Hart Of Dixie Recap – Lemon Schemes to set up George and AB: Season 4 Episode 5 “Bar-Be-Q Burritos”

Hart Of Dixie Recap - Lemon Schemes to set up George and AB: Season 4 Episode 5 "Bar-Be-Q Burritos"

Hart Of Dixie returns to the CW tonight with an all new Friday February 6, Season 4 episode 5 called “Bar-Be-Q Burritos,” and we we your weekly recap below. Tonight, Zoe [Rachel Bilson] and Wade [Wilson Bethel] decide they need to earn more money in preparation for the baby, prompting Wade to try to lure more customers to the Rammer Jammer with a special musical performance. Elsewhere, Lemon [Jaime King] and Lavon [Cress Williams] run into one another at the Singles Hoedown.

On the last episode when Lavon (Cress Williams) heard of Lemon’s (Jaime King) financial woes, he organized a BlueBell talent show, giving the townspeople, including Lemon, a chance to win some extra money. However, with the contestants feeling intimidated by Shelby’s (guest star Laura Bell Bundy) participation, her sudden illness before her performance became a mystery the entire town tried to solve. Meanwhile, Zoe (Rachel Bilson) and Wade (Wilson Bethel) found themselves in a compromising situation that would require them to reveal their current relationship status. Bethany Rooney directed the episode written by Tamar Laddy and Ari Posner. Did you watch last week’s episode? If you missed it we have a full and detailed recap right here for you.

On tonight’s episode as per the CW synopsis, “after making a long list of things to do before the baby arrives, Zoe (Rachel Bilson) and Wade (Wilson Bethel) realize they need to earn more money. Trying to keep Zoe from getting stressed out, Wade lies to her about how great the Rammer Jammer is doing. In an effort to bring customers back to the Rammer Jammer, Wade secures a surprise musical performance. Meanwhile, Lemon (Jaime King) and Lavon (Cress Williams) are trying hard to move on with their lives, but when they run into each other at a Singles Hoedown, they realize it might be easier said than done. Tim Matheson also stars. Les Butler directed the episode written by Adam Milch.”

Tonight’s episode looks like it is going to be great and you won’t want to miss it, so be sure to tune in for our coverage of CW’s Hart of Dixie at 9:00 PM EST! While you wait for our recap hit the comments and let us know how excited you about the new season, so far!

Tonight’s episode begins now – Refresh Page often to get the most current updates!

#HartOfDixie starts now. Wade is tossing corks into a jar on the bar when Zoe comes in. She ha a checklist of pre-baby things they need to do. She has on the list to find a new place to live. Wade says they don’t have room at either of their places for a baby but she doesn’t want to leave Lavon and then starts crying. She says it’s hormones as he begs her not to cry. She asks if they can afford to get a new place and she wonders why the place is empty. Shula comes in with a pork butt burrito from the Pritchett Sister’s barbecue truck.

Wade says it’s just a novelty and says not to worry about it. He tells her it’ll be fine and for her to run along to work. He calls Wanda and says they have to have a meeting. She’s there with a burrito in hand too. Crickett and AB are at the Butter Stick. She tells her she doesn’t know what to wear out on her date with Jaysene. AB says she wants to go back to school but doesn’t know how to pay for it. Crickett says to sell Jake’s boat and says she heard Wally is boat shopping. AB says George lives there but Crickett says it’s just business and tells her to get touch.

Lavon goes to rant to Zoe about running into Lemon everywhere and having dreams about her too. She tells him that he doesn’t need to pine. She says he’s a hunky hero. Brick comes in and Zoe compliments his shirt and he asks what she wants. He says he’s going out and asks her to hold down the fort. She tells Lavon she needs to get Brick to give a raise because babies aren’t cheap and business at the Rammer Jammer is down. He reminds her she can live on his property still but that sets her off crying and she hugs him.

Brick goes see Lemon at Fancies and she’s in redecorating mode. She’s acting weird and Brick asks her to tell him she’s not seeing Meatball again. She says she’s not and he tells her about a singles hoedown in Mobile tonight. He tells her not to lose sleep over a man and to get back out there. Wanda tells Wade it looks bad and he says it has dropped 16%. Tom comes over and says the burritos are awesome. Wade says they need a special event. Meatball says his cousin is Pamela Bailey and he can get her to come by. He’s willing to trade an introduction for a month of free beer.

