says the cops are looking for him and Kitty is at the office space where they started the trial. She asks why he’s skipping meetings and asks what’s going on. He says nothing.

Joan says she can’t make him talk to her but wishes he would. She goes to leave and he says he feels a bit down lately. He says maintaining his sobriety is tedious and relentless. He says when he left rehab, he accepted her influence and committed to his recovery but now, two years in, he’s asking if this is it. He says his sobriety is a grind like a leaky faucet that requires constant maintenance and offers as its only reward not to drip. She says he has his work, her and his life.

Sherlock says he tells himself that but it’s unmoored from meaning now. He says he imagined a relapse would be driven by some grand drama but thinks it would be an anti-climax. He says it would be a surrender to the incessant drip drip drip of existence. Joan sits down and says she’s sorry he’s feeling that way. She asks what she can do to help. She asks if he wants to talk more or talk to Alfredo. He says he thinks he does need to see Alfredo.

He says, in any case, he won’t be using drugs this evening. Next day, he wakes Joan on the coach with reveille on a trumpet. He says it’s a great morning and says he misses waking her. He has food and clean clothes for her. He says he spent the last hour learning the song to wake her. He says the cops searched Kirke’s apartment and found records of the trial and some drug samples. He says Kirke wasn’t there but says he thinks he knows where he can find her.

She asks if he’s going to wake Kitty and he says no because he’s a courteous roommate. Marcus, Sherlock and Jane are at Kirke’s aunt’s old folks home. Sherlock says he never misses a physical therapy session with his aunt and Marcus says that’s a lot of faith to put into a murderer and Sherlock says he’s not a murderer by avocation, but by accident. Kirke shows up and Marcus arrests him. Kirke tells them to be careful with his research and says it needs to be published.

Gregson says it ruined the brains of five people. Kirke says it was incredible and some of them experienced time dilation. Marcus asks why he didn’t test it through proper channels and he said we had to move quickly. They ask why and who’s we. Gregson asks who paid for it and who killed the participants when things went back. He asks about the pharma company and Kirke says he’s not telling them anything. He says he’ll tell them about the study but won’t reveal the funding source.

He asks for a lawyer. Kitty asks why he’d go to prison to protect his bosses. Sherlock says this is personal to him for some reason. Sherlock says he’s protecting a person, not a company. Sherlock has Alfredo in the dark and shows him how to get around it by toying with the electronics to ruin it. He says he can ruin the electronics by forcing a small EMP that won’t mess up the car’s electronics. Alfredo says he wouldn’t have thought of that and Sherlock says the idea came from an engineer.

Alfredo asks Sherlock if he’ll come back to meetings and Sherlock says he will come for Alfredo’s sake. Joan calls and asks what’s going on. Sherlock says he thinks he knows who funded the trial. They go to see Jack Connaughton. The doorman says he’s unavailable until Sherlock mentions the drug. Sherlock asks if he knows about Kirke’s arrest for the use of time dilating drugs. Sherlock says they theorized he’s being funded by a private benefactor.

Jack says his name sounds familiar. Joan says his scholarship put Kirke into a good private school. Joan says he’s the one he called when he found out he was dying from pulmonary hypertension. Sherlock says he was looking for a way to prolong his perception of the time he has left on earth. Jack says he’s not admitting he knew about the trial but says it sounds incredible. Sherlock says they’re going to prove he founded Purgatorium and killed surviving trial participants.

Sherlock says to admit it now and they’ll make sure he’s comfortable for the rest of his life. He calls for Brett to come help him to bed. Sherlock says the man is facing death and they have precious little leverage. Joan says maybe they need to appeal to someone else. They bring Brett to the police station. He says he’s just a nurse and is not involved. Sherlock says nurses are often seen as furniture and people will say and do all kinds of things in front of them.

Marcus reminds Brett that people have died but Brett says he signed an NDA. Gregson says NDAs don’t cover criminal activity. They show him photos of the dead nurse, missing people and dead people. Marcus says their families don’t have closure and he could help them bring them peace. Brett says a while back, Jack had him look for a business card and he says he saw papers in the safe naming Purgatorium. He says the business card just had a number. He says Jack called it and two men came by.

He says the men didn’t introduce themselves but Jack told them those men had to be taken care of. Marcus goes to Jack’s place and tells him to wake up because he’s under arrest. The guy is in his bed and looks dead but he’s not – looks like he’s in deep REM. Joan checks and Sherlock says he took the experimental drug. Sherlock says he took it when he knew he’d be arrested. Marcus calls for EMS. Sherlock looks at him and Joan says his brain may be tearing itself apart.

Sherlock says they need to wait for him to come around and see how much of him is left. Joan tells Sherlock she can come back for a while if it will help him. He says it’s just a temporary malaise and that he’ll be fine.



Stormy Elizabeth:
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