Love & Hip Hop Hollywood Recap “A Done Deal”: Season 2 Episode 9

Tonight on VH1 their series Love & Hip Hop Hollywood continues with an all new Monday November 2, season 2 episode 9 called “A Done Deal” and we have your weekly recap below. On tonight’s episode, Rich Dollaz tries to guide Moniece “Kali” Slaughter and her mother to peace; Teairra Mari goes in for surgery.

On the last episode, Hunter seemed determined to find out more about her fiancé’s affair with Christopher. Did you watch last week’s episode?  We did and we recapped it right here for you.

On tonight’s episode as per the VH1 synopsis, “Rich tries to guide Moniece and her mother to peace; Teairra goes in for surgery; Nikki frets about the fashion show; Amber and Miles meet up.”

It sounds like the 2nd season of Love & Hip Hop: Hollywood will be packed full of can’t miss drama. Don’t forget to check CDL for our live recap of Love & Hip Hop: Hollywood tonight at 8PM!

Tonight’s episode begins now – Refresh Page often to get the most current updates!

Amber meets with Milan at the studio to talk about Miles. Milan says in confessional that he was never happy with Amber’s presence in Miles’ life and wants to find out from her why she is there. Amber tells him she’s more hurt than anything after finding out that Miles is gay and has been having an affair with Milan. Milan says Miles always refers to Amber as his “best friend” and he has always wanted to talk to her. He asks what their relationship is.

Amber says Miles has had a relationship with her daughter, and that he told her he was his “homeboy.” Milan says Miles has been telling him that he has been trying to free himself from her and that the two of them have matching tattoos, have talked about marriage and that Miles lives in his house. He says he does everything for Miles, including paying for things. Amber says that Milan must have paid her rent before, then. “I have paid your rent twice,” Milan says.

Amber thanks him, saying she didn’t know that. Milan says he apologizes if she thinks he was doing anything malicious, vindictive or deceitful toward him.  Amber says if Miles told her about him, they probably all would have been friends because she wouldn’t judge him for being with another man. She says it was wrong for him telling both of them that he loved them, and she doesn’t want to be made into a victim. The two of them hug and making up, agreeing that “this man is something else.”

Willie asks Omarion for career advice, and he tells him that if he’s going to be truly successful, he’s going to have to work really hard for it.  Willie says in confessional that Omarion’s advice has convinced him he needs to get out of his current recording contract ASAP. However, he’s worried about hiding from Shanda the fact that he can’t get out of his contract because she’ll be worried.

Rich and Moniece are building a house, but her mother is back. She tells Moniece that just a week ago they were fine, but then he sits down with her and suddenly she’s not fine. She says he didn’t tell her until later that things weren’t fine. Rich tells her that although she appeared to be in Moniece’s corner, she was really telling her that she needed to run. He asks who tells her daughter’s boyfriend to go for full custody.  He tells her that if his friend was talking shit, he’d want to know. She says she doesn’t care, and he says she needs to figure it out, because it’s going to damage her.

Moniece storms out of the room and starts screaming that he hates her. Rich goes into the other room and comforts her as she sobs uncontrollably. She says in confessional that it’s hard to believe that her mom is doing these things intentionally to hurt her and that she’s trying to believe she doesn’t know any better.

Amber’s heart is in pain about the shocking revelations she has had about Miles lately., She meets up with her friends and tells them that Miles told her he has had feelings for men ever since he was a kid. Moniece asks if he had feelings for a man or men, and Amber says men. She shocks them with the bombshell that Miles was having a gay affair with his producer Milan. She says Milan confirmed everything.  She says she feels really hurt and was depressed for a while.

Moniece says she can’t even lie to her and say she knows how she feels with everything she has gone through recently.

Amber says she loves Miles but she doesn’t even know him after he lied about this. She says she’s ready to talk to him about it now.

Willie talks to Shanda about his career progress, but hides the fact that he hasn’t been able to get out of his contract. He says in confessional that he’s guilty about it but he has to do what he has to do.

Rich is saying in confessional that he is seeing all of the issues Moniece has with her mom, and that he never thought he would be this person but he loves her and he wants to try to resolve the issues between them. He tells Moniece he wants her to have the kind of relationship with her mom that he has with his. She says that’s never going to happen, and he says he cares about her.

She says of course she would love – would have loved, she corrects herself – to have that but after hearing what she has said about her this time it’s a third strike and she is done. Moniece’s mother then makes a surprise appearance, which Moniece says in confessional makes her love Rich even more but that it’s pointless.

