Kristen Stewart, Robert Pattinson Twilight Relationship Was A PR Showmance: KStew Dating Alicia Cargile in Lesbian Relationship

Kristen Stewart has come out in a lesbian dating relationship with Alicia Cargile and this calls into question if her romance with Robert Pattinson was anything more than a PR showmance. Kristen Stewart and Robert Pattinson dated for several years, but was their relationship ever really a ‘relationship’ or was it just a convenient PR showmance designed to sell the Twilight movies to the gullible movie-going public? After all, Twi-hards have turned Kristen Stewart’s relationship with Robert Pattinson into its own enterprise, coining their name ‘Robsten’ and creating the mass hysteria that helped sell the movies to the world.

Now, we just assumed that Kristen remained single after breaking up with Rob because she was still pining for him, but alas, that’s not the case. It’s become increasingly obvious that Kristen Stewart is dating Alicia Cargile, which means that she’s either a bisexual or that she’s a lesbian who’s just been faking her relationships with men all this time. I’d be willing to believe that Kristen was bi, but the mere fact is that too many signs point to her relationship with Rob being cooked up for PR benefit.

For one, Kristen never, ever showed PDA with Rob in public if she could help it, even though she did it with her ex-boyfriend Michael Angarano and she’s doing it now with Alicia Cargile. Why make the exception with Rob? It’s not because they wanted to keep their private lives separate from their professional ones, because Michael Angarano was an actor as well. A reasonable explanation is that Kristen just didn’t give a damn about her relationship with Rob, and was just going through the motions for the sake of publicity. I mean, the mere fact that they got back together (or pretended to) after she cheated on him and humiliated him is a sign that there were behind-the-scenes machinations concerning their romance.

Whether Kristen Stewart is a lesbian or bisexual, I think many people have concluded that Rob and Kristen were never really the ‘Robsten’ that their adoring fans concocted for them. In fact, it’s much more likely that they were colleagues thrown into a crazy situation together and trying to make the best of it, and offered a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity if they just sucked it up and played ball with creating a showmance.

What do you guys think about Kristen Stewart dating Alicia Cargile? Let us know your thoughts in the comments below.



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