I Am Cait Recap – In the Swimsuit! Season 1 Episode 3 “The Road Trip – Part 2”

I Am Cait Recap - In the Swimsuit! Season 1 Episode 3 "The Road Trip – Part 2"I Am Cait Recap - In the Swimsuit! Season 1 Episode 3 "The Road Trip – Part 2"

I Am Cait continues tonight an all new Sunday, August 9 season 1 episode 3, called “The Road Trip Part 2” We’ve got your recap down below! On tonight’s episode, Cait Jenner is challenged to break down her walls.

On the last episode, part 1 of 2. Cait was thrilled to be on a road trip with a group of her new transgender friends, but they questioned if her privileged status hindered her from becoming their spokesperson. Did you watch the last episode? If you missed it, we have a full and detailed recap right here for you.

On tonight’s episode as per the E! synopsis “Cait is challenged to break down her walls and get personal on her road trip with her new friends.”

Tonight is going to be a crazy new series that you won’t want to miss, so be sure to tune in for our live coverage of E!’s “I Am Cait” tonight at 9PM EST! Meanwhile, while you wait for our recap hit the comments and let us know how excited you are about I Am Cait.

Tonight’s episode begins now – Refresh Page often to get the most current updates!

#IamCait begins with the ladies still on the road trip. They are still at the Humans Rights Campaign. Alison talks about how transgenders have 4x the poverty rate of the general population. One of the women with Caitlyn defends her and says she’s still getting to know the community. Cait says everyone is different and has issues and this is our issue. Jenny says they need allies and can’t do all this by themselves. Laya says she transitioned and then couldn’t get a job and ended up doing sex work.

She says a guy stabbed her and when she got out of the car, he tried to run her over. Chandi says society needs to see them as normal human beings. Blossom says she wanted to go to nursing school and didn’t get in then worked harder and applied again. She says it’s six times she’s been denied because she’s trans. Blossom says it’s hard to see students she went to school with get in when she had straight As and couldn’t get in. She says we want to be seen as normal.

Cait says she’s lived a good life and has enjoyed privileged status. She says she was a hardworking white guy who was able to put a few dollars away and is blessed and in a wonderful position in life and is learning shocking things about the struggles that are out there. Blossom talks about Ellen DeGeneres and says she had a struggle and it worked out and hopes her nursing school struggle will turn out that way. They leave and Jen says that was life changing. Cait says she really liked Blossom.

Jen says the obstacles that Blossom faced really shocked Cait – what she went through as a black trans woman. Caitlyn says her major issues are paparazzi getting a snapshot of her. The ladies show up to the place they’re staying. Cait says she was crying during Blossom’s talk and then calls over Andrea the producer. She tells Andrea to edit and give it to her and says we’re going to get her on the Ellen DeGeneres show. Cait is crying while she says this.

She says Blossom is going to nursing school and they are going to pay for it. She says Ellen will help and they are going to do this. The other ladies all hug her. Chandi says Cait wants to help everyone but she can’t save the world. Ronda rants about trying to find a villa in a day and says Cait told her to relax but is stressing her out. Courtney says Caitlyn doesn’t get this and has no idea. Ronda talks about nursing Cait through all her surgeries and now she has all these new friends and just put her aside.

Candis says she wants them all to go to roller derby. Cait asks her about her voice and if she had any adjustments. She says she’s always had the voice. Chandi says she likes her voice and Caitlyn says she likes hers and it works for her. Candis says the more you live with yourself, the less you’ll care about it. Jenny says this is it and get over it. Jen says most people clock them by their hands. Candis says really no one can tell. Candis says your voice is powerful and you were another person.

She thinks Cait can allow herself to be both and not erase who she was and her voice is a lot of that. Cait has her hair up in a ponytail and a cute little outfit on. The ladies get on skates and do the rink. Chandi is doing her thing and skating well. Candis is pretty good too but Caitlyn is struggling. Cait skates with Blossom and they talk about being tall and having a long way to fall. Cait teaches her how to skate and talks to her about her past. She says she’s from Mississippi.

She says she’s going to apply to nursing school in DC next time. Cait says she needs to live her dreams. Blossom says she may have to go an alternative route. Cait says later she can’t imagine what Blossom is going through and says the educational system needs to realize these are just normal people. She invites Blossom to hang out with them at the villa later. Zackary Drucker shows up and so does Blossom to hang out with them.

They head to Napa Valley together to the villa that Ronda landed. Cait says Ronda is back in her good graces. Cait talks about how comfortable she feels out with them and how much that surprises and scares her and says she’s usually home alone. She says now she’s thinking she doesn’t want to go back to LA because the media is always after her. Candis tells her that other people don’t truly understand except for other trans women.

Cait says she has five weeks until the ESPYs and that’s her first public appearance and she’s scared to be in front of her peers. Candis asks what she’s most scared of and she says exposing herself to the world live. She gets teary and looks stressed out. She says it will be tough and her family is there and says she won’t have her whole family there and she wants them to be proud of their daddy. Chandi says they are and Cait says it will be marginal and she hopes she can hold herself together.

