Lance Bass Reveals Harry Styles Planned To Quit One Direction Before Zayn Malik

Lance Bass Reveals Harry Styles Planned To Quit One Direction Before Zayn MalikLance Bass Reveals Harry Styles Planned To Quit One Direction Before Zayn Malik

Lance Bass was a guest on the Meredith Vieira Show on Thursday, and he revealed something that most of us already knew, or suspected: that Harry Styles was planning on leaving One Direction before Zayn Malik did. Remember all those rumors about Harry Styles leaving to start his own band, or pursue a solo career? At the time – and even now, really – Harry is the most popular and most recognizable member of One Direction, and he was getting a lot of pressure to capitalize on that popularity and pursue a solo career. Except for whatever reason, he ended up staying with the band and sticking with the guys, whereas Zayn Malik clearly gave in to outside pressure and left.

Lance Bass confirms as much, telling Meredith Vieira, “The Zayn thing was just spur of the moment but I think the best move he could have ever done because everyone knows Harry. Harry Styles was a household name, my grandmother knows Harry Styles. Zayn Malik, didn’t really know the name until he was the first to leave the group. Kudos to him to being smart to leave.”

He also added, “That they lasted this long as a group is a surprise to me. Hopefully, the other four can go on and do some more music. I just see Harry leaving soon and I don’t see another One Direction album happening after he does.”

Well, Harry Styles has always been and will continue to be the face of One Direction, so if he leaves, the band’s done. At that point, they will have lost the most famous member of the band and the most attractive member of the band, and let’s be honest – who really cares about the remaining guys?

What do you guys think about Lance Bass’s comments on Harry Styles and Zayn Malik leaving One Direction? Do you think Harry Styles will leave soon? Let us know your thoughts in the comments below.

Zayn Malik: FameFlynet

Siyana Riley:
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