Has Kate Middleton finally gone into labor this afternoon? According to breaking reports, a police escort was seen making its way towards St. Mary’s hospital in Paddington, with several police bikes blocking off traffic around the hospital. Plus, eyewitness sources at the scene added that more traffic cones were being set up around Lindo Wing, AND Paddy Power has reportedly stopped betting on the baby being born today.
Plus, a two-car convoy from Bucklebury, likely containing Carole Middleton and Michael Middleton, was seen leaving early this morning with a police escort.
It looks like our duchess has gone into labor, y’all! It’s not guaranteed, sure, but there is enough evidence to confirm the fact, even before the royals release an official statement via their PR people. Plus, Richard Jinman [a journalist] also tweeted [just in case you don’t believe the eyewitness reports], “They’re putting traffic cones around the entrance to the Lindo Wing … this is not a drill #royalbaby.”
There was no exact date announced as Kate Middleton’s ‘official’ due date, but sources tell us that she was due more than a week ago. In fact, recent reports suggested that if the baby didn’t come by the end of next week, then Kate Middleton would definitely be induced into labor. But alas, it doesn’t look like that’s likely, especially if Kate did go into labor this afternoon.
We’ll update as we receive more information, but for now, the wait for royal baby #2 and the first royal daughter begins. Let the name guessing commence!
What do you guys think about all this? Do you think the evidence is enough to state for a fact that Kate Middleton actually has gone into labor and will be giving birth soon? Or is it a false alarm? Let us know your thoughts in the comments below.