Little Women LA Recap 3/4/15: Season 2 Episode 10 “Little Women, Big Easy”

Little Women LA Recap 3/4/15: Season 2 Episode 10 "Little Women, Big Easy"

Tonight on Lifetime Little Women LA airs with an all new Wednesday, March 4, season 2 episode 10 called, “Little Women, Big Easy,” On tonight’s episode, following a nasty fight at Elena’s house, Christy tries to make peace by bringing the entire group of girls, and their fighting husbands, to New Orleans.

On the last episode after trying to have a baby for months with no success, Christy and Todd explored IVF and found themselves torn after realizing they had some very big decisions to make. Briana invited the girls out to see her old friend Brad William’s comedy show and Tonya wasn’t amused after he dropped the “M” bomb during his routine. And after moving into a new house the week her mom came to visit from Russia, Elena threw a housewarming party that was anything but warm when Traci and Christy started World War 3 within the group. Did you watch the last episode? If you missed it, we have a full and detailed recap right here for you.

On tonight’s episode as per the Lifetime synopsis, “the ladies visit New Orleans with their husbands and embrace the Big Easy lifestyle, but tempers flare when Briana’s desire to see a psychic infuriates Tonya.”

Tonight’s episode is going to be a fun one, which you won’t want to miss. So be sure to tune in for our live coverage of Lifetime’s Little Women LA Season 2 Episode 10— tonight at 10PM EST!

Tonight’s episode begins now – Refresh Page often to get the most current updates!

Terra tells Christy that she does think Joe is correct about her being ugly. She then threatens to get a restraining order on her “ugly ass.” When she brings up that Christy’s husband attacked her, Christy screams that he apologized. Elena asks Christy to leave and she storms out.

Back at the house, Terra starts crying about Christy’s comments about Joe, saying the only reason he came at Christy was because Todd came after her and Joe’s “unborn child.”

Terra wants to avoid the women and their drama and spend time with her corny husband, who is a drummer in a band and is going on “tour.”

She tells Joe she has already gained 25 pounds from her pregnancy and she is struggling and needs his support. He says he also hates that they have to be separated, but it’s going to work out.

Christy gets together with Elena to apologize to her for disrespecting her and her home at her party. Elena says it’s like deja vu and she can’t trust Christy yet.

Christy says she knows Joe is going away and Terra will miss him, so she suggests they all go to New Orleans, which is near Joe.

Elena thinks it’s a bad idea because when the women get together, all they do is fight. She wants to trust Christy, but doesn’t know if she can ever again.

She tells Christy she doesn’t want this trip to end in a police report.

Christy goes and tells Todd about her master plan. She says she doesn’t want Elena to think American little people are crazy.
She says if anyone tries to fight with her she isn’t going to fight back, making him promise to do the same.

Terra takes Elena shopping for baby clothes and also apologizes to her about the party. Elena says she was also talking to Christy about the same thing, telling her about the New Orleans trip idea. She says she wants the guys to come as well, and when Terra says Joe can’t go, she tells her that Christy wants to go to New Orleans because it’s near Joe.

Elena tells her that no matter what happens in New Orleans, she’ll get to see her man. Terra says she will bring earphones and chains with a muzzle for Christy.

At the airport, Terra says to Tonya and Tracy she wonders if she’s the only one who feels this awkward. Elena comes up and asks if Briana’s beau is coming. Tonya says that she doesn’t want to judge Briana but Briana has a young baby and her whole family dislikes him. (Matt does come on the trip with her.)

Christy, who Tonya was just saying “rushed Todd to the altar,” comes up and tells everyone they will be staying in a two story house. Todd meses with everyone by telling them the house is haunted.

The house is huge, with a giant indoor pool.

At dinner, the group talks about ghosts again. Briana talks about experiences she has had with ghosts. Tonya, a Christian, gets offended. Terra asks her her thoughts, and she says she doesn’t want to talk about it. Traci says she doesn’t believe in ghosts, but if something like that does exist, it’s probably the work of the devil, and Christy agrees.

To relieve the tension, Terra asks Christy if they can talk outside. Terra says she doesn’t want to fight and she wants to squash the drama. Christy says they’ve known eachother forever and have a sisterhood.  Christy accepts the truce even though Terra doesn’t apologize to her.  Terra says she is nervous about the men fighting with eachother.

Terra, Tonya and Traci go out to a cafe. Tonya says people were irritating her last night by talking about ghosts. Traci says she could hear banging on her wall last night from Briana’s room.

Erik, Traci’s husband, arrives in New Orleans. This is the first time Erik and Todd have been in the same room together since the party.

The group goes to a crawfish dinner with a chef. Erik goes to get a beer and Todd follows him. He apologizes to Erik, and Erik apologizes back. Erik tells Todd he should talk to Joe about it, and he says he will when he sees him.

Briana suggests everyone do a group reading with a psychic. Terra agrees to go, and Elena says she is going there to support her and nothing else. Christy says she and Todd don’t want to go because she believes it’s the work of the devil. Tonya says she is not down for that.

Terra asks Elena what she thinks about psychics. Terra says when she was young she went to a psychic who told her to do a crazy ritual involving going out in the woods at 4 a.m. in order to grow, and another one who would hold people by the legs and shook them.

Terra, Elena, Matt, Preston and Briana are going to the psychic. Preston and Elena wait in another room while the others do the ritual.

Before the tarot card reading, Terra says she is pregnant and doesn’t want to hear anything about her baby. The psychic tells Matt and Briana that adjustments will have to be made, mostly on Matt’s side. He asks Briana if she will be ready to rescue if he Matt is ready to take the leap. Briana says it’s difficult because her family’s opinions on the situation are weighing on her. The psychic tells her that she needs to follow her heart.

Terra thinks Briana should be more skeptical of the psychic.

When the group gets back and Briana wants to tell them about it, Tonya tells her she doesn’t want to hear it. She says she didn’t want to go to the place and she doesn’t want her bringing the place here. Briana says she just wanted to tell them the positive message and Tonya still says she doesn’ want to hear it. Briana says she listens to Tonya talk about her faith, and Tonya says that’s her prerogative.

Christy says they feel it comes from an evil spirit. Traci says Satan tells these psychics good things to bring people back. Matt jumps in and Tonya shuts him down, saying she doesn’t want to hear from anyone, especially him.

Terra says astrology is no different from a psychic to her, calling out Tonya for participating in astrology, which she denies.
Elena says she wants to hear about it and Tonya tells them to go to a different place to talk about it because she was there first.

Briana says she wanted to do something nice and she actually brought them gifts.

Tonya storms off and goes to bed.

Briana says that she heard good news about Traci and Erik, and Traci storms off. The fertility brooms Briana bought sit on the table.