Mad Men Recap – Peggy Parties, Ken Makes a Move and Don Mourns: Season 7 Episode 8 Spring Premiere “Severance”

Mad Men Recap - Peggy Parties, Ken Makes a Move and Don Mourns: Season 7 Episode 8 Spring Premiere "Severance"Mad Men Recap - Peggy Parties, Ken Makes a Move and Don Mourns: Season 7 Episode 8 Spring Premiere "Severance"

Tonight on AMC Mad Men airs with an all-new Sunday, April 5 season 7 episode 8 called, “Severance,” and we have your weekly recap below. On tonight’s episode, Don Draper [Jon Hamm] tries to track down a friend.

On the last episode, Don was given a letter that caused him to feel troubled, Pete and Cutler began to fight with one another; Roger got an unexpected phone call that ended making him feel indecisive and Peggy took on a dangerous venture. Did you watch the last episode? If you missed it we have a full and detailed recap right here for you.

On tonight’s episode as per the AMC synopsis, “Don tries to track down a friend. Joan struggles to solve a problem with an account. Peggy is set up by an unlikely person.”

We will be blogging Mad Men Season 7 Episode 8 at 10PM EST . . . so make sure to come back to this spot and watch the show with us. Make sure to refresh often so you get the most current info!

Tonight’s episode begins now – Refresh Page often to get the most current updates!

#MadMen starts with Don talking to a model, Cindy, who’s in a chinchilla coat. He tells her to show him how it feels. He tells her to look at herself and asks if she likes what she sees. He says to make it look like she’s just wearing the fur. She does and he says that’s good. He tells her to close her eyes and take a deep breath. Then he says to put her leg up on the chair, let the coat slide down and show him her smooth skin. She does and strokes her leg up to her thigh. He says it’s good. The next girl comes in.

Later, Don is with three models regaling them with stories of growing up in a boarding house. Sterling is with them and sits down between two of the models. Sterling says Don loves to tell stories about how poor he was but tells the girls he’s not now. Sterling mocks the waitress for reading and Don asks if he knows her. Sterling leaves a hundred for being a jerk. They get up to leave and Don looks back at th reading waitress who ignores him.

Don goes home and calls his message service. Laura left a message saying he could call as late as midnight. He also got a call from a stewardess on layover and another woman. He calls the stewardess who shows up with wine. She slops her wine on the white carpet and he throws a blanket on the floor to cover it them pulls her down with him. Joan and Peggy show L’Eggs to competitor Topaz. The guy from Topaz says they should have a topaz since they have an egg.

Peggy says imitation is not a good strategy. Joan says she told them quite a while back about this product. Ken comes to take Art and Marvin to lunch. Harry tells Joan and Peggy to keep the client. Don goes into his office to take a nap since he was up all night. Mathis chats up Peggy in the break room and he asks if she would go on a blind date with his brother in law. She says that’s nice and he says she’s a catch. He says his wife told him she has a knack for this.

Peggy asks if he thought what would happen if it turns out bad and says to thank Julie. Don holds casting for models and Joan is there waiting. He asks if she’s auditioning. She tells him about the Topaz meeting and the client’s bad idea. She says they have no solution. She says Topaz is drug store and he says to tell them to change the name to Macy’s and put it in the gem. Ken is with his in-laws and gives his dad a new set of golf clubs to celebrate his retirement. Ed talks about learning to cook then says he made a Pop Tart.

Rachel comes in for Don’s audition. He tells her she’s Wilkinson smooth. He wakes from a dream. The stewardess is in his bed, not Rachel. Ken finds his wife awake late and she tells him her dad is old. Then she says Ken is bored and angry because he hates his job. She tells him he should write his book. He says her dad sold poisons at Dow and then they fight. The baby starts crying. Don shows up late and his secretary complains. He asks her to call Rachel Katz to set a meeting.

Peggy and Joan meet with McCann-Erickson so talk to department stores about store brand pantyhose. The guys are inappropriate. Peggy tries to ignore their double entendres. They are giggling idiots. He asks why Joan isn’t in the bra business and calls her a work of art. Peggy tries to keep it professional. The guys are sexist pigs. They finally read the document the women brought when their sexist jibes don’t get a rise out of them.

Shirley asks Ken where he’s been and he says he walked to work. She says Sterling and Ferguson are there. He asks about the golf clubs to Ed Baxter and says Pete is going to take over Dow. Ferguson says they don’t want him on any business. He reminds him that he walked out with the Birds Eye account and called them black Irish thugs. Ken tells Sterling that he is a black Irish thug. He gets canned but is offered severance and a reference.

