Kim Kardashian was called a ‘sex tape whore’ by Amber Rose and now Kanye West has taken his wife’s side with his ’30 showers’ remark. Kanye West has become the latest person to chime in about the Amber Rose/Kardashian feud. This really comes as no surprise since Kanye West is never one to take the high road. What also isn’t surprising is how his comments are just as delusional as he is. In an interview with Power 105.1’s The Breakfast Club Kanye made scathing comments aimed at this ex-fiance Amber saying that, “if Kim had dated me when I wanted, there would be no Amber Rose.”
Ummm Kanye I am pretty sure Amber Rose was created by her mom and dad and that whole conception process – so ummm yeah she existed before you and she is continuing to exist after. Yes I realize what he literally meant is that Amber would not have her current celebrity status and career had she not dated him, but least we forget that his wife Kim Kardashian only has her celebrity status and career because of first riding Paris Hilton’s coattails, and then stepping it up a notch by releasing her sex tape with Ray J.
Come on Kanye we know you know that too – you even admitted in your single “Clique” with the lyrics “my girl a superstar all from a home movie.” If I was you Kanye I wouldn’t really bring up the fact that your ex got famous simply by dating you, when your wife got famous from letting the world see Kim Kardashian doing the dirty with Ray J …. Glass houses and all that.
Kanye took another jab at Amber by saying that he had to “take 30 showers” a day after being with her before anyone would even date him. Also not true since we all know he was bedding Kim when he was still with Amber. Nice try though Kanye.
Kanye being Kanye really comes as no surprise. He never misses an opportunity to remind us that he has not an ounce of class or rationality. What is sad though is that he has to diminish what he once shared with Amber. He may choose to pretend she never mattered, but it was clear how much he cared about her when he performed his single “Runaway” in Philadelphia, Pa – Amber’s hometown – after their breakup and he got real emotional over her. Near the end of the song he saluted her hometown by saying, “to the city of Philly I want to thank y’all for making the incredible person that this song was made for.”
In the video we get to catch a rare moment where Kanye has let his guard down and it almost makes him likable. Almost.