Jax sang, “Poker Face” by Lady Gaga this week for her Billboard hit song choice. The Top 7 will really have to bring their A game tonight to stay around for another week, we expect a higher level of performances as the contestant pool diminishes as we head towards the finale. Did you watch tonight’s performance show? Just in case you missed tonight’s show we have you covered and you can read our full and detailed recap here! Did you miss any of the videos tonight? If you missed it we have the video, right here.
On tonight’s episode Jax sang “Poker Face” by Lady Gaga and this is what the judges said about her rendition saying, Keith Urban kicks off the critiques with, “That’s an interesting arrangement of that song. What I love about you is your artistry, any one can take a song and do it like karaoke night. But to take it and make it your own is what you do week to week.” Jennifer comments, “I’m all for that too, but I think there is a line where it gets dangerous. You have the audience in the palm of your hands, the kids are loving you. This is yours to lose, you don’t want to go so far left that people can’t relate. I couldn’t relate to that at all. I think you need to be careful that you don’t go so far left that nobody gets it.” Harry agrees, “So Jax, you have magic in your voice. It’s magic. I don’t have a problem with taking the arrangement completely to the left. But, what you did on stage didn’t match it. It didn’t get to me because you just stood there. You have to change it up here and how you interpret it. You need to completely inhabit that emotional space. As good as the vocal was – I didn’t feel like you inhabited the song emotionally.”
Jason Derulo will also be a mentor tonight, and will perform his new single, “Want to Want Me,” and there will be a special performance of “Trouble,” with Iggy Azalea, featuring Jennifer Hudson.
Check out the video below and let us know what you thought of Jax’s performance? Was it enough for her to move on to next week’s show? Did you miss any of the other artist’s performances? If you did, you can see them all HERE! Sound out in the comments below and let us know your thoughts were of tonight’s Idol Top 7, Performances.