AB comes to see George and the boat is a mess. He says the Truitts were over rehearsing. She says she needs to talk to him and he asks if it’s a Lemon-related scheme. She says she needs to sell the houseboat. He says “my” houseboat and she says it’s hers. She says there’s nothing to discuss and it’s not personal, just business. He corners her and asks what that means. She says she has interested buyer and is bringing him by tonight and asks him to clean the place up. At the singles hoedown, Lemon dances with a guy who brought his mama then another guy who asks for floss.

Another won’t stop talking about soup as they dance. One guy talks about alien abductions. They swap partners until she runs into Lavon. They’re both shocked to see the other. They dance and he says he never thought he’d see her at a single’s event. She says the pool there is a little crazy and he says his last partner only spoke pig Latin. The next guy tells her he has 12 ficuses and a betta fish. Wade and Meatball go see his cousin Pam. She says no but Meatball says she owes him and threatens to call her mom and tell her about a vase she broke as a kid.

She says she’s exhausted because of her tour and he tells her how relaxing the town is. He mentions the bed and breakfast and offers to get her the best room. She says it sounds good and agrees to one night. She says the B&B must be as good as he promised. Wade checks Tonya’s pink eye and complains about her raise. The teen tells her to just ask Dr Breeland for a raise outright. Zoe says his favorite word is no and she just needs one medical emergency or trauma. Tonya is appalled that Zoe is crying. A honeymooning couple comes in to see her about their itchy arms.

She says it’s bed bug bites and asks where they’re staying. Crickett asks AB what she should wear to the gay bar. They ask Wally and he says he’s never dressed up for a lesbian bar. They’re out showing him the boat and then hear music playing. AB comes over and sees that George has the Truitts on the boat practicing their bluegrass. George says the Truitts are thinking about buying the houseboat next door. Wally falls for her stunt and walks away. AB says she knew he was immature but didn’t think he’d stoop this low.

He tells her he wasn’t going to let her kick him out on a whim. She says it’s not a whim but she wants to go to nursing school. He says he’s sorry and didn’t know that. She tells him to enjoy his raccoon infested, trash filled boat. Wade talks to Dash about getting Pam in at his B&B but turns out Zoe has shut the place down to bed begs. Lavon finds Lemon at the bar at the dance and they share a whiskey. He tells her that his last dance partner proposed and she says he’s a good catch. He says he may be engaged now.

She says they don’t live in a town conducive to meeting new people. He says most girls around have either dated George or Wade. She says it’d be much easier if they lived in New York City. She says you don’t have to worry about running into the love of your life at a hoedown two towns over. He asks if he’s the love of her life and she says she could have been talking about the soup guy. They share a look that gets uncomfortable. Lavon tells her that something needs to change and she agrees. She walks way looking sad.

Zoe is shoving her face full of food at Lavon’s and she says there are mystery pastries and they won’t find a new place with pastry elves. Wade says Pamela Bailey is coming to the Rammer Jammer but since she shut down the B&B, they’re screwed. Lavon comes down and Zoe hugs him. He says he went to the hoedown on Zoe’s advice and ran into Lemon. He says nothing good came of it. Zoe says she can fix that too. She goes to work and finds Brick waiting.

He calls her Dash’s enemy number one. She says maybe she acted irrationally. He tells her that she may have averted a statewide bed bud crisis. She asks for a raise and says no. She says he at least could have paused. He pauses then says no again. Zoe tries to squeeze an idea out of her head and is surprised that it works. George finds AB at the Butter Stick shoving crullers in her face. He says he wanted to apologize for his behavior last night.

He says he thinks it’s great she’s going back to school. She asks if he’s moving out of the houseboat and he says he wants to talk about that. She accuses him of trying to work her over and he says he’s not. He says he feels the same way about trying new things and that’s why he’s managing the Truitts. He says they are surprisingly talented. She says Rudy got bit by his pet raccoon Reba and was convinced he was turning into a were-raccoon. Lemon finds them laughing together.

They tell her they’re talking about were-raccoons. She says George is a squatter and is ruining the sale of her houseboat. They laugh and Lemon’s wheels start turning. Zoe goes to see Lavon and he asks what the crazy pregnant lady wants. Zoe says she found another B&B for Pam – it’s Lavon’s place. They bring her to the mayor’s mansion and tell her it’s the Whippoorwill. She gives Lavon orders to unpack and dry clean her clothes. Wanda and Tom are playing staff. So far, so good.

