Heroes Reborn 2015 Recap 11/19/15: Season 1 Fall Finale “11: 53 to Odessa”

Tonight on NBC their new show Heroes Reborn returns with an all new Thursday November 19, season 1 fall finale called, “11: 53 to Odessa” and we have your weekly recap below. On tonight’s episode, the destinies of Noah (Jack Coleman) and Luke (Zachary Levi) at last cross as Malina (Danika Yarosh) releases her true power.

On the last episode, Noah sought out Tommy in order to put him on the path to stop a catastrophic event; Taylor’s discoveries lead to her capture; Erica’s race to finalize her plans intensified. Did you watch the last episode? If you missed it, we have a full and detailed recap right here for you.

On tonight’s episode as per the NBC’s synopsis, “the destinies of Noah and Luke at last cross as Malina releases her true power. Meanwhile, Tommy may need to team with his enemy; Carlos faces his violent past; and Ren searches for Miko.”

Tonight’s episode of Heroes Reborn is going to be great and you won’t want to miss it. Definitely tune into this amazing series! Hit the comments and let us know if you are excited about the season 1 fall finale.

Tonight’s episode begins now – Refresh Page often to get the most current updates!

#HeroesReborn begins nearly 8,000 years in the future. Katana girl Miko walks towards something in the desert. Then we are back in the past for Chapter 10, 11:53 to Odessa. Noah is in Carbondale, IL with Malina and he says the people who took Tommy were also chasing her. He says they went to Midian. Luke is there with Malina’s backpack. Malina tells Noah that Luke drove her there and he says she saved his life. Malina says his wife shot Casper. Luke says he’s an Evo and can help.

He says he really wants to help find the boy. He says Malina changed everything and showed him his destiny. He says he genuinely wants to help but Noah refuses and says leave us alone. They turn and walk away. Tommy wakes in a bed and feels a lump on the back of his neck and a pain in his chest. Erica comes in and says good morning. He asks what happened and where is he. She says he’s at her house and says he passed out. He asks about the back of her neck.

She says she had tests run but he’s okay and must just be tired. She says she set out clothes for him and he asks about the girl with shadow powers and says that’s why he can’t use his powers. She says it’s just a precaution. He asks where his family is and she says Anne is not his mother. Erica tells him he has a sister and when he asks again she says they are safe and so is his grandfather. She tells him she used to work with Noah when he bagged and tagged Evos.

She says he even brought Tommy to Primatech when he was seven. She asks him to get dressed and says they can talk downstairs. He asks her about the prophecy and she says you can’t stop a celestial event. She says Hiro created a time bridge between now and the future and she’s been building a colony there. She says Noah broke the bridge when he took Noah. She says she has scientists and engineers there in the future. She says if the bridge doesn’t reopen no one will escape the end of the world.

He says they’re supposed to stop the apocalypse but she says that’s not possible. Erica says if he doesn’t open the bridge, their species will go extinct. Tommy says show him and they can go. Miko walks up to the gateway in the future. She looks around. Some men ask how she got there and if Erica sent her. She speaks Japanese then asks where is her father and Ren. They try to take her but she beats them up and runs off. Erica takes Rene and the resistance crew to Sunstone manor.

Rene says her mother is using Micah to control all the information out there. He says they have to break in. Taylor says she has a better plan and says that sociopath mother of hers can help. Parkman tells Harris that he’ll have the rest of the Evos processed but he has to work on Farah. Harris says to work fast. Parkman comes in and tells Farah he was told her gunshot wound is healing nicely. He asks where is the girl? She asks if he’ll unlock her handcuffs to then thinks at him “so I can choke you out.”

He says he just needs to know where the girl is and he tries to crack into her brain. She thinks at him that he won’t break her. Parkman says he heard she saw combat overseas. He says he has someone else there who fought side by side with her then tells her Carlos is here. He offers to bring him in to help her open up. He says once one secret is out, the deeper ones come easier. He says today will be a breakthrough. Noah notices Luke is following them as they drive.

