Finding Carter Recap 5/26/15: Season 2 Episode 9 “I Knew You Were Trouble”

Tonight on MTV Finding Cater returns with an all new Tuesday May 26, season 2 episode 9 called, “I Knew You Were Trouble,” and we have your weekly recap below. On tonight’s episode, Carter [Kathryn Prescott] and Max [Alex Saxon] take a road trip after receiving unexpected news about Lori.

On the last episode Carter was grounded just as an old friend arrived with alarming information about Lori; and Taylor saw Max in a different light after learning about his past. Did you watch last week’s episode? If you missed it we have a full and detailed recap, right here for you.

On tonight’s episode per the MTV synopsis “Carter and Max take a road trip after receiving unexpected news about Lori; and Elizabeth, Joan and Taylor deal with drama at home.”

Be sure to tune in for FINDING CARTER on MTV at 10 PM EST and check here for a live recap of this all new show. Hit up the comments to tell us what you think of this new show called Finding Carter. In the meantime, check out the preview for tonight’s episode below.

Tonight’s episode begins now – Refresh Page often to get the most current updates!

#FindingCarter starts with David and Liz discussing that Carter didn’t sleep after they got the call about Lori’s suicide attempt. David says they can’t ever seem to get rid of her. Taylor asks Carter who called and she says Lori’s doctor keeps trying to get her to come in since they like to talk to family after an event like this but Taylor says she’s not family. Taylor says Lori is insane and always has been but Carter says there’s more to it than that. She says she’s going to hang out with Max and takes off.

Taylor asks her to come to the charity thing at the country club tonight and she agrees. Madison shows up at Bird’s and Carter tells Mad about the suicide attempt. Carter says Lori just wants her attention but Madison says she’s sick. Madison says Lori doesn’t have control over it and says it’s mental illness like any other illness. Carter and max sit in his truck and he says it’s not a good idea for her to go see Lori. He says Madison doesn’t get this and says he knows what Lori meant to her.

Carter says the doctor just wants to ask her some questions. She asks Max to take her and he says he will. Liz asks why a beauty pageant blew up in her house. Her mom is there with fancy stuff to prepare for the charity event. Joan rants about Lori’s antics then Taylor comes and says Max called to say he’s taking her to the mental hospital. Liz calls but doesn’t get her and leaves a worried voice mail. Liz tells Taylor they need to skip the charity event and go see about Carter.

Taylor says they can’t let Lori stop their lives but Liz says it’s about Carter. Taylor says Carter didn’t ask Liz to come or even tell her. She says she made a commitment to the event and won’t disappoint people because of that crazy woman. Liz agrees and says she’s right. Carter thinks about the years of Lori raising her. She has the stack of letters with her. Max asks what they are and what they say. She says she never opened them.

Liz calls David to fill him in and he says they know Carter and she must want to handle this on her own. David says he called the doctor and he thinks it will help and is concerned for everyone. David says she’s with Max and will be fine. He says Carter is theirs and will come back. Carter reads the letters and says maybe if she wrote back, Lori wouldn’t have done that. Max reassures her and says she has been through a big ordeal. He says Lori made the choice to hurt herself.

Carter thinks about Lori waking her in the middle of the night when she was little and Lori had a bad dream. She needed comfort from her daughter. Lori says the lady across the hall who gave her candy scared her. She says it’s time to leave this place. Carter isn’t happy they’re moving again. Lori says they’ll play a game where they only have 20 minutes to pack what they want. She says anything that can’t fit has to stay behind.

Taylor tells Joan she wishes the timing of the pageant was better and her grandma asks how she is. Liz asks if this dress is a joke. She’s not happy with her dress and says it’s slutty but Joan says she looks fantastic. The doorbell rings and Kyle is there and eyeballs the sexy dress. Joan says to ask what he thinks. He asks her to dinner later and she says she can’t tonight. She says she’s got an event and something with Carter but would rather be doing anything else.

