House of Lies Recap and Review – Marty Screws Ellis, Marty Gets Screwed: Season 4 Episode 8 “He Didn’t Mean That, Natalie Portman”

On Showtime tonight House of Lies returns with a another great episode Sunday March 8 season 4 episode 8 called “He Didn’t Mean That, Natalie Portman,” and we have your weekly recap and review below. On tonight’s episode, Marty [Don Cheadle] and Jeannie [Kristen Bell] entice Denna with a retaliatory business move against Ellis.

On the last episode, Trouble arose at Kaan and Associates when payment was not received from a consult. Meanwhile, Clyde got a visit from his estranged father; Marty learned of Roscoe’s entrepreneurial endeavors; and Jeannie pushed back to stay. Did you watch the last episode? If you missed it, we have a full and detailed recap right here for you.

On tonight’s episode per the Showtime synopsis, “Marty and Jeannie entice Denna with a retaliatory business move against Ellis. Meanwhile, things get complicated between Doug and Kelsey; and Clyde spends time with his father and is disturbed to see how similar they may be.”

Tune in to Showtime at 10PM EST for this great episode and we’ll be live recapping it for you right here as well. The cast of HOUSE OF LIES is fantastic. While you wait for the recap, check out a sneak peek of tonight’s episode below!

Tonight’s episode begins now – Refresh Page for Updates

Marty vents to Denna about Ellis stiffing him on the promised fee. He says Ellis is the biggest whale that he has ever landed and he has debt and an aching asshole to show for it. He says it’s like escaping the Titanic then burning to death in a life raft. He and Denna share a joint and some sex. Denna says she’s not playing Santa Claus for K&A. She says she’s high, not stupid then unzips his pants. She asks if he’s thinking about Ellis now and he says not for 15 minutes.

She says he’s being optimistic then goes back to servicing him orally. He tells her to watch the teeth. Clyde wakes to a cranky Harvey and says he’s going to work. His dad calls him a putz and says he could take one day off to be with his dying dad. Clyde says he played the death card before 8 am. Harvey says he wants them to hang out and Clyde reminds him of past disappointments. Harvey asks for a boy’s night and Clyde finally agrees but says he’ll put the cat in a kill shelter if he’s lying.

Harvey tells Natalie Portman (the cat) that he’s just kidding. Marty talks to the gang and says they need to find $10 million before lunch. Doug says Rat Man has a QVC line of organic poison. Jeannie asks if he’s kidding. Marty says Doug watching QVC is sad. Jeannie says if only one of them was f-ing a big investor and Marty says he already tried Denna. Marty reminds them they sent Gage stock through the roof and now they can tank it. He tells them to meet him in his office in 20 minutes.

Jeannie says she wants a donut and tells Clyde to shut up about his weight. He says he just wanted to ask if she would bring him one. Marty ends a call then says Doug he’s seen the QVC ads and then says he hooked up with Kelsey. He says Clyde has actual feelings for her beyond his loins. Marty says he doesn’t like the word loins. Doug says the guilt is eating at him. Marty says to stop f-ing her but Doug makes it clear that’s not an option since she’s got mad sex skills.

Doug says it was a good talk and leaves. Marty calls Denna. Kelsey tells Clyde her uncle is a big ad guy that can hook them up with a bunch of free press. Clyde says the guy will want equity but Kelsey says he’ll do it for free so she won’t out her uncle for molesting her brothers. Clyde asks why she won’t have dinner with him when she’s okay with a pedophile. Clyde stomps out and Kelsey tells Doug that she made that last part up. Doug says it was fun last night and she asks if he wants to hang later.

He says yes – a bit too eagerly. He says he feels guilty about last night and she asks if he has HPV. He says no but Clyde likes her, like really likes her. Doug says Clyde is a douche but is his best friend. He babbles then Kelsey says she admires someone who give up top grade genius pu—y for his friend and tells him good luck finding another Rhodes Scholar that gives rim jobs. Doug is now rethinking the loyalty he may or may not owed to Clyde over this.

Harvey is in the lobby telling some of the young guns they should start their own companies. Clyde comes up and clarifies to them that his dad did that in his name and ruined Clyde’s credit before he was seven. They all walk off and Clyde demands to know why he’s there. Harvey says he wants to see Clyde in action and Clyde says he just wants to tell him how he’s screwing up. Clyde tells Harvey to go and says Clyde is being hysterical like his mother.

