Jennifer Aniston, Justin Theroux Relationship: Jen Dismisses The Tabloids – They’re Soap Operas On Paper!

Jennifer Aniston is smarter than we give her credit for, considering that she just single-handedly campaigned herself to a probable Oscar nomination for a mediocre performance. However, this campaigning [of course] involves talking about Justin Theroux. In an interview with CBS Monday Morning, Jennifer talks about her relationship with Justin Theroux, and the constant media stories that surround their relationship and their rumored breakup.

Jennifer Aniston explains, “[I] just don’t pay attention. I think I used to really, there was a period where I was hell-bent on saying, ‘That’s not true, that’s not right, that’s not fair.’ And now I just think you have to let it roll off your back and you realize, I think everyone knows it’s all B.S. and like soap opera on paper.”

Um… I don’t know if Jennifer Aniston is giving too much credit to the public or not enough credit. I love my friends and family, but a large, LARGE amount of them read tabloids and believe everything is fact – or at least, very likely. Then again, Jennifer Aniston and Justin Theroux do shamelessly use each other whenever they need a career-related boost, and the tabloids have obviously picked up on that relationship dynamic. I don’t know who Jennifer Aniston thinks she’s kidding by claiming that it’s all B.S., even though a large quantity of it is certainly fan fiction more than reality.

Of course, I still don’t believe her when she says she doesn’t read the tabloid stories at all. She obviously reads them, otherwise she wouldn’t be referring to them as a ‘soap opera on paper’. Plus, half of those stories right now are probably being helped along by her PR team – the more publicity she gets, the better her chance at that Oscar nomination, even if that publicity revolves around her breakup with Justin Theroux.

What do you guys think? Let us know your thoughts in the comments below.

Image credit to FameFlynet

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