She says they can talk soon and Kyle says he would like to see that dress in all its glory. He leaves. Madison tries to call Carter and Bird says Carter won’t hold a grudge. She says a double kidnapping and suicide is crazy and Lori deserves what’s coming. Madison says Lori sent her there. Bird asks about her parents. Madison says her parents kicked her out then she told Lori who told her to come get Carter to move in with her. She says she thinks Lori was trying to lure her away from her new family.

Madison is feeling used by Lori and says she wants Carter to know that. Madison says she thought she was trying to help Carter. Bird says they can go to the event at the country club and Carter should be there. Carter and Max wait on a bench. Carter thinks about Lori nursing a bee sting when she was little. Lori told her she would always be there to take care of her no matter how many bees there are. Carter promised her to take care of her too.

Max asks if Carter is okay and she says she keeps remembering things and says she thinks Lori was sick all along, maybe her whole life. Max says she should tell the doctor that. Dr Fox comes out and introduces himself and Carter asks to see Lori. Max is stunned and asks if this is what she wants. He says not to let Lori mess with her. Carter says Lori raised her and is a huge part of who she is. She says if she had killed herself and she hadn’t seen her again, she would wonder forever why she didn’t try to help her.

Max says he understands but says she has to look out for herself because she doesn’t know what condition she’s in. Carter says they can ask the doctor if it’s okay. Joan, Taylor and Liz make it to the country club and sign up for makeup. Liz wants a stiff drink and goes in search of liquor. Joan is annoyed. Madison and Bird cruise the club when Gabe and Damon walk over. They’re working as cater waiters. They ask if they saw Carter and they tell them not yet.

Bird orders shrimp and two drinks but Gabe says he can’t serve them. He says someone has been pilfering liquor after hours. Damon says it’s him and hands over his flask. They order mixers and the guys get back to work. Bird spots staring and gossiping women and says they’re talking about her parents. Madison confronts the chatty bitches and says she’s sorry her parents left her in the line of fire. Madison says she knows about family ditching her when they found out she was gay.

She says Lori was always nice to her but now she doesn’t know. Madison and Bird toast to crappy adults and they wonder where Carter is. Dr Fox says Lori talks about Carter all the time. Max asks how the suicide attempt happened. Dr Fox says the medications have introduced a new reality to Lori which can be difficult to deal with. He warns Carter about bruising on her neck and says she may be cloudy from the sedatives.

She goes into the room with Lori who sits in a chair looking out of it. Carter steps closer and Lori says she shouldn’t have come. Carter sits and says she wanted to. She asks Lori to look at her but Lori says she doesn’t want her there.

Carter says she may not want her there but she wanted to be there. Lori says she never answered her letters and asks why she’s there now. Carter asks why she hurt herself and Lori says she should have done it long ago. She says it’s all clear to her now and she sees everything like she woke up from a bad dream. Carter says maybe that’s a good thing. Lori says she hurt so many people – most importantly Carter. Carter says everyone makes mistakes.

Lori says she didn’t leave the bathtub running, she knows what she did. She says she wants Carter to go on with her life and forget she stole 13 years of her life for selfish reasons. Liz calls David to check in. Gabe offers her a drink refill and she says she’s just pouting. He says his dad always told him he was a world class pouter. Then he asks if she’s having dinner with his dad later and says his dad wanted to tell her that he’s selling their house. He says he doesn’t mind selling the house but thinks his dad is doing it for hereditary.

Gabe says he thinks his dad is more serious about them than Liz is. He says people who want to be together make it work. He says saying her life is complicated is just an excuse. Taylor sees Madison and Bird and asks if they heard from Carter. Taylor tells them Carter went to the mental hospital. The manager Chad comes over and tells Bird that her parents’ membership has been suspended. Joan walks over and Bird says they can leave.

Joan says they’re coming to her table as guests. Joan tells Chad she doesn’t expect any more problems and he smiles and leaves bowing and scraping. The girls are impressed. Carter tells Lori she knows she must feel alone and she should have written her back or visited. Lori says she’s glad she didn’t and needed time away from her to see the truth. Carter says mistakes have been made by everyone but says her whole life hasn’t been a mistake.

