Joe Giudice To Blame For Teresa Giudice’s Early Prison Release Denial?

The whole reason that Teresa Giudice is in prison is because she was stupid enough to trust her husband, Joe Giudice. Well, it looks like Teresa made that mistake twice, doesn’t it? According to a new report from Life & Style Magazine, Teresa Giudice has been denied early prison release from the Danbury Correctional facility that she’s been stationed at, and it’s all because of Joe Giudice.

A source tells Life & Style [via Radar Online], “Teresa and Joe had a deal on the table that would reduce Joe’s sentence and get Teresa out early. [Teresa] was expecting to be out in time for the full holiday season, ad even thought there was a chance she’d be home for summer. She thought she’d be able to be under house arrest until the end of her sentence in February, and be home with the kids.”

But of course, Joe Giudice can’t keep his mouth shut and managed to screw everything up. The source adds to Life & Style, “As usual, Joe screwed everything up. He met with the feds and the whole thing fell apart during those meetings because of the things he said. So now the deal is off the table. [Teresa] is going to be sitting in prison for the rest of her sentence.”

Joe Giudice is already on thin ice with Teresa Giudice after the whole cheating scandal, but what’s surprising is that she’s STILL staying with him. Right now, she probably doesn’t have a choice – he’s taking care of their children, and she probably doesn’t want to risk him going off the deep end. But after this latest blow, you’d think that Teresa would at least start hinting at a divorce, no? Either she’s just that stupid, or for whatever reason, she still loves her husband.

What do you guys think about Teresa Giudice being denied early prison release because of her idiotic husband, Joe Giudice? Let us know your thoughts in the comments below.

Siyana Riley:
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