Jennifer Garner and Ben Affleck Divorce Off: Jen Forgives Cheating With Nanny Christina Ouzounian – Back Together?


Are Jennifer Garner and Ben Affleck calling off their divorce and getting back together? The media is still buzzing about Ben Affleck’s affair and cheating with the family’s nanny Christina Ouzounian, but amidst the mayhem Ben and Jen were spotted in Atlanta, Georgia over the weekend – and they were wearing their wedding rings! Yes, we are just as confused as you are.

According to People Magazine, Ben and Jennifer met up in Atlanta where Garner is filming her new movie “Miracles In Heaven” – and spent the weekend with their three kids Samuel, Violet, and Seraphina. Affleck was spotted at Jennifer’s rental home on Friday August 7, and then on Saturday August 8 the entire family went out to the movies. The fact that Jen and Ben were able to spend the entire weekend together without Jen putting arsenic in his food was shocking enough, but even more shocking is the fact that they had both put their wedding rings backs on.

When Jennifer Garner and Ben Affleck confirmed that they had filed for divorce and their marriage was over – both of them were spotted out and about without their wedding rings. According to People Magazine’s sources, Jen and Ben put their wedding rings on “for the kids,” but we’re not buying it. Seriously, no id under the age of 12 could care less if their parents were or weren’t wearing wedding rings. Most kids don’t even know that their parents have wedding rings!

Either Jennifer Garner is a total saint, or totally delusional. We totally understand that Ben is the father of her three kids – and she needs to work with him to co-parent the kids, regardless of how many times he cheated on her with their nanny. But, why would she ever put her wedding ring back on!? Do you think that Jennifer Garner and Ben Affleck are getting back together? Did she forgive him for cheating on her with Christine Ouzounian? Let us know what you think in the comments below!

Yellow J:
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