Josh Duggar Expecting Baby With Pregnant Ashley Madison Hook-Up?

Josh Duggar is, let’s face it, the most contemptible and infamous hypocrite on the face of the planet at the moment. This is the same Josh Duggar who’s an admitted sister-toucher. And if the incest wasn’t enough, turns out the holier than thou dad of four was also a member of cheating website Ashley Madison. Plus, not only was the pervie Duggar a member of the cheater’s conclave, but he even paid close to $1,000 for premium access for two years that included an “affair guarantee.”

But the saga of Josh Duggar – and his family’s embarrassment – is far from over. Now, according to In Touch magazine, one of the women Josh cheated with may be pregnant. Josh has admitted to sleeping with a number of women including one porn star and stripper and has termed himself a “sex addict.” This is a sloppy term that men like to use to excuse their cheating under the guise of addiction. Admit it Josh Duggar, you like sex and you were raised in a family that taught you sex was bad.

If Josh had been raised in a family where healthy and frank discussions about sex had been encouraged instead of being told that sexual curiosity was a sin, perhaps he would never have victimized his sisters. Maybe he would have – Josh Duggar could just be deeply disturbed. Or, he could be warped by a far too strict upbringing that had led to drastically unhealthy expressions of sexual desire that have gone tragically off track.

Josh’s wife Anna Duggar recently gave birth to the couple’s fourth child and now, it looks like Josh could have a child out of wedlock with one of the many women he cheated with – and maybe more than one. According to the tabloid, Josh made a habit of not using protection with the women he cheated with – and one of these women spoke to the mag and confirmed she was worried she might be pregnant with the two-timing Baptist’s illegitimate baby.

What’s even more disturbing is that wife Anna Duggar has not only been told by her parents, Josh’s parents, and church elders that she has to stand by her man – and even more shockingly – has been instructed to be more sexually accommodating. Also disturbing is that the “rehab” Josh Duggar has been sent to appears to be no more of a rehab facility than was the one he was sent to after he was found to be inappropriately touching his sisters and other young women.

In Touch and other sources report that Josh has checked into Reformers Unanimous International which touts itself as a rehab program for a variety of addictions, but which, in fact, offers absolutely no counseling. Instead, participants in the program work 40+ hours a week and engage in a lot of Bible study. Participants either work on site or they are put to work at local affiliated businesses – but their paychecks must be signed over to the program.

This “rehab” sounds more like conscripted labor plus Bible study. What the heck? They could have just sent Josh Duggar to the Scientologists… It looks like it will be a few weeks before we know for certain whether Josh’s many indiscretions led to a lust child – I hesitate to call it a love child – likely no affection was involved. The porn star who hooked up with Josh Duggar described the sexual encounter as “scary rough” – no love there.

Stay tuned to CDL for more on the Josh Duggar scandal. It’s not over yet – and likely won’t be for a while yet.

Stormy Elizabeth:
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