Jeannie finds Marty smiling and he says he can’t. He says he’s been chasing Denna’s hedge fund for a decade and says Denna is a beast who likes to feed. He says Ellis pissed on his baby prototype and says he has the security footage. He says the back splash hit an Indian guy. That makes it a hate crime. Marty says she can short Gage’s stock and then can reward them for bringing it to her. Marty says it won’t link back to them.

Marty comes out and sees Harvey. Marty insists on hugging him then Jeannie does too. Clyde is mortified. Harvey says it’s a nice operation but could be better if they were using Clyde better. He says not to let him slip between his fingers. Clyde prays to God to kill his dead. Harvey says they’ll bounce back and then the elevator dings and Clyde shoves him on out. Marty and Jeannie insist on riding down with him despite Clyde’s protests.

Jeannie and Marty meet with Denna and tell her about the video and how the stock will tank. Jeannie says someone needs the chesticles to take Ellis on. They talk to her about shutting Ellis down. Denna says she never considered a threesome til now. They ask her for a $22 million investment. Harvey is at a bar talking up some chicks about his past as a pro player. Clyde is there trying to disappear into the background. Harvey then tells the ladies he has cancer and his son is not interested.

Clyde says – f-k you – and walks off. Harvey asks what’s up and Clyde says they were supposed to be bonding. Harvey says he found them two hotties. Clyde reminds him that he’s 32 and Harvey says he was too not so long ago. He tells Clyde to come back. Clyde tells the woman she shouldn’t giggle at him and the woman says he has cancer and that Clyde is being a dick. Clyde goes back to the office and talks to Kelsey about his dad.

He asks if euthanasia requires patient consent. She asks what happened and says either tell and entertain or let her work in peace. He says his dad never changes and she says people never do. He says his dad hypnotizes people into thinking he gives a shit then drops them. Clyde says his dad never made a clean break. He says he would wait until he and his mom had forgotten about him and put their lives back together then he would come back and shatter it all.

Clyde shows her photos of what Harvey thinks adult father-son bonding includes. She asks if that’s Harvey motor boating a handicapped woman. Clyde says at least now he knows how it will end for him. She says he’s not his shitbag dad and says she can see that because he gives his shitbag dad chance after chance. She says he has a good heart buried under coconut hair wax. They share a moment and she kisses him. He asks if she can take out her lip piercing so she does.

They make out and she pulls his jacket off. He says they can’t go to his place because of his dad and she says if they take the hour to go to his place, she may change her mind. They get busy on the desk in one of the offices. She pulls off her shirt and it gets stuck on her head. They get it off and press on. Next day they watch Denna on the news revealing Ellis’ antics. Marty says it’s like shark week and porn put together. Jeannie tells the guy they gave her controlling interest in their firm.

Denna then call and then Clyde tells them he got it on with Kelsey last night on Marty’s couch. Doug is horrified. He tells Clyde he wasn’t expecting it. Clyde says she’s bizarre and bitchy but he’s into it. Marty says Gage stock is in free fall and Ellis is likely shitting his skinny jeans and they have $22 million headed their way from Denna. Jeannie then tells Marty that Clyde had sloppy sex on Marty’s couch. Marty isn’t happy and Jeannie says he’ll now be surrounding by tiny Clydes on his couch.

Marty says to drag that couch into the lobby and call a hazmat team. Doug and Clyde drag it out but Doug says he wants it for his house. Doug goes to find Kelsey and says he heard she slept with Clyde last night. Kelsey says she did it and he says she should have come to him first. He says Clyde is not the guy she wants to get involved with and she says he practically threw her at Clyde by telling her he was a good guy. Kelsey says she liked sleeping with him but he got weird.

She says she’s open to f-ing him again and says they can be adults. He hugs her and says they make so much more sense than her and Clyde. He says they need to let Clyde down easy but she clarifies she can sleep with them both separately or the same tifme. Doug says it’s not a hard no. Ellis is outside burning the couch and Doug runs to get a fire extinguisher. Ellis is throwing things around and promises to destroy Marty. He breaks their gumball machine.

Ellis says the mega-cu-t destroying him on the news just invested in K&A. Jeannie, Clyde, Marty and Doug walk out to go shopping to replace what Ellis is breaking. He continues ranting and destroying their office. Later, Marty rolls off of Denna and she says he’s generous in the oral lady loving department. She says it was a good day and he agrees. He says he’s a big d-ck baller that found his way back to the throne. She says dreams do come true. She says he wanted her to own him and now he does. She snuggles him and he starts to look panicked


Stormy Elizabeth:
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