She says they had her whole childhood together and it wasn’t a mistake. Lori says she had no right to it and wasn’t her mom. Carter says she was her mom back then and did a lot of things right. She says she was kind and loving. Lori tells Carter to leave so she can be alone. Dr Fox tells Carter that Lori needs to rest. Carter tells her she loves her and says she loves her more. She cries and says to tell her she loves her more. Lori sits still and doesn’t respond.

Once she goes. Lori tells the nurse that Carter said she loved her and she was her mom. She says she knew she would come for her. Lori was faking it! That bitch! Madison calls the hospital to ask to speak to Carter. The nurse says that Lori said to tell her she’s all right and will be in touch. David shows up to wow over the girls. He says he talked to the doctor and that Carter saw Lori and is on her way back. Taylor is angry that Lori yanks Carter away when they try to have a normal life.

She says she hates Lori and wishes she had done a better job. She says she doesn’t care she has her blood and wishes Lori was dead. Joan says the show is ready and Liz wants to pull Taylor out of it but Taylor says she can’t let Lori ruin this too. Kyle shows up and chats up Gabe. He says he came to support Liz but Gabe says David is there to support Liz. Gabe asks if Liz invited him and Kyle says you can’t wait for a woman to tell you what she wants. He asks for two beers.

Kyle takes a beer to David who asks him to sit down. The fashion show starts. It’s teen, mom and grandma. Taylor takes their hands and they walk the runway. They get lots of applause. Liz is surprised to see Kyle there and looks from David to him thoughtfully. Carter cries as Max drives them back. He asks if she wants to talk. He tells her it’s okay. She keeps crying. He pulls off the road and scoots over to hold her while she cries. She sobs into his neck. He comforts her.

She bawls and bawls and he rocks her. She pulls back and kisses him. He kisses back. Later, they lie together in the back of the truck naked. Carter sits up – Max is still dozing. She pulls her clothes on. Max wakes when she closes the door and gets into the cab of the truck. He gets dressed and joins her. He asks if she’s okay. Carter says not really then asks if he is. He says no. Carter asks how she could have let this happened but he says it just happened.

Carter says she hates herself and he says not to go there. He says it was a bad move but he was there too. She says she knows he loves Taylor and says she loves him too even though she’s not ready to admit it now. She says she put herself first again before Taylor. He says she was going through something but she says not to make excuses for her and she says the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree. Liz tells Taylor that Carter has an attachment to Lori and she has to accept it.

Liz says they all have to learn to accept it now matter how much they want that person to disappear. She says Lori is in Carter’s heart. Taylor says she doesn’t know how to help Carter or what she needs. Liz says she feels the same. Kyle asks to talk to Liz and asks if they can head to his place tonight. Liz says she would love to but just can’t. She says she’s sorry. She goes off to join her family. Bird and Madison get back to her place and Mad asks why Bird still goes to the club.

Bird says it has a lot of memories for her then tells Madison she’s sorry Carter didn’t show. Madison says she wishes it wasn’t a joke that they were on a date and says it’s the kind of date every girl wants to go on with fashion, drama and Chad. Bird says if it was a real date, they’d have a kiss at the end and kisses Madison who kisses her back. Max pulls his truck up to the house later. He says they need to talk about this but Carter says they need to just forget about it.

She goes inside and finds Taylor waiting in the kitchen. She says she waited up for her. Carter is surprised then Taylor hugs her. She asks what that was for and Taylor says she should have supported her instead of just attacking Lori. Carter says she gets that she’s not a fan but Taylor says she needed her and she wasn’t there. Carter says she didn’t even know how she was going to feel until she got there. Taylor says it’s girl code, sister code and she broke it.

Carter says she loves her and Taylor says it’s mutual. She offers Carter a mug of tea but Carter says she’s tired and just wants to go to bed. Taylor says if she wants to talk, she’s there. Carter smiles and Taylor goes up to bed then Carter starts crying.



Stormy Elizabeth:
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