Kate Middleton’s Multmillion Dollar Allowance Revealed, Royal Couple Spoiled and Pampered by Prince Charles?

Kate Middleton has a penchant for recycling outfits, but her royal stipend reveals the Duchess of Cambridge could easily wear a new outfit every day, or several every day! Clarence House has released a breakdown Prince Harry, Prince William, and Kate’s multimillion dollar allowance that suggests the royal couple are spoiled and pampered by Prince Charles.

Of Prince Charles’ reported $31.1 million income, Prince William and Kate Middleton shared $4.6 million with Prince Harry, courtesy of the Duchy of Cornwall. The allowance covers staffing needs, travel costs, and official wardrobes for the royal family according to People. The multimillion dollar allowance is a raise of 1.7% from last year, the Clarence House report noted.

The $4.6 million from Prince Charles doesn’t cover the changes and renovations Kate and William made to Anmer Hall, giving the home a more middleclass feel. It’s also interesting that Charles’ allowance doesn’t cover the cost of Kate and William’s trusted nanny, Maria Turrion Borrallo. The nanny, who has been in the royal couple’s employment since Prince George was nearly 3 months old, is paid by the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge’s income. Perhaps, this helps keep staff loyal and secrets safe from Queen Elizabeth?

The report, shared by People, also mentioned that a large portion of the royal couple’s travel expenses are often covered by the countries they visit. Australia and New Zealand were specifically cited as footing the bill for Kate and William’s trip, leaving them to use their allowance elsewhere. Perhaps Charles’ money helped pay for Kate Middleton’s stunning post baby body. Or maybe, the royal couple used the allowance for trips like the Duchess’ December jaunt to New York.

Whatever Prince William and Kate are spending their millions on, it’s clear Prince Charles is spoiling the royal couple. Maybe the extra money Charles is giving Kate and William is the reason he is getting more quality time with Prince George. As we shared, per a report by People, George has been spotted in Prince Charles’ beloved gardens at his country estate, Highgrove House. The royals were seen planting two trees near the entry of Charles’ home. Could the increase in Prince William and Kate Middleton’s allowance be the reason Prince Charles is getting more access to Princess Charlotte and Prince George?

You can also bet that Carole Middleton is pushing Kate to ask for more money. Now, that the Duchess has delivered two heirs in record time, it wouldn’t be a surprise if social-climbing Carole is making sure Kate and the royal children are getting a hefty payday from Prince Charles.

What do you think of Kate Middleton and Prince William’s multimillion dollar allowance? Is the money spoiling and pampering the royal couple an attempt to get more time with Prince George and Princess Charlotte?

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