Malina asks about her mother and he says she was tough, thoughtful, stubborn, and rooted for the underdog. He says she reminds him of Claire. He says leaving them in the past was the hardest thing he’s done. She tells him Angela explained it all to her. She asks why Erica wants Tommy and why she took him. Noah says the HELE is coming and Erica wants to use Tommy to jump people into the future to restart the world. Malina asks why not save everyone.

Tommy takes Erica, Phoebe and Quentin to the future. Quentin says he has the coolest power ever. Erica says no one is there yet because he hasn’t decided to bring them. She says this proves he and his sister didn’t stop the HELE. She says Gateway is the first city of the future. She says he can save mankind and the choice is his. Ren tries to log onto Evernow and is in a chat room asking about Katana Girl. Someone says she lost her sword and gave up her quest.

A guy in red armor is there and startles him then the guy walks out. He asks if anyone else saw the Shogun. The other coffee shop patrons stare. He grabs his computer and runs out. Parkman comes back into Farah’s room and they bring Carlos in who is obviously doped. She looks at him and he says Farah. He comes closer. Then we see back in the war and Carlos was freaking out and terrified, hiding behind a column. Farah told him to snap out of it. She goes invisible and takes out some guys.

Parkman says Farah used her powers to save him then he pokes in her head and says Angela called on her to take care of Malina. Parkman catches a thought from Carlos and tells Farah that Carlos wanted to run off with her. Carlos comes at him but Parkman stops him with compulsion. Parkman goes back to her head and sees that she’s in love with him too. Parkman holds a gun to Carlos’ head and says – tell me where Malina is.

Taylor has the shapeshifter with her disguised as her mother and tells her to be humorless and pushy. She does and they walk in the front door. Rene says the next part is the hard part. Parkman says tell him where Malina is going and she can get out of this. Carlos cowers and Parkman pushes on her. He says he’ll kill him. He says it’s easy for him and Farah says please don’t. She says she’ll tell him. Carlos is stunned. A woman comes in and says Erica is there. He says prepare the Evo’s immediately.

He tells Farah to tell him about Malina and where she’s going. Malina buys snacks while Noah gasses up and they stare at Luke’s car. She says she knew he would follow. Noah goes over to talk to him and Luke says he wants to help and says he’s been there with her across the country. He says Malina is meant to do something important. Noah asks how he knew where Tommy was. Luke hangs his head and says he and his wife were hunting Evos because they thought he killed their son on June 13th.

Noah says Evos did not kill his son and Luke says he can tell that Noah understands loss then says he’s sorry. He says what he did was wrong and will haunt him forever and says he tried to kill himself but Malina saved him and says there must be a reason. Luke says he is different now. Malina comes up and Noah tells her let’s go before the storm comes.

Miko follows some workmen to an elevator and then ducks on with them. She knocks them both out quickly and then fashions a sword of their tools. She steps into the hallway and looks around. She goes through a door and finds Evos in chairs and their powers are being tapped. She sees her own face. Her father is there and he says he’s sorry she had to find out this way. He says that’s the real her then says there as an accident and Renautus kept her alive and blackmailed him.

She says she always knew she was something else then says someone found her and treated her like she was special. He says he sent Ren to her and he says he’s not there yet but he will be. He tells her she must find the Master of Time and Space. She says he freed him but he says the Master is there and she must find him to get her final mission. He calls out there’s an intruder to impel her to run off. Alarms sound and she skitters down a hall. He looks at his unconscious daughter.

Tommy asks Erica how this place will fit billions of people and she says it won’t but it’s the first of many. Phoebe tells Quentin that this is her power – to take away from others and he says he remembers when she was just making shadow puppets then asks if she’s okay with what’s going on her but she says there is no going back, this is who she is now. She says at least Erica found a use for her and understands her better than Quentin does. She walks off annoyed.

