Finding Carter Fall Premiere Recap – Secret Brother Shenanigans: Season 2 Episode 13 “Native Son”

Tonight on MTV Finding Carter returns with an all new Tuesday October 6, season 2 episode 13 called, “Native Son,” and we have your weekly recap below. On tonight’s episode, in the Season 2 Fall premiere, Carter (Kathryn Prescott) learns of the outcome of Lori’s trial; and decides she wants to get to know her new brother, Ben

On the last episode Carter was prepared to testify in court in order to end Lori’s manipulation; and a revelation upended the Wilson household. Did you watch last week’s episode? If you missed it we have a full and detailed recap, right here for you.

On tonight’s episode per the MTV synopsis “in the Season 2B premiere, Carter learns of the outcome of Lori’s trial; and decides she wants to get to know her new brother, Ben. In other events, David and Elizabeth come to blows over Lori’s latest bombshell.”

Be sure to tune in for FINDING CARTER on MTV at 10 PM EST and check here for a live recap of this all new show. Hit up the comments to tell us what you think of this new show called Finding Carter. In the meantime, check out the preview for tonight’s episode below.



#FindingCarter begins with Carter coming out of the courtroom after the verdict that Lori was found not-guilty. The new reports that Carter will stay with the Wilsons. Lori tells the press she’s grateful to be free and have custody of her son with David, Benjamin. Carter watches them walk by. The Wilsons try to get to Carter but the press blocks them. David steps up to his son who walks by as if David is no one to him. Carter chases Ben out calling to him but he won’t stop. He gets in a car and is driven away.

Taylor and Carter wonder why Ben isn’t on social media anywhere. Taylor says he doesn’t want to be found. Carter spots Lori at the school and she asks why she’s there. Lori was there enrolling Ben in school. Carter tells him she’s been looking for him and he says he’s there. Ben asks Lori to come sign for his classes. Lori says she won’t interfere in her life and will stay away but says she loves her and is there for her if she needs her. Carter says she won’t need her. She and Taylor walk away.

Carter asks Liz about getting a restraining order but David says Lori has his son. The Wilsons wonder what to do. David says he’s still in shock and says he doesn’t want Lori near them. Liz says she doesn’t understand boundaries but David says they shouldn’t provoke her. Carter sees Ben at his locker at school and approaches him. She asks if he’s doing okay then says the principal seems like a bitch. Carter says she hasn’t been at school too much recently. He walks away and she offers him a place to stay.

He says he has a place to stay and she says he doesn’t know what he’s getting into with Lori. Ben says he’s just trying to stay out of the system and says their drama is not his. Carter says she’s around if he needs anything. He quotes her and says he won’t. Gabe tells Taylor her new brother is in his shop class then Damon says he just topped her as top of the class. Taylor says that can’t be right but Damon says she’s number two. Gabe invites Taylor to a party at his place. He says he’s back home not at Damon’s.

Damon flirts up Bird and invites her to the party to hang. She says she’ll be there. Ben checks out Bird too and she asks if it’s his first day and how it’s going. She introduces herself then he says he’s Ben and she asks if he’s the new brother. Crash is a couple of hours away and coming to see Carter who’s excited to see him. He asks about the brother and she says Ben blew her off. He says to give the guy time. Carter ends the call as Ben walks up. He says he needs a ride and she says okay.

He gets in the car with her and she asks where he was before all this. He says he’s not much of a talker. She says she just wanted to know something about him. He says she wants to know about his shady past and he says he was in a crappy town in Delaware. She asks if foster care sucks. He jokes about being locked in the basement. He says he had five families in 13 years then a group home. He says no beatings, no basements, just meh. He asks her to pull up out front of a house.

Ben says it’s not foster parents you have to watch out for but foster kids. He gets out and goes to the back of a house while Carter watches. David goes to see Lori. She asks why he’s there. He says he got Ben’s address from school then he asks if she knew Ben was his and why she didn’t tell him. Lori says he went back to her life. He asks why she took Carter when she had Ben already. Lori says they took Ben from her because she was mentally ill.

She says she had no one. David says he wants to know Ben then asks how she can take care of him. She says she has a plan. Liz is horrified that David went to Lori and says God only know what she’ll do now. David says he wants to know his son so he has to take Lori at her word. David says he has to hope for the best out of this. Carter waits outside the house when her phone buzzes. Crash is in town and asks where she is. She tells him that Ben went into a backyard. Crash reminds her she doesn’t know the guy.
Carter says it’s her brother. Carter says Ben may not be a welcome guest in the house. Crash tells her to start the car and just drive away. Carter creeps around the back of the house and sees Ben in a shed. She whispers to him and says someone is in the house. He panics. Ben grabs her hand and says to run. He took a duffle bag. Ben hops in the car and Carter drives them away. She almost hits a car getting away. The party at Gabe’s is a rager and he talks about a car he wants to buy.

He also bought himself a new smart watch. He’s blowing through money left and right. Taylor talks to Max about Gabe’s behavior. They watch Gabe do body shots off a girl and Taylor says he’s been drinking like a fish and blowing the insurance money. Crash shows up to the party and asks if Carter is there. Crash says she’s with Ben but he doesn’t know where. Gabe cranks up the music. Carter asks Ben who that guy was that came after them.

Ben says he was no one. Carter says the guy seemed pissed off then asks what’s in the bag. He shows her it’s clothes. He says that’s all the dirty laundry that he has. Crash tries to call Carter but gets voice mail. David takes a call from his publisher and says he told him Lori is writing his book. Liz says she can’t be trusted. David says Lori has to be able to support Ben or she’ll lose him. Liz says someone has to stop Lori. Liz is angry because it doesn’t look like that’s what David will do.