They give Cait a group hug. Chandi says Cait is on an amazing journey and it’s different since they didn’t have to do theirs under the spotlight like she is. The ladies are getting into the pool and Cait is nervous about the bathing suit issue. Cait says her one piece is one that Kim picked out and it’s a little more revealing. She’s nervous. The producer asks if she has anxiety about this and she says she does. She says she can’t go to the pool or beach without it. She puts it on.

She comes out and takes off her cover pants and gets in the pool while the others cheer – she says she won’t get her hair and makeup wet though. She says it felt freeing but it was nerve wracking. Cait says the ability to grow is directly related to the amount of insecurity you can take in your life. Cait takes the ladies for an adventure outing. Zackary says trans women really conform to very traditional ideas of femininity and she likes that Cait is disrupting this.

Cait says she’s always ridden motorcross bikes and wants to get them out of their comfort zone and takes them to a place where it’s only for girls. They all get suited up nervously. Blossom is excited to be there and trying a new experience. She falls right off the bike and they check on her. Cait says that’s the worst that will happen and coaches her. Chandi gets the hang of it and tells Cait she’s inspiring her. Ronda hurt her hand roller skating and then Cait notices but says she can still ride.

I think Cait is taking her for granted. Candis says it was so fun and has always wanted to do it and Cait says her hair is still perfect. Cait says they’ve been through a lot and to see them overcoming an obstacle is great and she’s so proud of them and thanks the instructor. Zackary toasts Cait for hosting them and Candis talks about dating. Cait says she has no experience. Chandi asks about her being attracted to women and Cait says she’s only been with women.

Candis says she’s attracted to men and Cait says she’s never even been on a date with a man and has no idea. She says she can appreciate the male form but says if she was going to date a man, she would want the right parts. Chandi says Cait has to figure out who she wants to date and says she’s hot and men may approach her. Jenny says she’s the only woman who is exclusively attracted to women in the group and says it doesn’t make her less of a woman.

Chandi says gender is more than just male to female. She says she wants a great person and wants someone cool she can chill with. Jenny goes to check on Ronda and asks her about Cait and she says she misses her friendship with her and says everyone else trumps her and Jenny says she’s walking in sunshine the first time but won’t forget her friends. Jenny tells her about her BFF from high school and says friendship is a long game but she knows it hurts right now.

She asks if she’s talked to Cait about it and Ronda says she doesn’t want to do it now and says she misses what they had. Jenny compares it to a friend that got married and how busy they were between engagement and wedding and they were bridezilla. She says there is such a thing as transzilla. Next day, they head out. Cait asks Candis a fashion question about her bra strap showing and she says it’s okay in a casual setting. They are at a wine tasting.

They toast to a great four days together. They talk about influential people in their lives and Chandi says it’s Caitlyn Jenner. Candis says her high school drama teacher. Cait says they have had a huge impact on her and says she’s learned more about herself in the last month than her whole life. Crying, Cait says months and months ago, she thought about doing this show and she thought how could she do a show that would make a difference.

She says she had all these ideas and she was struggling with it and says now seeing what they’ve been through and says their input has been great and then cries more and says the damn wine got to her. She says she appreciates them so much. They all assemble for a group hug. Sharon, the winery owner, tells them that her dad used to dress up and go to San Francisco in the 70s and just came out to all of them recently. She says Cait’s point about being on your deathbed and not living your life.

She says Cait helped her understand what her dad was going through. Cait thanks her for sharing. Chandi asks them to share about high school. Jenny says she got bullied a lot and teased for being trans and says she wasn’t trying to be but people saw it in her. Zackary says she was scared of the locker room and got beat up and says she found remote bathrooms to change in. Cait asks if they’ve all had a good time talking about this. Cait says not it’s all happy stories and no more crying.

Jenny knocks on Cait’s door that night and says she’s in the pink cloud, which is a place of euphoria and happiness. Jenny says she thinks Cait is forgetting some of the people she loves and needs to get outside of herself soon. They’re all ready to leave and Cait jokes about them all climbing Everest and being the first trans girls on the mountain. Candis says she’ll wait for them at base camp. They all hug goodbye. Jenny says Cait has come so far for someone who has lived largely in her head for so long.

Jenny says she can’t wait to see what she does next. Candis and Caitlyn leave together. Candis says it’s amazing seeing Cait discover this new world. Cait talks about getting back to reality and says she loves these girls and wants to be friends with them forever. She says she learned it’s not about her voice but about the words that come out of her mouth. Back at home, Ronda is there waiting. Cait asks Ronda what was going on with her and Jenny.

Ronda says everything has changed. She talks about them being friends and now it’s this roller coaster and she feels like she doesn’t exist except for Cait asking for her Starbucks. Cait says she admits she’s gone a little crazy and says she appreciates her friendship and all she has done. She says she’s sorry if she’s been insensitive. Ronda says they used to go to the movies all the time and Cait says let’s go right now and tells her let’s go right now.



Stormy Elizabeth:
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