Elementary, one of our favorite detective drama/comedies returns to CBS tonight with an all new Thursday May 14, season 3 finale called, “A Controlled Descent,” and we have your weekly recap below. On tonight’s episode, Season 3 ends with Holmes’ [Jonny Lee Miller] recovery sponsor disappearing. Sherlock delves into the man’s life for clues and questions whether his friend is a victim of foul play or has suffered a relapse into addiction.
On the last episode, Holmes and Watson look into the death of a member of Holmes’ online beekeeping community who was a researcher looking into a deadly Northeast honey bee outbreak. During the investigation, they meet Tara Parker, a brilliant entomologist, academic and the leader of New York’s beekeeping society. Also, Captain Gregson enlisted Watson’s services in an off-book investigation that helped him make a life-changing decision. Did you watch the last episode? If you missed the episode we have a full and detailed recap right here for you.
On tonight’s episode as per the CBS synopsis, “when Holmes’ former recovery sponsor and friend, Alfredo (Ato Essandoh), disappears, Holmes and Watson retrace his steps as Captain Gregson and Detective Bell lend NYPD’s resources to help find him. As the group races to find him, Holmes wonders if his friend is a victim of foul play, or worse, if he has relapsed into addiction.”
Are you looking forward to the season 3 finale tonight? Be sure to come back here later tonight at 10 PM EST for our awesome recap of this episode. In the meantime, hit up the comments below and let us know how excited you are for season 3.
Tonight’s episode begins now – Refresh Page often to get the most current updates!
The season finale of #Elementary begins with Sherlock and Alfredo watching Abbot and Costello doing Who’s on First – the classic skit. Alfredo checks his phone for a call from Rhonda and Sherlock reminds him they’re trying to distract him from Rhonda who has made it clear she’s not interested in a long distance relationship now she’s moved. He tells Afredo to accept the truth. Alfredo says he has an early day and has to go home. Sherlock asks if he’s going to email her and Alfredo says he doesn’t know.
Sherlock comes down and tells Joan that Alfredo left and they don’t need the popcorn. She asks if they had an argument and says their friendship is new. He says his only issue is that he needs a new sponsor but hopes to resolve it in the morning. He says he’s going to a meeting to meet with a potential candidate. Next day, he goes to the garage and hears a man saying Alfredo stole his Charger. Sherlock says he was replacing the transmission and may have gone out to test it but the man says he told him not to drive it.
Sherlock calls Alfredo and also gets voice mail. He is surprised that the garage doors were wide open then Sherlock goes to poke around and finds Alfredo’s phone and it looks like it was stomped. Joan meets Sherlock at Alfredo’s shop and says maybe he dropped the phone but he says someone stomped on it. They wonder where he is now and if he walked in on a robbery. Sherlock says there is no sign of a struggle and he says Alfredo destroyed his own phone and stole a client’s car. He says he was fine last he saw him.
He says he wants to talk to Gregson and tell him about Castle Automotive and Alfredo since he embarrassed them and is the closes he has to an enemy. Sherlock goes to see Alfredo’s mother. He asks when she last spoke to him and she says Sunday at church. She says he seemed normal and was going to his meetings then asks how Sherlock is. He says he’s okay as well. She says she’s had too many conversations that were about Alfredo getting high again or going back to prison. She says it hurts but she knows what to do by now.
Sherlock asks why she thinks Alfredo has made trouble for himself. She says if he fell, she doesn’t want him dragging Sherlock down with him. They bring in Kopecky into the PD and tell him they know he was fired from Castle Auto over Alfredo. Marcus asks where he was from eight last night until eight this morning and he scoffs and says he was killing and dismembering a drug dealer. Joan says the man is an ass but he later called in an alibi. Kopecky had to move back in with his parents and they have him on security.
Joan looks at a mug shot of Alfredo and is shocked at how bad he looks. Sherlock says he’s looking at other leads. He says Alfredo once mugged three men. She asks why one of them would come after Alfredo after all this time. Sherlock says these files are only the times Alfredo was caught and there may be many more. Sherlock gets a call from Oscar who says long time, no speak. He says he needs help with his sister Olivia and Sherlock says to go to the cops but then Oscar mentions Alfredo. He says he heard he’s been out of touch.
