Finding Carter Recap 10/27/15: Season 2 Episode 16 “The Sound and the Fury”

Tonight on MTV Finding Carter returns with an all new Tuesday October 27, season 2 episode 16 called, “The Sound and the Fury,” and we have your weekly recap below. On tonight’s episode, Carter (Kathryn Prescott) hits it off with someone new; and figures out how to save the bar.

On the last episode Lori told Carter shocking news about Ben; and Taylor urged Max to help Gabe get back on track. Did you watch last week’s episode? If you missed it we have a full and detailed recap, right here for you.

On tonight’s episode per the MTV synopsis “Carter hits it off with someone new; and figures out how to save the bar. In other events, Max takes Grant under his wing; and things come to a head between Max, Taylor and Gabe.”

Be sure to tune in for FINDING CARTER on MTV at 10 PM EST and check here for a live recap of this great show. Hit up the comments to tell us what you think about Finding Carter.

Tonight’s episode begins now – Refresh Page often to get the most current updates!

#FindingCarter starts with Taylor making up Carter. Taylor tells Carter she’s in stalker territory with Ben with all the texts she’s sending. Taylor says leave it then offers to help. They go to Lori’s and Taylor is not happy. They ask about Ben. Lori is nervous because there’s a social services visit coming soon and if Ben isn’t there, she’ll lose custody of him. David shows Grant the book tour as Max comes in. David says the interview questions are the worst.

Grant reminds him he has high school orientation and Max is impressed. David says he’ll be there but Max says he can take him and show him around. Grant says with his dad taking off for two months he’d better get used to it. Max and Grant fist bump. At the bar, Carter shows up and Jared tells her to taste a drink he’s created for a bachelorette party. He shows her how to mix the drink. He coaches her and then says she’s good for business.

Liz is approached by a beat cop and says he arrested Gabe. At work, Carter tries a mojito she made and he says not enough sugar. She slops some rum on her tank top and he says there’s extra shirts in his office. She goes to change. She asks where they are and he comes in and pulls one out for her. He hands her one and he pulls her in for a kiss. Then he says he’s sorry and it’s the alcohol. He says he’s been wanting to do it for a long time. She kisses back.

The cop tells Gabe that his car was smashed up and he was over the legal limit. He says there was someone with Gabe who had no ID on him. Liz goes in and sees it’s Gabe and Ben. Her jaw drops. She asks if they’re all right and she tells Gabe he could have killed himself. She says he’s lucky the cop isn’t charging him. Gabe says he’s the luckiest guy on earth. She says she’s taking them home but Gabe says he’s taking Uber. Carter and Jared kiss in his office and she says they should get back to work.

They laugh awkwardly and he says he has a rule about not hooking up with employees but that won’t be a problem. He says the bar is not doing great and she says it’s packed every night and he says the rents are going up because of gentrification. She asks if he’s ever thought of moving it but he says it’s been in his family three generations. She says it sucks and he agrees. He says he’ll figure something out. He says he has to get back to work and leaves her to change.

Liz walks Ben out and he thanks her and says he doesn’t need another charge on his record. She says it’s a benefit of knowing a cop. She tells him Gabe is in a bad place right now. She says being a cop you learn to deal with people at their worst. She asks if he’s bleeding. He says he cut it. She says they need to take care of it and says she’s taking him home with her. Taylor comes to see Gabe and says her mom called about his wreck. She says he has to stop and would be in jail right now if not for her mom.

He says to drop it. She says they all care about him. He says he’s fine and she and her mom don’t need to come to his rescue. He tells her not to come back and she says she won’t. Liz fixes up Ben’s arm and he says that saves him a big explanation to Lori. Liz asks how it’s going and he says not bad. Carter comes in and asks where he’s been. Liz goes to put up the first aid kit. She says she’s wanted to talk to him and he says he got her 87 message. She apologizes for the accusation.

He says he’s sorry too and should have texted back. He says he did try the watch on then laid it down. She tells him Lori is really worried about him. He asks since when is she close to Lori and she says they both care about him. He says he and Gabe went to Atlantic City to party. She asks if he made money and he says he broke even. She says she needs an angle to make some quick cash. Ben says you just figure out what people want and give it to them. He leaves.

Ben comes home and tells Lori he doesn’t want to make a big deal. She says she’s glad he’s home. He says he just wants to sleep. She says the social worker is coming Sunday night and he says Carter told him. She reminds him what’s at stake if he messes up their situation. He says for the first time tonight, he gets it. Carter goes to see Jared with a proposition on how to make some extra cash. He says it’s not her problem but she says she likes the place and her boss.

She takes him to the Shaw motor place – it’s the shop where Crash used to work. She says they can put up a DJ both and some art and do a one night guerrilla rave. She says she will bring in people if he takes care of the booze and a sound system. She says she’ll get the art, the DJ and people there. He says he’s impressed and terrified and kisses her. He says it’s either really smart or really stupid. Max and Grant are on the high school tour. Max tells Grant that the darkroom is a good place to make out with girls.

He tells him the teacher’s lounge has the best snacks then he runs into Reagan and acts nervous. Max says they need to work on that. David is going through his work and Liz says he’s been working on his briefcase for an hour. He says he’s nervous about leaving for two months. He’s worried about Ben and Gabe. She says she’s feeling better about Ben and says Gabe still blames her for his father’s death. He asks if she’s okay with him being gone two months.

