Khloe Kardashian Amazing New Body Thanks To Lamar Odom Split: Gym Was Only Refuge From Heartache

Khloe Kardashian Amazing New Body Thanks To Lamar Odom Split: Gym Was Only Refuge From HeartacheKhloe Kardashian Amazing New Body Thanks To Lamar Odom Split: Gym Was Only Refuge From Heartache

Khloe Kardashian, the curvaceous beauty, underwent a complete overhaul after her split from estranged husband Lamar Odom in 2013. Khloe channelled her energy “into working out.” Love makes you blind and crazy and, in Khloe Kardashian’s case, changes your life. She told Us Weekly, “The gym was my only refuge. I could put music on and dance around with my girlfriends and be silly. I have never felt ‘fat’. I just didn’t realize how unhealthy I was until I look back at pictures.”

Khloe’s transformation not only solidified her position in the Kardashian hierarchy, but also gave her the confidence to stand up against Kris Jenner. For many years, the ‘ugly’ duckling had a severe case of ‘The Middle-Child Syndrome’; she was always viewed as the rebel without a cause. But all of this changed over the past couple of years. Khloe’s failures (The X-Factor USA and Lamar Odom) forced her to re-evaluate her dichotomous relationship with the Kardashians.

The much-needed transformation has had a negative influence on her professional relationship with Momager Kris. Ever since Kim Kardashian’s marriage to Kanye West, Kris has become an obsolete furniture piece in the Kardashian hierarchy. She is doing everything in her monster-manager power to exact control over her daughters, but Kim, Kourtney and Khloe have morphed into a defiant trio.

Rob Kardashian also jumped on the revolutionary bandwagon, but instead of acting like a sane adult, Rob took defiance to the extreme; he threw in a couple of non-sequiturs about his strange mommy issues and called it quits. Rob received a polarizing, lukewarm response from the Kardashian camp.

Perhaps the Kardashians should learn to love themselves instead of obsessing about their materialistic, shallow world. Khloe can now soar above the sky with blemished wings. Who knows? Maybe she’ll join Bruce Jenner on the breathless horizon. Fly, little Khloe birdie, fly!

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Image credit to FameFlynet

Renier Palland:
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