Johnny Depp’s Drunk Shenanigans Result In Hand Injury – Pirates Of The Caribbean Production Severely Delayed!

Johnny Depp has injured his hand during filming for Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Men Tell No Tales, delaying the production for at least an additional month. In other words, Johnny Depp is either too old to be doing this movie, or too drunk to be doing this movie.

Now, Johnny did injure his hand away from production, so it wasn’t doing the stunts that hurt it. However, that makes it much, much more likely that he injured it during one of his drunken shenanigans. The rumors of Johnny Depp’s mid-life crisis have only increased in the recent months, and it’s stories like this which only up the veracity of all the substance abuse rumors.

Johnny’s already made several public appearances drunk as a skunk, and I’m sorry, but people don’t just ‘injure’ their hands for no reason. There was very little explanation given to Johnny’s injured hand, which makes me think that it was definitely something his reps didn’t want out in the public. That means that he was doing something that would hurt his image, and of course, Johnny going on a drunken bender would definitely hurt his image. The general public is still not aware of his drunken shenanigans, and him marrying a gold-digging actress half his age hasn’t helped any.

So now, the entire crew has to wait until April for Johnny to recover from his hand injury completely, costing the production millions of dollars. But because it’s Johnny Depp, Disney isn’t going to have the balls to tell him to get his shit together. They might be angry, but at the end of the day, Pirates of the Caribbean is all on Johnny Depp, isn’t it?

What do you guys think? Is Johnny Depp’s hand injury due to his drinking? Or is it unrelated? Let us know your thoughts in the comments below.

Image credit to FameFlynet

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