The three of them sit on the couch, and Rich asks her about what she says, which she says she may have said. Moniece says that’s all she needs to hear, but her mother proceeds to clarify, saying that she meant there was two sides to every story. Moniece then asks her if she was trying to make her lose custody of Cameron, which her mom denies.

She says that she told her if she decides she wants to take custody of him, she has her support, and that she has been her biggest cheerleader. She says it’s preposterous” that she would think she would gang up with Drew against her. She tells Moniece that she chooses to make her the enemy. Moniece tears up saying that there have been times she thought she didn’t have her best interests at heart, and that she called her a bad mother instead of supporting her.

Her mom says that if it is real to her then it is real, then she apologizes for the emotional state that she is in, adding that if there is anything she needs she should let her know. Moniece says that she doesn’t want any involvement from any of her parents.

The queen Teairra is getting her liposuction. Nikki and Hazel accompany her. In the waiting room, Nikki tells her the pain will be temporary and to focus on how she will look. Teairra brings up wanting to look good for the upcoming fashion show. Hazel asks her when the fashion show is, and she says it’s in a couple weeks. Hazel is concerned about the close that is, and Teairra asks her if she thinks she is underestimating the pain. She says yes, but Nikki says that everyone heals differently so she should take it as she goes.

Willie says in confessional he wants to make reality match what he told Shanda and that he has been calling Screw, but his calls have been going to voicemail. He shows up at the studio, and Screw asks him why he has been showing up.

Willie says, in a very distressed voice, that he has been calling him and he hasn’t been answering.  Screw tells him that he needs to get out of his contract. Willie says the guy isn’t going to let him out of his contract unless they can make it make sense. Screw asks him why he is talking about “we,” saying he can’t do anything for him.

He tells him again that he needs to get out of his contract, and that he has other things to do. He says that even now, he is interrupting him with all this energy. He asks why all this energy is directed at him. Screw asks Willie if he is really going to be working with him 100 percent and offers to be his manager again. In order to work with him, Willie says yes.

Princess, now free from Ray J’s shackles, is focusing on her business side. She meets with Hazel, despite the fact that she is friends with Teairra, because she might be able to promote her swimsuit line. She meets with her, and first she tells her about an accident that she got in.  Princess then tells her that she is done with Ray J and now it’s time to focus on Princess Love Collection, which se may be able to help with.

The two of them talk about women empowering each other. Princess brings up Teairra, who has ‘burned [Hazel] in the past.’ Princess says she can’t trust her as far as she can throw her, and that Teairra is big so that says enough. Hazel bites her tongue on Teairra’s liposuction.

Shanda comes to Willie’s work to take him to lunch.  When shee comes to see him, his colleague surprises her by telling her that Willie can’t get out of his contract. She storms out immediately, lamenting in confessional that she lied to his face.

Teairra is recovering from liposuction, saying that she feels like a bus ran her over.  Nikki asks her if she thinks she would be ready for the fashion show. Teairra says she thought it would be easy but it’s not, and that she’s been to different pattern makers and now needs to get models.  Hazel asks them if they have ever run an event, and they say no. Hazel goes through all of the particulars of what they would need to successfully run it, and they stare at her dumbfounded.

When Hazel and Nikki leave, Nikki tells her she is concerned because they only have two weeks. Hazel says she doesn’t mind helping them with the large details of the event because she has done it many times and it’s easy for her. She tells Nikki about Princess’ new line, and she says she has heard about it. Hazel starts talking about women supporting eachother again, and Nikki says she is just doesn’t want to be between Princess and Teairra. Hazel says that Teairra had no problem working with Berg after Hazel’s relationship with him ended, so what’s good for the goose is good for the gander.

Ironically, Screw gets Willie out of his contract, and he goes home to tell Shanda the news.

Amber calls Miles out to give him a last chance to be honest with her and tell her the truth.  He says that yes, he and Milan are together.  She asks if he loves him and he says yes. In love, he says yeah. Amber says in confessional that hearing that crushed her.

She asks Miles to show her his tattoo. She says she has been with him for years and she can’t get a dot of ink on him. She says that he has been telling Milan that they are nothing more than friends. She says she can’t judge him for being with a man because that’s who he loves, but she can judge him for how he did her.  He asks what she would rather he do, not tell her. She says he should have told her earlier.

He asks if he ever did anything to hurt her, and she busts out laughing. “Intentionally?” he asks her repeatedly. She storms off, refusing to hear any more from him. He follows her, telling her he feared the domino effect of having to tell everyone in his life he was gay after telling her. He says he loves her and never wants to lose her, and she says she is strong and can handle it because she is a boss b**ch, before leaving in tears.


Victoria Laza:
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