Joan tells Peggy she wants to burn the place down and Peggy says at least they got a yes. Peggy tells Joan she can’t dress the way she does and expect to be taken seriously. Joan snaps and basically calls her ugly then Peggy says Joan is filthy rich and doesn’t have to do this. Don’s secretary says he has a busy afternoon and says she scheduled him with Menken’s because Rachel stepped down a while ago then died last week. He’s stunned.

She apologizes for upsetting him and Don says she was younger than him. She goes to get him a sandwich and leaves him upset. Peggy tells Mathis she had a cancellation and can join them for dinner but he says they already made other plans. She says no problem and then says he can give Stevie her number. Don goes back to the diner to look for the waitress. Don asks Di if he knows her from somewhere. She says he doesn’t need a line then goes out back for a smoke. Don follows.

He introduces himself and she kisses him. She unbuttons his pants and he does her against the wall in the alley behind the diner. She goes back inside and ties her apron on. He combs his hair and follows her back inside. He asks what time she gets off. She says he got his $100 worth and can go.

Ken calls to Don outside the office. He tells him that McCann told Sterling to fire him and he did. Don says he’ll call Jim Hobbart and tells him not to do anything rash. He says his wife told him to quit and write his novel and he was thinking about it then they fired him. He says they want him to gift wrap his accounts for Pete. Ken says it’s a sign and that it’s great. He says he just has to drag himself through those doors.

Dennis from McCann calls Joan and she tells her secretary to tell him she’s in a meeting. Ken meets with Pete about the accounts. He asks Ken what he did to McCann. He says he just didn’t fit in and Pete says if he didn’t play ball, he wouldn’t have a future. Ken says he’s writing about the field and Pete says he should write an adventure book because he would look great on a book jacket. Pete says it felt great when he moved to California and now he’s back.

Pete says to feel free to use him as a reference. Joan is out shopping. The sales clerk asks if she used to work there and says she can still get the discount. Joan says she’s mistaken. Ted comes to see Don about the final model choice. It’s down to three. Don says the Wilkinson guys are perverts. Ted says there are three women in every man’s life. Then he says Vogue is having a party and invites Don along. Peggy meets with Stevie and his order comes out wrong.

She asks why he doesn’t send it back and he says Mathis told him she’s the kind of girl that doesn’t put up with things. He says he also told him she’s funny and fearless. She offers her plate to swap and says she loves veal. Don goes to Rachel’s memorial and says he wanted to pay his respects. Her sister Barbara knows his name and tells him they’re sitting shiva. He says he’s lived in New York a long time and knows what it is. She asks about his family.

He says he got divorced then remarried and is getting divorced again. She says she’s sorry. He asks if those are Rachel’s children and she asks when he last spoke to Rachel. He says years ago then asks what happened. Barbara says it was leukemia. She asks what he’s looking for and he says he just wanted to check on her life. Barbara says she lived the life she wanted and had what she wanted. They start the service and Don looks troubled.

Peggy and Stevie seem to be enjoying their dinner. She tells him they should go to Paris right now. He says he doesn’t have a job and she says she’s not kidding. They’re kind of tipsy. They go to her place and he looks for her passport. He kisses her and pulls off her jacket. She tells him to stop and says she can’t believe she can’t find her passport. He asks what they were going to do in Paris. She says she thought he was a fling but he may be more and she doesn’t want to sleep with him the night they met.

She says they can go next weekend then he says he has a job interview. He asks if she really wants him to go and she tells him to call when he gets back from his DC interview. He says he will. He leaves and Peggy smiles shyly. Don lies awake in bed listening to Nixon talk about the Vietnam War. Peggy wakes to her alarm. Pete tells Sterling about the accounts he locked down. Ken shows up and Sterling asks if he invited him. Ken says he won’t be collecting severance.

Ken says his signing bonus from Dow is so big it would feel like double dipping. He says he’s taking Tom Schaefer’s job. Pete asks if he’s firing them and Ken says – no, something worse, I’ll be your client. He tells them he’ll be very hard to please. He leaves and Pete curses. Mathis comes in and tells Peggy that he heard she had a fun night. She kicks him out of the office. She says she had too much to drink and isn’t getting on a plane to Paris with a stranger.

Don tells his secretary he’s leaving. She says she did some research for his meeting and says Rosenthal’s meeting is Monday morning. He thanks her. Don goes back to the diner to see Di. She asks why he’s there and says it won’t happen again. He says he had a dream about a woman he once knew and found out the next day she died.

She says when people die, things get mixed up. She says maybe he dreamed about her all the time. She says you can’t make sense of it when people die. She tells him she just works there and says he shouldn’t come back without a date. He says he just wants to sit there.



Stormy Elizabeth:
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