Tonight on CBS Hawaii Five-0 continues with an all new Friday April 10, season 5 episode 21 called, “Ua Helele’i ka Hoku (Fallen Star)” and we have your weekly recap below. On tonight’s episode, a performer is killed at an Elvis impersonator convention and his body is stolen. The investigation reveals the culprits are after diamonds sewn into the victim’s costume. Meanwhile, Gabriel Waincroft returns to seek Chin’s help to get off the island.
On the last episode, when Grover’s oldest and closest friend told him he witnessed his wife fall off a cliff to her death, Grover’s gut instinct told him that this was no accident. Also, Danny and Dr. Shaw got trapped in an elevator with a dead body in need of processing. Did you watch last episode? If you missed it we have you covered, we have a full and detailed recap right here for you.
On tonight’s episode as per the CBS synopsis, “When a performer is killed at a convention of Elvis impersonators and his body is stolen, Five-0 must track down the culprits who are after the hidden diamonds sewn into the victim’s costume. Also, Gabriel Waincroft returns to ask for Chin for help getting off the island. Jon Lovitz returns as Barry Burns.”
This is definitely one series that you don’t want to miss. Don’t forget to stay tuned to Celeb Dirty Laundry where we will be live blogging every episode of Hawaii Five-0 new season. While you wait for the recap, check out a sneak peek of tonight’s episode below!
Tonight’s episode begins now – Refresh Page for Updates
On #H50, there’s an Elvis impersonator event happening. A fake Elvis takes the stage and women scream for him. Jerry and Max are in the crowd enjoying the show. Jerry is in full Elvis regalia and they agree Lane Collins, the current performer, is skilled. Jerry films the performance on his phone. Lane gets dizzy looking and Jerry wonders what’s going on. Max runs for the stage as Lane collapses to the floor. The crowd screams – this time in shock.
Lou gets back to Honolulu from his Chicago trip and Steve picks him up at the airport. He says Clay’s girlfriends wouldn’t talk and says his old friends at the Chicago PD gave him the cold shoulder because they think he’s trying to blame Clay for an accident. Lou says they’re treating him like he’s Internal Affairs. Clay was released from custody and Steve says he must have called the boys in blue back home. Lou vows he won’t get away with it.
Lou also says he scored some deep dish pizza he brought back home. He tells Steve he’ll give him a slice but Steve says he’s a thin crust guy. They get a call from Max and head to the convention center. Lou says the king is dead again as they look at the impersonator. Max says he dressed as Colonel Tom Parker to Jerry’s Elvis and then he explains that Lane collapsed and was unresponsive. He says he couldn’t revive him. Steve says it looks like he partied.
Max says the pills are just allergy medications and he didn’t drink a lot of booze. Max says this was no accident and tells them Lane was poisoned by cyanide. He says it takes effect within 20 minutes and was poisoned right before he went on stage. He hands Steve a cork with a needle mark that came from the bourbon. Lou wonders who wasn’t a fan and offed the guy. Chin calls for crowd control at the scene then sees Gabriel lurking outside.
He runs over to him with gun drawn but doesn’t spot him. He gives up. Chin tells Kono that Gabriel is short on resources and that may be why he’s still stuck on the island. Kono is worried and Chin says he’ll be ready for him if Gabriel shows again. At the convention at the hotel, Kono and Chin head back inside. Jerry is giving Danny a load of Elvis trivia. Chin says he remembers Jerry doing an Elvis tribute back in high school.
Jerry unloads some more trivia and Danny says that’s absolutely useless but Jerry isn’t swayed. Steve fills them in and they wonder if another impersonator took him out to thin the herd. The prize money is $20k and Jerry says Lane’s performance was spot on but then he watched the video then spotted a big mistake. He shows them the jumpsuit and says the jewels were in the wrong colors. Danny doesn’t get it and Jerry says there are points for wardrobe.
He says the costume error doesn’t make sense. Steve says they’ll take that into consideration. They split up to talk to the Elvii. One is really old and says he never stood a chance of winning but only comes for the sideburn chasing groupies. Lou is disgusted. A woman tells Danny she’s only there to challenge the perceptions and asks why Elvis has to be a man. One asks Steve for a badge like when Nixon deputized Elvis. One tells Kono that Lane had gotten the bourbon as a gift.
He says he’s 16 months sober and turned it down. Kono says it was poisoned and he’s lucky. Another tells Kono that Lane had a background. He was actually the front man of a one hit wonder band back in the 90s that broke up a few months ago. Kaleo Fisher, another band member, raised heck on the internet after they broke up cursing Lane. They head off to find Kaleo. He’s poolside at a hotel playing an Eddie Money cover song.
Steve gets a call from Danny who says Jerry may have been right about the jumpsuit. He says Lane called a bunch of local costume shops and Danny says he may have gotten the wrong suit. He’s headed to the shop Lane was calling. Kaleo finishes his set and Lou and Steve sit down with him. He says he’s shocked Lane is dead. He says he was just drunk venting online. He says he hated Lane for ditching the band but says Lane was also his meal ticket for a reunion tour.
Kaleo says he went to talk to him about touring again but Lane says he told him that was all behind him. Steve tells them the bourbon was given to him by an old friend and Kaleo says he knows who gave it to him. They bring in Ms Miller – a huge fan of the group. She sings a lyric they ask her to and says it’s about Hartigan (a bourbon brand). They tell her it says breaking hearts again. Steve says Kaleo told them she used to come to gigs with a bottle of Hartigan for Lane.
