General Hospital Spoilers: Who Will Jake Be Upon Learning He is Jason Morgan – Back With Sam and Working For Sonny?

General Hospital spoilers examine the trajectory that Jake Doe’s self-awareness will take as he realizes he is Jason Morgan and how this will affect GH characters and storylines. The time for Jake Doe’s (Billy Miller) amnesia plot to wind down is coming. Jake is having memory flashes of the women in his life and too many people know the truth about his identity. So what will happen once Jake knows he’s Jason? Will it be back to business as usual – married to Sam Morgan (Kelly Monaco) and working for Sonny Corinthos (Maurice Benard)? Or will there be a different outcome? Here’s some of our ideas for how this “General Hospital” storyline may play out.

First, remember how Jason Morgan ended up working for Sonny to begin with? Jason was in an accident and suffered a head injury. This trauma took him from law abiding Jason Quartermaine to cold-blooded assassin Jason Morgan. But now that Jason has suffered another head injury in the form of being implanted with a mind control device and resultant brain surgery, could his switch flip back the other way to make him a good guy again? And, if so, how fun and fresh would that be?

Consider this – although Jason still obviously has his GH killer skills, he now seems to want to use them for good. That ruthless killer instinct seems to be gone and he’s much more of a nurturer. Plus, Jake has been working with the cops even though Commish Sloane (Grayson McCouch) forced him into it. Jake mostly seems uncomfortable only when he’s asked to do something shady. So is there a chance that Jake might end up being a legit cop instead of just a CI? How incredible would it be for Jason to go from master assassin to master detective?

Second, let’s consider Jason/Jake’s love life. Jake is shagging Elizabeth Webber (Rebecca Herbst) but he was having flashbacks of Sam. I can’t see Jake staying with Liz once he knows Liz knew he was Jason and married and a dad and kept it from him. But, then again, Sam is happily hooked up with Patrick Drake (Jason Thompson). New and improved Jason may not want to drag Danny and Sam away from a happy and safe home. So Jason may end up single and that would be lucky for the ladies of Port Charles!

Third, how will Jason and Sonny handle their former bromance once they both know that Jake is Jason? If Jason is rehabilitated, will he still be comfortable hanging out with a mobster? And if Jason rejects Sonny’s friendship because of his mob ties, will that send Sonny spiraling out of control mentally? As far as we can see, the only relationship that’s likely to stay status quo when Jake reverts to Jason is the one he has with Carly Corinthos (Laura Wright).

Carly was besties with Jason and seems to feel the same way about Jake. Plus, she hasn’t kept any secrets from Jake. And – Carly’s not in the mob and will support whatever life he chooses after he regains his identity. What may be interesting is how the story could play out of Jake’s identity is revealed to him but his memory does NOT return. Will the Quartermaines want him back? Could Jason end up working at ELQ and living at the mega-mansion?

“General Hospital” gossip has suggested that Jake’s identity won’t be revealed until November sweeps, but it doesn’t seem likely that it can last that long now that Hayden Barnes (Rebecca Budig) is ready to blab the secret. Nikolas Cassadine (Tyler Christopher) will relent when Liz begs him not to let Hayden spill the beans and will call and stop her by allowing her to continue to crash at Wyndemere and keep being his bed buddy. That will slow her roll and the secret should remain hidden, but for how long?

Be sure to check back with CDL often for lots more “General Hospital” spoilers, gossip and news! And be sure to share your theories in the comments below on how Jason will live his life once he gets his identity back!

Stormy Elizabeth:
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