Oscar says he took Alfredo and tells Sherlock meet him. He says if he helps find his sister, maybe he’ll see Alfredo alive again. Joan goes and tells Marcus and Gregson what’s going on while Sherlock goes. She shows them a photo that Oscar left of Alfredo tied to a chair with today’s newspaper. Joan says she doesn’t know anything about Olivia or Oscar. She says Sherlock wants them to investigate Oscar while he’s busy with Sherlock and they may find Alfredo. Gregson asks who will help Sherlock if it goes bad with Oscar.
Sherlock asks Oscar about his sister and he says his sister is into H too. He hands over a photo and says she’s his baby sister and is 24. She came to see him and wanted to get clean. He got her into rehab then she called and said she was checking out because she was all better. Sherlock asks why he’s going to such lengths to find her. Oscar says they argued and she hung up on him and then he got to thinking about a junkie in this city being a needle in a haystack and that’s a job for Sherlock. He asks why Oscar didn’t just ask him.
Oscar reminds him how horribly Sherlock treated him last time they talked and asks if that sounded like someone who would help him. He says to find Olivia and get her back into rehab then he’ll hand over Alfredo. He offers to find her and even give Oscar money. He says he knows Sherlock wants to hurt him and says he has Hep-C and a bad heart. He says if he dies, Alfredo will starve to death. Sherlock says he could torture him effectively and Oscar says to try him. Sherlock asks how Olivia called him. He says she has no phone or apartment.
Sherlock says they’ll start at the rehab facility. Oscar says he’ll laugh – it’s the same one Sherlock went too. They are in her room and Oscar says this must bring back memories. Sherlock asks if he chose Hemdale because he recommended it and Oscar says Sherlock even paid for it since he made a standing reservation for him. Oscar says he made a few calls and says he made them believe it was for an Olivia not an Oscar then he asks how Sherlock’s dad is since he’ll be the one to get the bills. Olivia’s roommate comes in – Kamala Ruger.
She asks how they got in and Sherlock says they’re looking for Olivia. He says Oscar is her brother and Kamala asks if something happened to her. Sherlock asks if she knows where Olivia is. She says there will be a bed check soon and they should go outside. She says she liked Olivia but says she wasn’t ready to get clean. She says she tried to talk Olivia out of leaving but says she told her that her friend Beta Ray was coming to pick her up and she was going to hang with him. Sherlock says that sounds like a street name.
He asks Oscar to let him call Joan to search the NYPD database. Oscar says he knows where Beta is and where to find him. Marcus and Joan are at one of Oscar’s squatting places but they don’t see any signs of Alfredo. She says Oscar looking happy in the picture is scary and says when addicts hang onto one relationship like a friend or family it becomes overly important. Marcus finds a knife in the trash and they wonder why Oscar would leave it there. Marcus bags it for evidence. Joan says Oscar has been there and points out the Charger that was stolen from Alfredo’s shop.
They check the trunk and think Alfredo was kept there. They wonder if he escaped. Marcus says Oscar could have stashed Alfredo anywhere and Joan found a napkin from a Long Island burger place. Oscar heads with Sherlock to a heroin den to find Beta. He says it sucks to be Sherlock since it’s not good for people in recovery to be somewhere like that. They head inside and Sherlock sees people using all over the place. Oscar finds out Beta and Olivia were there a couple of days ago and Beta is supposed to be back tonight. Oscar says they have to wait.
They go upstairs and Sherlock sees drivers licenses hung up. Oscar says his buddy Mickey picks pockets and keeps the souvenirs. Oscar asks if he remembers when they hung out on Christmas eve and he found Sherlock crying on the floor over Irene. Sherlock says he doesn’t remember and Oscar says he held him and promised he’d take care of him. He says he was his friend and Sherlock says they were a cancer to each other. He says Alfredo was so nice at the garage even when he held the gun on him. He says he gets why Sherlock likes him.
Oscar prepares to shoot up and Sherlock says they have business here. Oscar says he told him how to pick him out and says he’s bald with a spider tattoo. He says this place is the Ritz compared to where Alfredo is. Marcus tells Gregson that Oscar has an uncle in Long Island but they checked the house and Alfredo isn’t there. They’re trying to get surveillance from Dilby’s burgers. Sherlock calls Joan and he says he’s still with Oscar. He says he’s at a shooting gallery and says they’re waiting on a friend of Olivia’s. She says they found the car and think he may be in Long Island.