Steve says they know she’s crazy and they found wax on her stovetop that matches the seal on Hartigan bottles. Lou says they also found web searches on her laptop about cyanide. The woman says Lane should be embarrassed dressing up like that and shaking his hips. Lou asks if she killed Lane for disappointing her. She says she killed him to protect him from himself and protect his legacy. She says people will remember him as a legend like Cobain or Morrison.
Lou says she’s crazy and they walk out. She insists Lane is a legend. Steve says the inspiration for killing her idol was from a song she misunderstood. Lou says he can go take his pizzas home. Danny calls and Steve says the case is closed. Danny says the costume shop owner has been shop and he thinks it’s about Lane’s costume. They roll back out. Max starts the autopsy on Lane who is still in the jumpsuit. He hears gunshots and sees armed gunmen on the security camera. Max calls 911 just as the gunmen come in and slap the phone out of his hand. They wheel Lane out, gurney and all. Max cowers on the floor but raises his head to watch them go.
Steve and Lou arrive and Max tells them what went down. Lou says he doesn’t think the wanted the body and then they get a call to where Lane’s body was dumped stripped of the jumpsuit. Lou wonders why the pants have caused a violent killing spree. Steve spots a diamond and says it’s real since it has a serial number. It must have come off the costume. Kono shows them a pic of Radomir Ivanovich and says the jewel was from the dead crook’s heist.
Kono shows them the costume and Lou says they’re creative diamond smugglers. Steve says the convention ends and all the Elvis will fly out together so TSA won’t pay attention to another glittery jumpsuit. Steve says the convention ends tonight so they have less than six hours to find the smugglers. Lou says he’ll check Interpol to look for a buyer. Steve says they need to go see Barry Burns – the only living participant in the heist. They find him in the hot tub ankle monitor and all.
Danny says house arrest must be treating him well. Barry says his wife left him which was great so now he can order women in. He offers them a smoothie. Steve says they’re there for business and ask where Radomir may have stashed the diamonds. Barry says every scumbag came to ask him the same question. Barry says Radomir wouldn’t trust him with the location since he knows he’s a scumbag crook too. They ask for a list of who came calling to ask about the diamonds.
He agrees to help since they cut him a break. Kono tells Chin that Radomir rented a private wine locker for a year. Kono says the shop was robbed last week and no wine was taken. They check the security feed and it looks like the same guys from the morgue. They spot another guy that came looking at the locker – Adrian Ivanovich, Radomir’s brother. The guy is wanted for war crimes in Bosnia. They call Barry but Adrian is there and tells him not to answer.
He says he wants what Barry took from his brother. Danny gets Barry’s voice mai and Steve says to call again. Lou says the list is useless and says the guys who hit the wine shop were professionals. Danny says Barry lied to them and Lou says the list was a stall and Barry likely knew where the diamonds were from the start. They get to Barry’s house and head inside, guns out. Danny finds signs of a struggle and Steve calls Chin for a location.
Chin says the tracking monitor shows he’s at the back of the property. They hear Barry calling for help. He’s in the hot tub with the lid on, heat going and a weight on top of it. They let him out and he says he thought he was going to die. He says the ankle monitor saved his life. He says the guy was going to shoot him in the head and he told him that the cops would be alerted right away if his pulse stops. Steve says it doesn’t work like that and Danny says he lied to them.
Steve calls him a jerk and says he knows he’s trying to smuggle the diamonds out. Danny says the good news is that Barry gets to be someone’s prison bitch at last. Barry begs and then agrees to talk. He says he put together a crew to get the diamonds. He tells them one of the Elvis impersonators was supposed to be their mule. He says he has to tell Radomir’s crazy brother who has probably killed them all by now. Sure enough he’s at the hotel and shoots up the suite.
He hears sirens and sees a cavalcade of cop cars coming. He spots the Elvis suit in the corner. Steve tells Duke to get security to lock the hotel down while the others head inside. Adrian dons the suit and heads downstairs to blend in. Jerry is surprised to see the guy with vests on and assault weapons out. Jerry spots Adrian’s suit. He calls to Steve and points out Adrian. Adrian sees the cops and pulls a major gun out of his guitar case and opens fire.
He’s tearing up the hotel. Lou and Steve swap hand signals. The guy’s gun jams and he grabs a hostage. Lou draws attention to him while Steve sneaks up behind and shoots the guy a bunch of times. Kono tells him it was a nice shot. Elvis is dead again. They wheel out Adrian’s body and Jerry says – Elvis has left the building. They ask him if he’s one of those that thinks Elvis is still alive. He says Elvis is dead and so is Paul McCartney.
He talks about the evidence but they tell him it’s an urban legend. Jerry invites them to continue the Elvis party elsewhere and have a drink. They all head to the Sheraton. Kono remarks that Chin is running late. They tease Lou for ordering a strawberry daiquiri. They see Jerry with the other Elvii. Steve says Elvis was great and invented rock and roll. Jerry takes the stage and dedicates this song to Lane Collins. He sings beautifully. Lou says he’s unbelievable.
Chin is in his car driving to meet them when he gets a call from Gabriel. He asks what he wants and he says if he hadn’t killed the IA guy, Chin would be behind bars. He tells Chin he’s going to help him get off the island. He says he has information that affects him directly and says he’ll give him a sneak peek. Gabriel says he’s waiting at his house and Chin pulls a u-turn and turns on his blues. He pulls up as the bomb squad is coming out. They tell him they only found an envelope. It contains photos. Chin tells the cops on site he doesn’t know what it means.