Heroes Reborn 2015 Recap – Butterflies and Darkness: Season 1 Episode 7 “June 13th Part One”

Tonight on NBC their new show Heroes Reborn returns with an all new Thursday October 29, season 1 episode 6 called, “June 13th Part One” and we have your weekly recap below. On tonight’s episode, part 1 of 2, Noah (Jack Coleman) seeks answers, teaming up with Hiro Nakamura (Masi Oka) to return to the tragic day that set everything in motion.

On the last episode, Hiro Nakamura (Masi Oka) returned in the fight to save humanity. Also: Noah seek much-needed answers; Tommy and Emily embarked on an unexpected journey; Luke had to face what he had become; and Malina found an unforeseen ally. Did you watch the last episode? If you missed it, we have a full and detailed recap right here for you.

On tonight’s episode as per the NBC’s synopsis, “part 1 of 2. Noah seeks answers, teaming up with Hiro Nakamura to return to the tragic day that set everything in motion. Meanwhile, Mohinder Suresh receives a dire message about Erica’s true motives; a calculated move is made against Hiro; Luke and Joanne seek a cure for their son.”

Tonight’s episode of Heroes Reborn is going to be great and you won’t want to miss it. Definitely tune into this amazing series! Hit the comments and let us know if you are excited about this first season.

Tonight’s episode begins now – Refresh Page often to get the most current updates!

#HeroesReborn begins – Chapter Seven – June 13th Part One – we are at the Unity Summit in Odessa. It’s one year ago. A guy flies in and lands – it’s the one from the first episode who flew off after he cut his chain in the Arctic. Hiro and Noah talk and Noah says Claire died at the hospital and he doesn’t know how long he has. Noah says there were at least six separate bombs that went off at 7:14. Noah wonders if they should call in a bomb threat and Hiro says they have to find the smallest thread and unravel it. They have just three hours. Stevens walks up to Noah and asks if he’s seen Claire.

He says she came in early and is at the East Gate. He says he’s going to want to see her. The past Noah gets out of the car. On the outskirts of Odessa, Mohinder stands beside the road. Angela Petrelli pulls up and he gets in the car. She says they made a terrible mistake getting in bed with Erica and Renautus. She says Primatech is Renautus. She says Erica had a visionary plan to save the world and says the human extinction level event he’s found from his research in the Arctic is stunning. Angela says Erica wants to let it come. He says the EVOS are the answer but Angela says Erica knew this.

Angela says she had a vision and told Erica about fire from the sky and boiling oceans. She says it’s game over for all of them. She says her vison showed the EVOs can save them. We see a vision of a girl touching the fallow ground and making it green. Angela says Erica used her and Mohinder asks why he would believe her. She says his team in the Arctic was wiped out this morning and their bodies hidden. She begs him to come to the press with her and he says he’s making a speech as Erica’s guest at the summit. Angela says Erica will kill the EVOs who can save us.

She tells Mohinder he won’t make the speech and will be taken out and shot. Angela gets a call from Claire’s phone but it’s not Claire. Erica is with Harris prime in the Odessa suburbs. Erica goes into the house and talks to Richard. He says she’s nervous and suggest more carrot than stick. Erica goes downstairs into a secret basement lab. We see Phoebe struggling with her powers. Erica says it’s almost time. Phoebe says she’s never made this much darkness and worries she can’t cover the entire summit. Erica threatens that Quentin will burn when the world ends. Phoebe goes back to channeling.

Erica tells her to keep going as she calls up a vast amount of darkness. Luke’s son plays with his little sailboat in the motel room. He puts his arm into the sun and it blisters. Joanne comes in and asks Dennis what happened and if he’s all right. Luke comes back. Dennis says he didn’t know his hand was in the light and just wants to be normal. Joanne goes to get medicine and Luke reminds him the light is dangerous and they’ve talked about this. Luke lifts him up to play then Joanne does some first aid on his arm. Luke tells them they should come see all the amazing EVOs. He says some can fly.