He says she’s a good wife, mother and friend. She says he forgot to mention cook and he says three out of four isn’t bad. Grant asks Max if Reagan seemed genuine when she spoke to him. Max tells him he’s going to have a stroke and needs to chill. Max says Reagan seemed happy to see him and says to just call her. Grant says anything more than Snapchat is talking. He decides to text her and ask to Facetime later.

Carter has Bird and Taylor getting ready for the rave and Bird says her phone is already blowing up. Carter says Jared needs this and Taylor says she blushes when she says his name. Carter says they kissed and it was amazing. She says maybe because he’s older and more experienced. Bird says she can’t remember the last good kiss she had. They talk about guys being sloppy or careful and awkward. She says she wonders if she has to tell him how old she really is before it goes any further.

Bird says don’t tell but Taylor says a relationship should be built on trust. Bird says they’re not talking about a relationship. Liz gets in her car and drives from the house. Lori sits outside and watches her go then she goes to the door. Davis is stunned.

Lori tells David about the social worker study and he asks what she wants. She asks if he can come by to show a united front and says they can show they are united parents to Ben. David says it’s not a good idea. Lori says if it goes badly she could lose him and says maybe that’s what David wants but he says he doesn’t want Ben back in the system. She tells him not to tell Liz and to just do this for Ben. Max takes the phone when Grant freaks out because Reagan didn’t text back.

He tells him to play video games and ignore the phone. He says to keep focusing on himself. Max says no phone then leaves to go meet Taylor. The rave starts up and it’s packed. They take in big cash at the door and the place is hopping. Bird checks out the DJ and Bird says Carter really did this. Bird checks out the DJ and Carter says his name is Seth. Bird goes to flirt. Max and Taylor tell her it’s amazing. Jared shows up and she introduces them to her boss.

He tells Carter they made more money tonight than they usually make in a week and kisses her. He goes back to work but says it was nice to meet them. Carter says she digs him. Max asks what the problem is. Taylor says the guy is 25 and doesn’t know Carter is 17. Bird is in the DJ booth helping out. Taylor spots Gabe there and isn’t pleased. She tells Max she can’t believe he’s there. Max asks her to get them more drinks and he goes to talk to Gabe.

He says Taylor is still pissed at him. Max says he hopes the car wreck would knock some sense into him. Max says if he cared about Taylor he would get himself straight. Gabe walks off. Liz stares at a memorial page about Kyle when David comes in. He asks how long people’s social media pages stay up after they’re gone and she says she doesn’t know. He asks if she’s thinking about Gabe and she says she wishes she could make things better with him.

He says give it time then says things are changing with Ben. She says she hopes Lori won’t interfere and he says they can’t worry about that. Carter notices people are getting overheated and Jared sends someone to find a crowbar to open the garage door. He says they may need to shut it down. Ben lurks nearby acting shifty. Carter looks around at all the sweaty people and worries they’ll have a stamped. She opens the water main and water sprays down on everyone. They love it.

Everyone is wet and making out and Jared smiles at Carter. Ben breaks into the bar while they are all at the rave. Ben puts a card reader on the cash register monitor to replace the real one. It’s nearly dawn when Bird and Seth the DJ leave. He says to let him know when she has another rave. She sees Ben there and he says it was a great party. She asks if he’ll be there for the social worker visit and he says maybe he shouldn’t show to teach Lori a lesson. He asks why it’s so important and she says he is.

Jared pays the security guys who take off. She asks how did they do. He says her paycheck is four times bigger. He says he can pay the rent this month and people want to know when the next party will be. Carter says there’s something she needs to tell him. He says rip off the Band-Aid. He asks if it’s a BF and she says it’s nothing, never mind. They leave. Grant’s phone rings. It’s Reagan. He freaks and drops the phone. She apologizes for not texting back.

She says she’s glad they’re going to the same high school and says maybe they can hang out. She tells him to text back sometime and he says sure. He’s thrilled he took Max’s advice. Carter goes to Lori’s place and she says she wanted to make sure Ben showed up. Lori asks her in. She introduces Carter to the social worker and the social worker says it’s nice that David is there too and says they must all care a great deal for Ben. Carter says they really do.

Later at home, Taylor is cooking when Gabe shows up. She asks why he’s there and he says he needs to talk to her. He says he’s made some mistakes and they both know why. He says the biggest mistake was not telling her the truth about how he feels about her. She asks him to stop and says she’s with Max. She says nothing can change that. He says he had a shot once and he missed it and that’s that. She says she doesn’t know what to tell him.

Gabe says he’s sorry for the way he’s been acting and says he’ll be better. She says that’s good and hugs him. David is ready to go and tells Grant he’s the man of the house now. Grant tells him not to watch Walking Dead without him. David tells Taylor he’ll miss her cooking. The he tells Carter thank you for everything and says she really stepped up. She tells him he did too. Liz tells the kids to give them a moment alone. He says he’ll call her every night and says he loves her.

She says she loves him too and says she’ll be there for the calls. She gets the door for him. He says he’ll be back before she knows it. She says she’ll be there. She watches him go to the car as the driver tucks his luggage in the back. The car pulls away. Liz is sad. Jared and Carter make out in his office. She tells him she’s 17 and she used a fake ID to get the job. He freaks out. She says she’s sorry she lied and says a few years aren’t a big deal. He says it’s a huge difference and tells her she needs to go.

She says she’s the same person and he says she’s not, she’s underaged and this is crazy. He asks if she has any idea what position she put him in. She says she’s sorry and he says she has to go. Now. She goes to the door. She’s crying and says she didn’t mean to lie or get involved with him but it just happened. She says she’s telling him now because she really cares about him. She goes.


Stormy Elizabeth:
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