Josh Duggar Sex Abuse and Molestation Police Report Reveal: Did Michelle and Jim-Bob Duggar Cover Up Crimes?

19 Kids And Counting’s star Josh Duggar’s sex scandal has shocked the nation – and rocked Michelle and Jim-Bob Duggar’s wholesome family image. We aren’t sure what is more shocking: the fact that Josh Duggar confessed to sexually abusing and molesting his own sisters or the fact that his parents and the Arkansas police allegedly covered up the scandal and didn’t act accordingly. In May, a police report emerged revealing that Josh Duggar had molested young girls when he was a teenager. TLC quickly cancelled the family’s reality TV show. Now, as more details emerge on the sexual abuse case, it is becoming more and more disturbing.

Did Jim-Bob and Michelle Duggar cover up Josh’s crimes, and not punish him for molesting his own sisters? It’s beginning to look that way. In Touch Magazine got their hands on the full police report from Washington County Sherriff’s Office – and what they uncovered is down right shocking and horrific. Not only did Josh Duggar confess to molesting four of his own sisters to Jim-Bob, but his parents didn’t even contact authorities until over a year later! Meanwhile, the abuse continued to go on and they didn’t even protect their young daughters from their son Josh.

According to the police report obtained by In Touch Magazine, Josh Duggar confessed to molesting four of his sisters (one of them was only 5 years old) to his father Jim-Bob on three different occasions – and the police were not contacted until 16 months later. The Washington County Sherriff’s Office’s official police report reads, “James said that in March of 2002 [redacted, Josh] who had just turned 14, came to him very upset and crying. James said that [redacted, Josh] had told him that he had been sneaking into [redacted, his sisters’] room at night and had been touching [redacted, his sisters] on the breasts and vaginal areas while they were sleeping. Apparently all of the girls were sleeping in a common room at this time.”

According to In Touch, Jim-Bob and Michelle not only waited over a year to contact authorities, but also to get help for their daughters – who we are sure were in some dire need of counseling. After the ridiculously late police report was finally filed, the Arkansas Department of Human Services got involved, so that may have been the only reason that the Duggars even took their kids to counseling – it was most likely court ordered.

How horrified are you by the shocking Duggar Family sex abuse scandal? What do you think is more disturbing? The fact that Josh Duggar molested his own sisters when he was 14 years old or the fact that his own parents appeared to have tried to cover up the crime? Do you think that Jim-Bob and Michelle would have ever gotten their kids counseling if the authorities didn’t get involved? What made the Duggars finally contact the police – did they do it to protect themselves because their dirty secret got out? Let us know what you think in the comments below!


Image credit to FameFlynet

Amanda Austin:
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