He says some can regenerate skin. Joanne fixes up Dennis then says it’s all better. She asks if they’re going to pay or beg them and says they can’t just put a vaccine in their son. She says she doesn’t want to give Dennis false hope. He says these people have real powers and can help him. Joanne says solar ultacaria is not a power to turn off and on. Dennis tells them to quit arguing. Stevens comes over to Noah and he asks about Claire and Stevens says he already told him.

Then he asks if Noah changed his clothes. Then he asks where’s Hiro and Stevens says he’s with him. Noah asks why the security plans have changed and Stevens says it was Erica. At Yamagato Industries in Japan, the creator of Evernow comes to see Hiro at his corporate offices. They talk about designing a world that can save the human race then wonder if Hiro can bring it to them. He tells Hiro that only he has the power to take them to a safer future and tells him to help Erica. Hiro says he’s her partner not an employee and hasn’t time traveled in a long time.

They bicker and Kiro’s dad touches Hiro and puts him into the video game then steals Hiro’s sword. Noah tries to call Hiro’s phone – no answer. Future Noah and Hiro are inside the facility and Noah says the bombs were in the underground garage. He says if they can take out three. They hear footsteps and Noah pulls on three books then opens a secret room. Hiro says it’s like Harry Potter. Past Noah is with Erica and asks why she left half the building unguarded. She says to get out there and celebrate with his daughter. Noah asks why the interest in Claire.

Erica says Claire started all of this and humanity has taken a backseat to EVOs since then. Noah reminds her that EVOs are human. She says controlled evolution is great but random evolution is not. Erica says she expected Noah to understand and he calls her a bigot. She says Renautus has plans to change the world. She says she wants him by her side and says she’s benching him for a while. She asks the guards to take Noah downstairs and they haul him out. Noah drops his HRGs. Erica picks them up and puts them back on and says she’ll tell Claire he’s been detained.

Noah says she’ll never get her hands on Claire. They drag him out. Hiro and Noah watch him taken and Noah says he wants to see what happens. Angela shows up and says Claire is in surgery at the hospital. Hiro tells Noah to save the cheerleader while he stops the bomb and he disappears. Angela and Noah go to the hospital. They ask what happened and the woman says they tried everything they could. She says they were able to save the children. Noah is shocked. The nurse tells Noah that his daughter died in childbirth. Mohinder leaves a message for his team saying he’s worried.

Molly greets Mohinder and he hands her the big report. He tells her to keep it in case anything happens and says he’s sure it’s nothing. Harris Prime comes and says Erica wants a word. Molly says she’ll see him later. Mohinder goes to see Erica and says he’s nervous about his speech. Erica says the schedule has changed and he can’t speak today after all. He asks if it’s true that she buried his research and killed his team. He says she’ll kill mankind and she says she has a plan that does not include him. Harris tranqs Mohinder and Erica says to take him to the garage.

Angela says the babies are important and she had a prophecy. Noah says he needs to see Claire. The nurse has the boy and girl that Claire gave birth to. She hands one to Noah and one to Angela. Angela says they have Claire’s eyes and Noah says they’re perfect. Noah says he has to see Claire for himself. Harris puts Mohinder in power dampening gear and has him in the garage. Hiro challenges Harris but he’s wearing a bomb. Hiro cuts off his two arms then puts a sword in his chest. Harris disappears to powder – it was a clone. There are several more Harrises there all with bombs.

Mohinder and Hiro challenge them. Hiro freezes time then looks at the Harrises. He says he must know what happens if he does. He blinks all around and says too many butterflies. He pops away from Harris.

Luke and Joanne have Dennis in protective gear at the summit. Joanne sees protestors and tells Luke maybe they should go. He says it’s fine. The EVO they watch makes snow with his chill powers. Prior Noah is in the basement when Casper shows up. He says he wonders why no one ever rethought the one of us, one of them policy. Casper says he convinced Erica he can still be an asset. Casper says Noah has to forget some things. Noah argues with him and Casper says don’t beg. He tells him to remember what happened in San Francisco. Noah says yeah. He calls Casper a bastard.

