Jennifer Aniston’s Revenge On Angelina Jolie: Still Using Brad Pitt Cheating Scandal?

After ten years of staying to the sidelines when Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt hogged the limelight, Jennifer Aniston is finally getting her revenge. Jennifer has cast herself as the victim of Brad Pitt and Angelina cheating by manipulating the media all these years, but she was never really able to capitalize on it until this year – both with awards season buzz and her long-awaited revenge on Angelina Jolie. See, this is the first year where Jennifer Aniston has actually managed to pull off Oscar buzz, even though it never actually capitalized into a nomination. But perhaps more important than that is the fact that her buzz exceeded that of her bitterest rival’s, Angelina Jolie.

Look, I know what Jennifer Aniston has been saying the past few days – she’s been lamenting the need for a feud with Angelina, and has completely blamed the media for fabricating it. But has Jennifer forgotten that she herself encouraged these same Brad Pitt cheating rumors when the story first broke, and she’s been using it to her advantage for the past ten years? Plus, pretending that she’s completely over it now makes her seem like the better person, and what’s better revenge than that?

Angelina Jolie gets humiliated with the Sony leak, gets ‘chicken pox’ and misses her promotional duties for Unbroken, and then gets snubbed by the Golden Globes AND the Oscars? Meanwhile, Jennifer – while she didn’t get an Oscar nomination – did manage a Golden Globe nomination, much more awards buzz, and has graciously done all of her Cake promotional duties without any hint of ‘chicken pox’. And then she goes and praises Unbroken in an interview, and claims that she’s completely over the Angelina Jolie feud nonsense.

I want to know, if that’s the case, why keep bringing it up? If Jennifer is truly over it, why does she keep answering questions about it? It’s Jennifer Aniston – trust me, she can dictate the questions asked to her. That’s why you don’t see Angelina Jolie get asked about Jennifer Aniston over and over again – it’s because that line of questioning isn’t allowed with her. And yet, Jennifer Aniston wants the whole world to know that she’s being the bigger person here, despite her Oscar ‘snub’. It’s a master plan for revenge really – she waited ten years, but she’s finally managed to best Angelina in all three categories – awards buzz, public opinion, and seeming like the bigger person.

In Touch Weekly’s cover – in addition to covering Jennifer’s revenge on Angelina – also has a story about Joe Manganiello and Sofia Vergara using a surrogate to carry their baby. And then there’s also a report on a massive prison fight involving Teresa Giudice, but that shouldn’t be surprising to anyone with even a passing knowledge of reality TV stars.

Image Credit: In Touch


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