Grimm Recap – Adalind Gets Big News: “Bad Luck” Season 4 Episode 14

Grimm returns to NBC tonight with a brand new Friday March 20, season 4 episode 14 called “Bad Luck,” and we have your weekly recap below. On tonight’s episode, Nick [David Giuntoli] and Hank [Russell Hornsby] investigate the murder of a man who was found with his foot cut off, apparently as part of some Wesen ritual for good luck. But in order to find the culprit, Monroe [Silas Weir Mitchell] and Rosalee [Bree Turner] need to go undercover. Meanwhile, Nick’s still reeling from the fallout of Adalind and Juliette’s showdown, and he ends up on a path to Henrietta.

On the last episode, when an arson case looked to have Wesen origins, Nick (David Giuntoli) found himself reluctantly having to ask an old foe for help. Elsewhere, Viktor (guest star Alexis Denisof) taught Adalind (Claire Coffee) the effectiveness of well-played diplomacy. Meanwhile, Juliette (Bitsie Tulloch) found herself in a confrontation sooner than expected. Russell Hornsby, Silas Weir Mitchell, Sasha Roiz, Reggie Lee and Bree Turner also starred. Did you watch the last episode? If you missed it, we have a full and detailed recap right here for you.

On tonight’s episode as per the NBC synopsis, “Nick (David Giuntoli) and Hank (Russel Hornsby) investigate a murder victim with his foot cut off, and stumble onto a disturbing Wesen take on the “lucky rabbit’s foot.” In an effort to help, Monroe (Silas Weir Mitchell) and Rosalee (Bree Turner) go undercover. Meanwhile, the fallout from Adalind (Claire Coffee) and Juliette’s (Bitsie Tulloch) showdown still has Nick reeling and sends him on a path that leads to Henrietta (guest star Garcelle Beauvais).”

Don’t forget to come back here tonight at 9 PM EST for our recap. In the meantime, hit up the comments section below and let us know what you’re most looking forward to in tonight’s season 4 episode 14.

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On #Grimm, Nick pulls a Grimm on Juliette thinking she’s Adalind. She tells him about his marriage proposal, something Adalind wouldn’t know. He holsters his gun and asks how it happened. She says she didn’t know and was scared and nauseous and says she thought she was pregnant then she woged and it’s been happening more. She says that’s how she killed the manticore, tribunal guy and almost wasted Adalind.

Nick asks why she didn’t tell him and J says she was scared. Nick says they will figure it out. J says it’s permanent and he says she doesn’t it but she says she consulted a Hexienbeast Henrietta who told her. He’s upset she went to Renard for help before she told him but J cries and says she was afraid he would kill her. Nick says he would never hurt her and says it’s all because he became a Grimm again. She says they knew there might be side effects.

Nick tells her he’s so sorry and then he goes to leave. She asks where he’s going but he says he doesn’t know. Peter, a teen, says he’s tired from track practice and tells his mom he’s going to bed. She and her daughter Chloe do dishes then she sends her daughter off to do homework. Peter puts on his jacket to sneak out when his sister comes in and tells him Kayla is having a party tomorrow. He agrees to cover for Chloe if she covers for him tonight. He climbs out the window.

Peter sneaks into the woods and is startled by a girl who kisses him. She has a blanket and a candle for their tryst and they start making out. Someone walks up on them and Peter hears a branch snap. The girl tells him to relax but he hears the noise again. This time she does too. He thinks it’s his mom but she says no. Peter says he has to go. He tells her to leave and then says he loves her. He tells her to text when she gets home. She heads off one way, he another.

Peter hears music and goes to investigate. He finds an accordion on the ground and then a man is there with a double sided ax and startles him. The guy woges and then the kid does too and he goes running. The guy gives chase. He knocks Peter down and then whacks him with the ax. He screams. His mom hears and runs out of the house but tells Chloe to stay put. She runs into the woods and finds the flashlight and her son lying very still. She says it’s going to be okay and screams for help.

Nick walks and thinks. He remembers Juliette crying when he told her he was a Grimm then her having amnesia and forgetting him then her saying he needed to be a Grimm again to protect their friends then her transforming into Adalind to transform him back to power. His cell rings and he takes a call from Hank who says they have a case. They meet at the crime scene where Peter was attacked. He asks Nick if he’s okay and they go to the body – Wu says Peter’s foot was cut off and he bled out.

