Married to Medicine Recap 10/4/15: Season 3 Episode 16 “Reunion Part 2”

Married to Medicine Recap 10/4/15: Season 3 Episode 16 "Reunion Part 2"

Tonight on Bravo, Married to Medicine returns with an all new Sunday, October 4 season 3 episode 16 called, “Reunion Part 2” We’ve got you recap down below! On tonight’s episode, Part two of the Married to Medicine reunion sets off the alarm when Mariah Huq quickly realizes she’s the one in the hot seat. It’s not all about the ladies this time though as the husbands join the mix and add fuel to the fire. Relationships are put to the test when the conversation turns to Toya Bush-Harris and Eugene’s inability to communicate.

On the last episode, the two-part Married to Medicine reunion kicked off with Simone and Toya as they looked back at their confrontation from Season 2 and revealed some deep-rooted issues about their childhood. As Quad and Lisa went toe-to-toe over their accusations and legal matters, Heavenly continued to push the women to confess who was to blame over this year’s drama. Given light of Jill’s recent accusations and arrest, the ladies question whether they treated her fairly. And, bringing her usual spiciness, the Queen Bee Mariah re-entered the Hive for one last showdown.  Did you watch the last episode? If you missed the episode we have a full and detailed recap, right here for you.

On tonight’s episode per the Bravo synopsis “part two of the Married to Medicine reunion sets off the alarm when Mariah quickly realizes she’s the one in the hot seat. It’s not all about the ladies this time though as the husbands join the mix and add fuel to the fire. Relationships are put to the test when the conversation turns to Toya and Eugene’s inability to communicate. While Lisa’s issue with strippers is discussed, it’s revealed that Darren isn’t the only husband who likes to indulge in the stripper pond. Plus, the quest begins to see if these ladies can come together again, meanwhile Quad defends her throne to stay in the group.”

Tonight is going to be another great episode of Married to Medicine and you know there will be laughter, drama, and, of course, “shade.” Tune in at 9pm EST when we’ll be recapping it right here for you but in the meantime, hit up the comments and let us know how excited you are by season 3 of Married to Medicine so far.



On Part Two of the reunion, Andy felt it was time to bring out Mariah. Mariah as you know had been ousted from the group last year and so her return came as a bit of a shocker. But over this season we saw her and Quad seem to get over their past issues and thus were left in surprise when the two began arguing after looking back at the footage.

See, Mariah threw a lot of shade. She forgave one second and then turned to the camera in the next to offer up some joke at someone else’s expense. So really no one wanted to hear Mariah gripe about how she had been treated.

She’s constantly asking the other ladies to respect her and be there for her when they saw or heard about the tough stuff going on in her life. Yet the other ladies had had enough of it.

Mariah had never considered their feelings. Nor has she respected them enough to reach out to any of them when she’s hurt them. So a lot of them were upset by the audacity of Mariah for demanding things.

And so Simone got loud. She and Mariah were probably the closest out of Mariah’s other relationships. Yet she also nominated herself as a spokesperson to be the one to talk to Mariah about the problem they have with her.

So whether Mariah wanted to hear it or not, she had to face the criticism. And own up to what she did and what she said. Like the fact she jokingly accused Quad of being the one to cause the most strife in their group.

But Andy did a question about that. He asked Quad if she felt like she was at the start of many of the arguments and she answered back that she had been the victim of many of the women. Though she doesn’t think she was an instigator.

So nevermind that private investigator she hired or that she caused an issues throughout all this season by refusing to attend the same party as Lisa Nicole – Quad will never come out and admit to what she’s done. However she did at least acknowledge that she played part in what was happening and say that she was genuine wanting to be mend fences with Mariah.

Yet that was the women for you. They all said something about a supposedly good friend and it was clear who forgave whom for what by the seats they chose to take from early on.

Now the guys were a different story. Quad’s husband couldn’t make it because he had to work and Lisa Nicole’s husband had allegedly come down with a stomach bug that required him to stay at the hotel. But other than that, the rest of men showed and surprisingly no one shied away from what their actions.

Mariah’s husband admitted that he did lose his temper on vacation but that was because he saw how much his wife was hurting. And so in a way he was just trying to defend her when he let the hulk out. The Hulk being what happened when Aydin angry.

And another thing that Aydin said. When Andy had brought up the strip club debate, Aydin said he would tell Mariah if he was going to a strip club.

Now, the other guys (well the ones that were willing to talk) said they wouldn’t tell their wives. That telling her would only bring problems or awkward questions. So silence is their best policy. Though, after the show, their wives will probably start paying closer attention to where they’re going.

But this strip club thing came up because of what happened with Lisa Nicole and Lisa confessed to talking to the stripper later on that night. And the stripper said she had run into Jill in the bathroom. Jill had apparently said that Lisa Nicole was nasty to the stripper so as far as Lisa is concerned that means Jill was up to something that night.

And as for the big Lisa Nicole and Quad fight, Lisa’s problem with the gay rumor is that she believed Quad could have shut it down a lot better than she did at the time. Which is practically an olive branch with this group. So the ladies do seem like they could be cordial for the group’s sake.

And going forward, the ladies made the same agreement that they always make. They all say they’re through with the drama and that things are going to be different.

Yet that never works out and so the only good thing about his group is their husbands. Dr. Daemon said he joined the show with his wife to inspire people and he was just so cordial that I think he did.