Zoe and Wade promise to name their child Lavon and he agrees to tolerate it. Lemon tells her dad that she’s scheming to bring together AB and George. Brick laughs and she says the heart wants what it wants. He asks what’s really going on with her. She says she has to talk to Sal and goes to catch up with him. George calls Rudy and tells him what time his gig is and Lemon tells George and AB to meet her for breakfast but George says he smells a shenanigan.

They meet Lemon the next morning and Lemon says Sal wants to buy the boat. She then tells George that Sal will rent it to him so he doesn’t have to move. They ask why she couldn’t just tell them this over the phone. She says she wanted them to come over and try a sample meal at Fancies before the opening. George says everything doesn’t have to be a scheme and she tells them to come at 8 dressed nice. She leaves and George tells AB he feels like the scheming isn’t over.

Lavon and Zoe are trying to make his house look like a B&B. She brought over knick knacks and all. Pam comes down and rattles off a list of things she wants. Lavon bites his tongue and smiles. Zoe says he might miss her when she’s gone and says he has a big house and may want people around so he’s not lonely. She tells him there’s just no room at their little cabins for the both of them and the baby stuff. He’s upset that he’s about to be left.

Lemon serves up a lovely dinner to AB and George. They confront her about what’s going on and she laughs and says they’ve all known each other so long. George says this is just like when she tried to get them closer. George says it’s a scheme within a scheme. They reminisce about all the times when Lemon tried to get them to be better friends. They’re all in it and Lemon thinks her scheme is working. Lavon is at the store looking for Pam’s stupid requested items. He runs into Lemon.

He asks why she’s there and says she’s buying a wine opener as part of a good deed. She says she’s setting up George and AB and he asks why she thinks that’s a good idea. Lavon says she’s trying to push them together so AB will be happy and then the two of them can be together. Lavon says that’s not fair to them and says it won’t work. She says it will and has to. She gives him a desperate look. George and AB eat dessert and they wonder why she didn’t splurge on two pieces.

They realize what she’s doing and they both groan. George says it’s a triple scheme. Sam is making out with a young guy and Lavon asks what the hell is going on. She asks him to make her room up all romantic with rose petals. He admits that it’s house not a B&B. Wade is annoyed to see the Pritchetts handing out fliers. Pam comes in and says the concert is off thanks to Lavon. George asks AB why Lemon thinks they’d be a good couple. He says she must want something.

She says Lemon knows what a hard time she’s been having getting over Lavon. George kind of makes a face and then she realizes this is about her getting over Lavon. She says Lemon still cares about Lavon. George says he doesn’t know and she says he suspects. Zoe rants at Lavon and he says he just couldn’t take it. She asks if this is Lemon drama. He says he’s going to be all alone in his big plantation. She says she’s bummed too because she loves it there.

She starts crying and is freaking out then says she wants to stay. Lavon says they’ll figure something out and he says he’ll talk to Meatball’s cousin. Lemon comes back and finds AB and George glaring at her. AB says she’s trying to get them together so she can run off with Lavon guilt-free. Lemon says it wasn’t like that. She says she saw them at the Butter Stick and they looked happy and cute together. She tells AB she wants her to be happy.

AB tells her she wants her to be happy because it’s always about her. She walks out and George glares then follows her out. Pam relents and does the show at the Rammer Jammer. AB tells George she’s always the sidekick watching Lemon get what she wants and he says he’s always the one that had to get it for her. Lemon stands outside alone when Lavon finds her. He asks if the plan went awry. She says that’s not a strong enough word. She says AB figured it out. He says – poor AB.

Lavon says maybe it’s all for the best since now there’s nothing holding them back. Lemon says she’s been selfish her entire life and won’t put her feelings before AB’s. Lavon says all they can do is move on then he walks away. He goes inside the RJ and looks around at the crowd. Zoe asks if he’s all right and he says he will be. Wade comes over and thanks Lavon. He says he blamed his bad behavior on his tragic love life and says country singers eat that up.

Zoe says maybe they should stay for the first few months. Wade says he didn’t want to move either and Lavon says he loves babies. Wade pulls Zoe out to dance. AB and George dance and she tells him about Crickett wriggling into leather pants for her lesbian bar outing. They’re having a good time and she says maybe there’s more to him than being Lemon’s stuffy ex-fiancee and he says she’s more than her wacky sidekick. He says they can be friends but they should definitely not tell Lemon. They dance happily.