The foot is missing and Wu says that’s a hell of a foot fetish. They talk to the mom and ask if Peter was threatened. She says they’ve lived there a few months. They ask about his father and she says he died a year ago in a car accident. She cries and then woges. She’s a long eared creature of sorts. She asks if she can go check on her daughter and goes. Nick tells Hank she’s Wesen. A couple goes out into the woods to a shack. They knock on the door and go inside.

The man asks if they brought it and they hand over a large stack of cash. The woman says they’ve been trying so long. He hands over a bloody fuzzy foot. The husband puts it in a bag and asks if it will work. The killer says it always does. They leave in a hurry and the man starts playing his little accordion again as he sits by the fire. Later, the couple are in bed and they say it’s time to start a family. They have the dismembered foot under the bed while they make love.

Next morning, Juliette finds Nick sleeping on the sofa. He wakes startled and she says she won’t kill him. He says he got home late and didn’t want to wake her. He says he wants to talk to Henrietta alone and face to face. She gives him the address and says she’ll let her know he’s coming. She writes it down and he glances at it then the letters scramble and fade. Nick tells her he will make this right and says he loves her. He heads off. Nick goes to Henrietta’s place.

She opens the door and says she’s heard a lot about him. She invites him inside. He says J doesn’t want this and she says she thought she could help her and he says he can change her with his blood. She says his blood is in Adalind and that blood is now in Juliette so the blood of a Grimm can’t change her. Henrietta says he needs to kill her or accept her just like she accepted that he was a Grimm. She says while Juliette is learning the extent of her powers, he should keep his distance.

He asks what that means and she touches his face. She says he came to doubt her and now look at him. She kisses him and says she’s not nearly as skilled as Juliette. She tells him to beware. Wu and Hank talk when Nick comes in late and cranky. They found a similar foot chopping in another area. A witness saw a guy in the woods with a big ass axe. Nick tells Wu the mom is Wesen and he asks what kind. He says she looked rabbit-like. Wu says lucky rabbit’s foot. Nick says they need to go.

They head to the trailer and Wu says this will never get old and he could spend days there. Hank says they have. Nick finds it and says it’s a willahara. He says it’s from the Middle Ages. He says they were considered sacred and they are fecund. Fertility is known for new couples that put a severed willahara foot under their bed. There’s even a sketch of it. The fresher the foot, the more fertile and conception follows within three days. They read they are hunted by Leporem Venators.

Nick says if they’re still being hunted, Peter’s dad’s car accident may not have been an accident. He tells Wu to look into it and he says he’ll “hop” onto it. They head to talk to Monroe and Rosalie as well. Renard is out for coffee when Adalind hops into his car and says they need to talk. She says Victor is obsessed with finding their child and says he’ll have Sean killed once he finds her. Adalind says their daughter needs them. She says she’s taking a risk coming to her.

She says when Victor finds Diana, he won’t need her anymore either. She mentions Juliette being a Hexienbeast and pulls off her glasses so he can see her black eye. She asks if he sent her to Henrietta. She says that means someone helped Nick become a Grimm again. He tells her to ask Nick. She takes his hand and says they need to be on the same side. She says it’s us against them and says she’ll do what it takes to save their daughter and wants him with her.

Sean says she’s good and that he does want to believe her. She tells him this time he should. She leaves. Monroe says he’s never seen a willahara and says his grandfather ate one and that they’re rare. Rosalie says they move around a lot and rarely woge in front of other Wesen. Hank asks who would buy a foot and Monroe says couples trying to get pregnant. He asks how the Laporem Venator finds the couples and Rosalie suggests fertility clinics. Monroe says there are Wesen fertility doctors in every city.

They agree to go undercover to talk to a Wesen fertility doctor and foot shop. Wu calls and Nick puts him on speaker. He says his left foot was severed in the car accident and says Peter’s family has abandoned the house. Chloe and her mom are on the run and headed to Canada. She’s upset they’ve left her brother’s body with no funeral and says she’s sick of moving. We see a GPS device under their car and the Laporem Venator hunter pulls up in his truck. He followed them.

The willahara check into the hotel and the mom heads down to the lobby ATM and says she’ll grab them some food. The hunter watches her leave. Juliette pulls the engagement ring out of Nick’s drawer and puts it on her hand but then her hand woges. She pulls the ring off and puts it up. Hank is on the phone and Nick sulks. Hank says the mom paid in cash for Peter’s cremation then left town. Nick takes a call from Monroe who says there are three doctors.

Rosalie says she knows one is legit, another is a female who just retired and the third is Dr Redfield. They scored an appointment and Nick wants to go but they tell him they can’t go in with a Grimm. They tell him they’ll call after. Nick sees Renard come in and glares. The mom bunny is at the snack machines when she sees an SUV roar by. The mom goes running back and finds Chloe gone. Monroe reads a bbay magazine and says he would play a cello for their baby.