Ren goes looking for the Shogun and sees him across the street. Parkman comes into his office where Erica and Taylor are waiting. He says he wasn’t expecting her and says if he knew the time bridge was back in operation. She thinks about Francis and Parkman asks why she’s interested in Francis Culp. He says it’s his thing to read minds then Erica says she needs to talk to Micah. Taylor tases Parkman and takes him out. The shapeshifter fades. She says she’ll find Micah and he should let the others in.

Ren chases the Shogun into a dojo and it’s Miko’s father. He tells him the first step is dangerous. He asks if he’s Otomo and he calls him Reckless Ren. He tells him they are constructs sent from the future with a message. Ren says he has a new quest for him and calls him young samurai. He tells Ren that Miko is dying and he’s her only hope. He says he must come to the future and tells him to find a time traveler. He says he will need this key and tells him there is a gateway in Odessa.

He says he must find a way to be sent there with the others. Ren turns back around and all the people in the dojo are gone. (If you think back, Ren was hiding in a box at Renautus and it looked like he was part of a shipment that went to gateway before all hell broke loose). Erica takes Tommy on a tour of the place including the greenhouses. He says it’s amazing and she says she had a lot of help. He asks why is there a scar on the back of his neck.

She says she put him in a machine to try and steal his powers. He asks why it didn’t work and she says his powers are different and it didn’t work but she had to try because the fate of the world is in his hands. He says okay but don’t lie to me. He says he wants his family and friends brought there. She agrees and says they will make it possible but first they need more supplies and resources to come through. She thanks him. Then a guard comes up and says a Japanese girl attacked some guards.

She tells him hunt the construct down and kill it and bring Otomo to her. Parkman wakes and Harris comes in. He shoots one of them and Parkman yells he could have killed him. Harris asks if Farah talked and he says Malina is on the way to Odessa and says they can’t let her talk to her brother. Parkman says people are infiltrating and Harris says they’re taking care of it. An armed guard comes for Carlos who snaps and beats him and takes his gun.

A guy has Farah in a chair. He shaves her neck and starts to do something to it like what was done to Tommy. Carlos knocks the guy out and saves her. He says she always told him to be brave so he thought he would start today. Malina sees the storm and it’s bad. She says she has to do something. Cars are overturned and people are wounded. Malina stands in the bed of a truck and they see it’s a mega storm. She raises her hands and starts fighting it with her powers.

Carlos and Farah weapon up and head down the hall. Taylor comes around the corner and she says she doesn’t work there. She warns them about guards and Taylor says she’s with Hero Truther and is looking for Micah. She says they are running out of time. Carlos shoots out a camera. Parkman goes to see Micah who is kept in a glass box with a wire running to his neck. He says Erica has a list of everyone going to the future and needs him to find it. Parkman wants to know if he’s on the list.

Micah starts pulling up screens and he sees his name and his wife and son’s are on the list. Ren sits by the bus stop then sees a bus that says it’s going to Odessa and has a Renautus ad on the side. He gets on it. Erica tells Tommy to send Quentin and Phoebe back and says she’s staying for now. She whispers to Phoebe that they have to find his sister. He sends them back and then Miko drops down, fights off the guards and calls him Master of Time and Space and says it’s her mission to free him.

She says they don’t have much time and he caps them away. Malina fights the storm and a car comes at Noah but someone grabs him and zaps him away before he’s struck. Malina stops the storm but people blame her and come at her. Luke sends a fireball at them and tells them to back off. She asks where Noah is and Luke says he was near the car. She runs over to check but doesn’t see him. She does see his glasses lying there, though. Luke says they have to go.

She wants to find him but one of the locals fires his gun and she and Luke run off. Farah, Carlos and Taylor come out looking for the transport to Odessa. An army of Harrises is out there. They run the other way. To be continued…


Joanna Mazewski:
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