Casper drops the coin and the guard looks at it. He picks it up and now Casper is in control. Noah goes to see Claire’s body in the morgue. He says he thought they would have more time. He says they wasted time fighting. He touches her hair then says he’s sorry that he couldn’t protect her. He sobs and says she had twins and says they’re perfect. He says he’ll keep them safe. Hiro pops in and says he can’t save her and can’t save any of them. Noah asks why he didn’t stop it. Hiro says there were too many bombs, too many butterflies. He says no matter what he did, the consequences were always worse.

He tells Noah it’s time to go home. Noah says goodbye Claire and kisses her through the sheet. Hiro touches him and they fade in and out. Hiro wonders what’s going on. Phoebe is making her darkness and Erica is in wonder. Phoebe says it doesn’t hurt any more. Erica tells her to be the hero she knows she can be. The dark cloud comes down over the Summit. Looks like she’s blocking powers so none of the EVOs can get away. The Harris clone tells Mohinder they are all wearing vests and shows it to him. Dennis is with the ice guy who suddenly can’t free a balloon. It flies away.

Dennis goes running after it. We see an eclipse and Noah tells Casper that Erica is up to something. They wonder if it’s an eclipse and Noah says not a natural one. He grabs the gun from Casper and fires it into the air. This causes the crowd to scatter. Luke and Joanne look around for Dennis. The explosion happens and rips apart Renautus. Noah and Hiro see it from the hospital nearby. In the rubble, Casper helps Noah limp out of ground zero. Molly goes looking for Mohinder. Molly comes over to Noah and hugs him. Casper says they have to get Noah to the hospital.

Noah tells Hiro they need to go back and save them all. He says they have to try but Angela says the only hope is to save the future. Noah asks what she saw. Angela says in one year there will be an extinction event. He says she knows that Claire’s child is the only one who can stop it. Angela says she doesn’t know which child and says maybe both. The nurse comes in and takes the boy and hands the child to Hiro and gives him the bottle. He’s clueless but starts feeding the boy. She says she’ll be back. Noah watches out the window.

Noah says this is it – this is what he made himself forget. He says he hid Claire’s children from Erica then had to forget it. He says that’s why Molly Walker. Angela is stunned to realize she’s talking to future Noah. Luke runs calling for his son. He hears a man pleading for help. He pulls debris odd the freezing guy. He asks where Dennis went and the guy says no. He’s hysterical. Luke helps him up and tells him to go. He screams for Dennis. Noah says Erica still hasn’t found them in a year and tells Hiro he knows the perfect place. He says Erica will be looking for a one year old.

Hiro says nothing they have has worked and Noah says maybe they can take Erica out of the equation. Angela tells Hiro that these children will save the world. She says she’ll go back to take care of them but will need a ride. Hiro tells them they’re crazy. Hiro tells the baby they’re going to party like it’s 1999. Angela names the boy Nathan after the son she lost and Malina after Noah’s mother. Hiro tells Noah – no more butterflies. Hiro, Angela and the babies blip away. Kiro’s dad Otomo watches the news about the explosion and hears the Hiro is one of the dead.

Otomo says Hiro can’t be dead, he’s in the game. Casper helps Noah to the hospital with Noah in tow. Noah says he needs to find Claire. Molly looks around and sees her in the morgue. She tells Noah she’s sorry then says she doesn’t know. She says she’ll go check and see if they brought Claire in. A reporter is at the ER as Noah walks in. The reporter asks Erica about human-EVO relations and Erica says this horrific act shows her there is evil and villainy and there must be justice. Noah says – fate. He walks into the ER and then out the door.

Luke finds Joanne in the medical tent and says they’re still looking for survivors. Luke says they told him he can’t be out there anymore because it’s too dangerous. The nurse comes home from the hospital and lights a cupcake for her son. She tells her son Happy Birthday – it’s Tommy aka Nathan. He blows out the candle. She says time flies and Tommy says he’s ready and says dad taught him everything he knows. She agrees that he did. She tells him she loves him. Harris and Erica are at the hospital. She tells him to stay and look for Claire.

Erica goes to the parking deck and Noah asks Casper to get him some water. He sees future Noah walk past following Erica. Noah screws a silence on his gun and past Noah still follows. Noah is ready to fire at Erica when past Noah runs to intervene.


Stormy Elizabeth:
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