Johnny Depp Divorce: Amber Heard Breaking Up Over Johnny’s Drinking and Partying – Living Separate Lives?

Johnny Depp and his wife Amber Heard are on the verge of a divorce. After what seemed like the longest engagement ever and series of rumors claiming the couple was breaking up, Johnny and Amber shocked the world by finally getting married in February 2015 during a small private ceremony in Los Angeles. But, according to a new report, Johnny Depp and Amber Heard’s 62 day marriage is basically over.

In Touch Magazine reveals that since tying the knot earlier this year, Johnny Depp’s drinking problem and partying has grown to new proportions. The actor famously made a drunken fool of himself on stage during the Hollywood Film Awards – and has continued to spiral downwards since. In Touch’s inside sources reveal, “They’re barely talking. Amber is constantly worried about him. He’ll go days without calling or texting her. He parties and it’s caused huge fights with Amber. It’s been hard for them.” The magazine’s insider went on to explain that Amber has called the Pirates Of The Caribbean set – where Johnny is currently filming – in a tizzy because she can’t find her drunk husband. This has reportedly happened on more than one occasion.

At this point, we really have no pity for Amber Heard. She knew what she was getting herself into after Johnny’s drunken stupor at the Hollywood Film Awards – and instead of putting him on notice after the embarrassing display, she did a 180 a married him. Then again, it is Johnny Depp, what girl in her right mind would be able to turn down a marriage proposal from the hunky actor. In the past, Amber has been labeled an enabler and has been rumored to encourage Johnny Depp’s drinking – but considering she is on the other side of the world and filming her own movie and her husband is still a drunk mess, she might be off the hook.

If you were Amber Heard, would you divorce Johnny Depp? Do you think that the actor will get the help he needs before his marriage is completely destroyed? Let us know what you think in the comments below!


Image credit to FameFlynet

Amanda Austin:
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