Rosalie says he would make a great father. Dr Redfield meets with them. They woge as a precursor. He thanks them and invites them in. They lie and says they’ve been trying for several months. They both says no history of infertility and they’ve done tests and tried everything. He says he needs to see their previous tests. Monroe says no one has seen anything on the tests. Monroe asks for a more Wesen-specific remedy. Rosalie says she heard about something you could put under the bed.

He says that’s appalling, throws their file in the trash and kicks them out. The mom calls Nick and the cops. He tells her she’s willahara and he’s a Grimm. He says they have to find the Laporem Venator. She woges then realizes he does know. The receptionist follows them out and says she may be able to help. She says she knows what they’re looking for but it’s expensive and says $10k cash. She says there’s a couple ahead of them and then says they’ll pay $15k. She makes a call.

She says she has a nice couple whose anxious to get started. The hunter says he’ll have it tonight. She says her contact will text them later and they need to bring the money. Rosalie tells Monroe to call Nick. Chloe whimpers, tied up in the back of the hunter’s vehicle. The mom says she doesn’t know who he is and they tell her that he killed her husband too. Nick says they will put her under police protection. Nick takes the call from Monroe and says it’s the nurse and she made the deal.

He says they’re still at the clinic and Nick says not to let the nurse leave and they’re on the way. The nurse goes to leave and they try to stall her. Monroe says they want to know where the feet come from. Then Rosalie freaks and asks how much of the blood money she gets. She woges and then Monroe does too. Rosalie punches the woman and knocks her out and Monroe says – damn. The hunter takes Chloe to his cabin in the woods.

Monroe tells Nick that they had to subdue her. Nick goes over to her and demands to know her contact. The nurse says she only met him once. She says he calls when he’s in town and says she’s helping couple. He says she’s an accessory to murder. Wu says her contact is using a burner. He asks who the last couple was she set them up with him and she says the Spinellis. They go to the Spinellis and the gy woges then is terrified.

The wife comes down and he calls out that he’s a Grimm. She runs upstairs and he says the willahara foot is gone. He then finds it under the bed. They demand to know where they met the guy. Nick tells them good luck when the Wesen Council finds out about this and takes the foot and leaves. They beg him not to say anything. The hunter sharpens his axe then drags Chloe over and puts her foot on a wood. He tells her to relax and says it will be better. He pulls off her shoe and sock.

He tells her that her foot is good luck just not for her. He tells her to woge and she shakes her head no. Hank and Nick race to the cabin. He tells her to woge. She shakes her had no. He says they can do it the hard way. Nick and Hank cock their guns and the hunter sniffs the air. They are outside and close. Hank kicks in the door and they go inside but he went out the back with her. Hank points out the sock and shoe on the floor.

The hunter carries Chloe through the woods and she struggles. He lashes her to a stake in the woods. He tells her not a sound. He goes off with his axe. Hank and Nick are also in the woods. They hear a noise and go to investigate. Chloe tries to free herself. Hank and Nick hear the accordion music. Then they come upon the accordion and the guy comes out behind them. He woges and combats them both. Nick kicks the crap out of him but he gets back up.

Nick stops him from shooting him and instead give chase to try and find Chloe. She’s loose and has the metal stake. She hits the hunter with it and says that was for her brother then she stabs him in the foot and says it was for her father. But he gets it from her and attacks but then they shoot him dead. Nick says they will take her to her mother who is close by. Nick comes home and says he talked to Henrietta but says he’s not giving up and won’t let it destroy them.

J says she can see the way he’s looking at her and says it will never be the same. He says she learned to understand him being a Grimm now he has to understand her. She asks if that’s forever and Nick says he’s not going anywhere. She woges and he looks away. She says if she’s the girl of his dreams then he should kiss her. She says he can’t even look at her and she says – this is what it forever. She walks out of the house and he’s deeply shaken.

Adalind goes to Henrietta’s who says she heard Adalind was back in town. She says she heard J came by and Henrietta says she’s a lovely girl. Then Henrietta congratulates her and Adalind wants to know how J got so good so fast. Henrietta touches her hair and says – definitely. Adalind asks what and Henrietta says she’s going to have another baby. Adalind says she hasn’t been with anyone but then she thinks about turning into Juliette to take Nick’s power. She says – no. She’s knocked up by the Grimm. Henrietta laughs while Adalind screams in horror.



Stormy Elizabeth:
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