Sherlock says there’s dust from stone cutting. Joan says they’ll look for places that might explain that. He asks her to text him any updates and she says Oscar is an idiot and Sherlock shouldn’t be there. He says he’s okay for now and is no closer to using then hangs up the phone. Sherlock sees something of interest among the licenses. He kicks Oscar to wake him and says they’re leaving. Oscar shows him a license from Jonathon Bloom and says Mickey stole his wallet. He says he knows Bloom and Olivia may have left with him and it’s not good news.
They go to Bloom’s house and he invites them in to discuss whatever he’s being accused of now. He says he’s used to being harassed by the police. Sherlock says he knows about Bloom and has followed his story in the news. Sherlock says he heard that he likes young women that can’t fight back that he picks up from drug dens. Bloom says those are rumors and Sherlock says he notices there are no security cameras in his building. Sherlock says Olivia’s photo and says he was seen at the heroin den where she went missing and has his license.
Bloom says it’s his license but he hasn’t seen the girl. He says he wasn’t in a heroin den. Sherlock attacks him and says to tell him everything. He admits to knowing Olivia and says she robbed him and hurt his arm. He says she took his stash, his cash and ran. He says the doorman met her in a car and can give the name of the service. Marcus and Joan are in Long Island looking for Alfredo with no luck. Joan looks at a hole in the ground and says Alfredo may not be alive if he wasn’t left somewhere safe. Marcus suggests talking to the uncle.
Then Joan sees marble and says headstone engravers and cemeteries. She spots a jacket on a chair in the photos from the uncle’s house for a memorial place. Sherlock and Oscar go to where the driver said he dropped off Olivia. They walk towards a tunnel and Oscar says there may be more addicts in there using and asks doesn’t is bother Sherlock. He prods Sherlock and asks if he’s cured. Sherlock says that’s a dumb thing to say. Sherlock sniffs and tells Oscar to wait there. He goes into the tunnel alone. He goes in and finds Olivia’s still body sitting against the wall. She’s dead.
Sherlock comes back out and asks Oscar what all this was about. He says Olivia is dead and has been for two days and says Oscar has known the entire time and says he spotted his boot print near her body. He says he found Olivia, took Alfredo then came to him. Sherlock asks why. Oscar says Olivia got hooked because she dropped out of school and moved in with him. He says she called him after she left Bloom’s place and that she robbed the guy. He says he found her and all he could think about was Sherlock. He says he heard his voice in his head saying awful things to him.
He says he heard him calling him a dumb, despicable piece of garbage. He says Sherlock is right again and says he wanted to be right about him. He says he wanted to watch when Sherlock realized that this is where he belongs – in a place like this with someone like him. He says he was going to be there when he fell and asks Sherlock why he keeps fighting it. He says it’s just a matter of time and asks why not cut to the chase. Sherlock asks where Alfredo is and Oscar asks if Alfredo is his friend. Sherlock says Alfredo has nothing to do with this.
Oscar says he does but doesn’t have to. He offers Sherlock some heroin and says he just needs a little push. He drops the heroin at Sherlock’s feet. Marcus and Joan head to the headstone business that’s closed and where Oscar’s uncle worked for 30 years. They start a search. Oscar tells Sherlock it’s good stuff – from Bloom’s stash. Oscar says he wants him to remember how he got there and who brought him. Oscar says if he hurts him, he’ll never tell him where Alfredo is and he’ll die like Olivia but it will be Sherlock’s fault. Joan and Marcus find Alfredo.
He was padlocked in a back room and it’s hot and he’s barely conscious. They call for an ambulance while Joan checks on him and tells him he’s going to be okay. She says she’ll let Sherlock know. Joan texts Sherlock that they have him. Oscar says he said no phones. Sherlock hits him then knocks him down and kicks him violently and repeatedly. Then he looks down at the heroin, picks it up and takes it with him. Joan comes home and her phone rings. She goes up to the roof to meet Sherlock.
He sits staring out at the lights of the city and she asks how he’s doing. She says it’s been three days and she thought he might be ready to talk. She says his father called and says he found out about what happened, she doesn’t know how, but says he’ll be there tomorrow. He looks completely stoned as he slumps dead eyed in the chair. Holy cow – looks like he relapsed!