Johnny Depp, Amber Heard Divorce Coming: Couple In Australia After iO Wright Cheating Scandal, But Fighting Constantly

Johnny Depp and Amber Heard just got married – but they are on a fast-track to a divorce and reportedly fighting constantly. Amber Heard partied all over New York City with her rumored girlfriend iO Tillett Wright, all while her husband was on the West Coast home alone and nursing his sprained wrist by himself. Amber and Johnny recently reunited and travelled to Australia together – but no one is buying the happy couple image they are trying to pass off.

The May 11 edition of Star Magazine reveals that Johnny Depp and Amber Heard are far from the happy couple they are pretending to be while in Australia for Johnny’s latest Pirates of The Caribbean film – and it is all an act, they are actually fighting more than ever. Star explains, “The couple are trying to appear happy by parading around hand-in-hand for the locals, but an on-set source says they couldn’t be any further from the truth.” What, a celebrity couple pretending that they aren’t getting a divorce? You don’t say.

Star Magazine’s inside source goes on to reveal that Johnny and Amber spend their days on set bickering over anything and everything they can – including things as petty as their lunch orders. Johnny Depp and Amber Heard have barely been married three months, and they are already spending every second they are together fighting. And, every second they aren’t together Johnny Depp is getting drunk and mysteriously spraining his wrist and Amber is partying with her rumored girlfriend. At this rate we will all be shocked if Johnny and Amber make it through the year without getting a divorce.

Do you think that Johnny and Amber’s relationship can be saved, or should they just cut their losses and get a divorce before the fighting and bickering gets unbearable? Will Amber Heard leave Johnny Depp for iO Tillett Wright? Let us know what you think in the comments below!


Amanda Austin:
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