Damon teases Taylor about being #2. She says he’ll be back in his place soon. Ben tells Carter to pull over and let him out because he has stuff to do. Carter tells they don’t know each other’s baggage but says she knows Lori and she’s not a good person for him to be with and asks him to come stay with them. He says no thanks to living with a cop. She asks him to think about it and says if things go bad where he is, to remember it’s an option. She tells him about the party and he says he has plans.

He gets out with his bag of laundry and heads down the sidewalk. Liz comes to see Lori and asks what she’s up to writing a book. Lori says she’s just trying to take care of her kid. Liz says she has no authority to write a book about Carter or them. Lori says she does so and Liz gets nastier then reminds her that Carter despises her now and if she write the book, she will have no chance with Carter. Lori asks if that’s all then Liz says she sold David a sob story but she’s warning her if she stays, she will come after her.

Liz says she will make every moment of her life hell as long as she stays in her town. Carter finally makes it to the party. Crash is annoyed at her antics with Ben. She flops down beside Max who asks her about Ben and she says he’s hot and cold. Then we see Ben is at the party with Bird looking flirty. Taylor tells Damon he’s #2 now and points out Bird with her date. Carter asks about his plans and he says his plans were with Bird and he didn’t know she’d be there. Carter introduces Ben to Max.

Bird says she brought Ben to the party to hang with his sisters. Bird says Ben is like the bad, cool guy version of Carter. Then Carter tells Taylor she invited him to stay with them and Taylor says to give Ben a minute then reminds her that she didn’t like the Wilson when she got there. Taylor finds Ben and says it’s weird. She says she’s been through the freakiest stuff but this takes the cake. He says they don’t have to be friends and she calls it denial. She says he needs info on school.

She rattles off some tips. Ben listens and seems open. Carter introduces Crash to Ben. Crash says it’s not cool that Ben put Carter in the line of fire today. Ben says he’s done and walks away. Carter gets on to Crash and says the guy is sketchy. Crash says she has no idea what he’s into. Carter says she wants to get to know Ben but Crash says it’s a bad idea. Carter leaves with Ben and Bird. They head out and Ben makes them fake IDs in Carter’s room. He asks them for $50 each.

David comes in not realizing Ben is there. He’s shocked to see his son. Carter introduces them and they shake hands. Ben says they should get going and Carter asks him to wait downstairs while she and Bird get changed. Taylor and Damon are having a party competition. David offers Ben a soda then says he’s glad she and Carter are getting to know each other. David tells him that Lori never told him and says he would have been part of the family a long time ago. Ben says it’s good to know. David says he’s there for him.

Grant comes in and David introduces them. Ben asks what game he’s playing and they talk game progress. Carter and Bird come down ready and David says it’s a good start. He says he hopes to see him again and Ben says – sure. Carter says family isn’t as painful as he imagined. They head out to a club. Carter asks how long he’s been making fake IDs. They watch a guy with his fake ID fail and the bouncer threatens to call the cops on him. Ben’s IDs pass muster easily. They get inside.

Bird takes ben to dance and Ben hands Carter money to start them a tab. She asks for a beer but the bartender upsells her to hard liquor. A guy comes to flirt with Carter and asks to buy her a drink. She says no. The bartender pretends to be her BF to save her from the smiley guy. He says his name is Jerry. He tells her the drink is on him and sorry about the creep. Taylor is out-drinking and beating Damon at the game. Taylor tells Gabe that Damon is drinking too much.

Taylor tells Gabe he’s drinking too much and pissing away his money. Gabe gets mad. Max tries to calm them down. Damon passes out and keels over. Carter lurks at the bar and talks to the bartender who talks about dropping out of high school and not regretting it. He tells her he runs the place and says it’s a hectic night because he just lost a server. Taylor comes to check on Gabe who’s in his room texting. There’s a passed out girl on his bed. Taylor sits by him and asks if it’s Ofe he’s texting.

He says Ofe’s bummed he’s not there and Taylor says rehab is the best place for him. Gabe says she’s right and he’s not doing so great. Taylor says she hates seeing him like this and asks what she can do. He says he appreciates her concern. Liz tells David that she can’t wait for the day to be over. David says his publisher called to tell him that Lori isn’t writing the book and wonders why she backed out. Then he tells her he met Ben because Carter brought him over.

He says the kid has his eyes and they talked just a little. David says he wants to do what he can for him and doesn’t want to lose him. Next day, Carter waits on Crash who meets her. She brought him coffee and they sit for a moment. She apologizes about the night before and he says he’s sorry too. Carter says she wants to make it up to him. Crash tells her he loves her but says he’s not sure she wants him close to her. She says she loves him too but says she doesn’t need him to take care of her.

Crash says okay and cuddles her. David comes to see Lori again. He says he wants to talk about the future and asks how she’ll support Ben without the book. She says she’s working on it and David hands her a check for $10k and says to make sure Ben gets what he needs. Ben lurks around the corner listening. Carter goes to see Jerry about the bartending job. He says he needs a copy of her ID for the application. She hands over her fake and fills out the form.

Ben pulls out the bag of laundry and we see there’s stacks of cash in it under the clothes along with credit cards and fake IDs – it’s exactly what he told Carter he had in the car. Liz watches David leave Lori’s house. She lurks in her car nearby. She’s angry and has tears in her eyes.

Stormy Elizabeth:
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