Married to Medicine Recap 6/21/15: Season 3 Episode 3 “Inspector Squad”

Tonight on Bravo, Married to Medicine returns with an all new Sunday, June 21 season 3 episode 3 called, “Inspector Squad.” We’ve got you recap down below! On tonight’s episode, Trying to find the root of her anger, Jackie helps Simone understand how her dad’s past transgressions are still affecting her life.

On the last episode, Dr. Simone and Toya are at odds but unlike their wives, husbands Cecil and Eugene were determined to save their friendship by forcing an olive branch into Simone and Toya’s strained relationship. Still reeling over Lisa’s surprise background check, Quad flipped the script and hired a private investigator to dig up dirt on Lisa Nicole and her husband Darren. Later, Jackie and her trainer Al ambushed the girls with a surprise invite to join her latest fitness venture. Did you watch the last episode? If you missed it we have full and detailed recap, right here for you.

On tonight’s episode per say the Bravo synopsis “trying to find the root of her anger, Jackie helps Simone understand how her dad’s past transgressions are still affecting her life. As the ladies gather to celebrate Lisa Nicole and Heavenly’s magazine cover, Simone comes face to face with Toya for the first time since their disagreement. Meanwhile, following a successful meeting with the private investigator, Quad receives all the information she needs to finally give Lisa Nicole a taste of her own medicine.”

Tonight is going to be another great episode of Married to Medicine and you know there will be laughter, drama, and, of course, “shade.” Tune in at 9pm EST when we’ll be recapping it right here for you but in the meantime, hit up the comments and let us know how excited you are by season 3 of Married to Medicine so far.



#Married2Med begins with Toya yelling at her kids. Lisa Nicole is fussing at her kids too. Simone leave the office. Heavenly is hanging with Alaura who is drawing. Heavenly says she reminds her of herself when she was younger. She thinks it’s good that her daughter is like her. Alaura says she wants to be a singer and her mom tells her to sing. She says she tells her kids they can be anything they want to be but says Alaura will need a lot of help to be a singer.

She says her daughter needs to be a public speaker and Alaura says she doesn’t want to talk about her mother who says she’s a good public speaker. She invites Alaura to come to a women’s business magazine celebration. Alaura doesn’t want to come. She’s the first cover model of Hers. She says Lisa Nicole is also on there and they’re having a party to celebrate all the cover models. Quad meets her PI Walter who has some results on her background check of Lisa Nicole.

Quad says she wants Lisa to know she can’t hold things over her head. Quad is surprised at the results Walter gave her and then wonders why Lisa would open a can of worms with her. She says Lisa Nicole’s background is filthy. At Jackie’s house, Simone stops by knocking on the door. She says she needs to holler at her. Jackie says she’s trying to figure out this new patient who was in a sickle crisis, got better then worse. Simone wonders if she needs a transfusion.

Simone says Cecil and Eugene planned a night out for them with Toya. She says Toya had a stank attitude then said when she called her a bad mother, there was truth to it because Simone reacted. Simone says she told her calling her dumb was the truth too. Jackie says you can’t stop Simone once the volcano starts. She says she let Toya make her someone she’s not. Jackie says she and Simone have been friends for 20 years then wonders how she can let Toya take her to such a bad place.

Simone says she lied on her, called her fake and is foul. She said Toya came at her in front of her child and says she’s done dealing with her then raises her voice and says if Jackie can’t understand it, that’s it. Jackie says Simone has walls up and doesn’t let people in and that she let Toya in and that’s why she’s upset. Simone says she had a lot of let down with her dad and Jackie says that what it is. Simone says her dad is an alcoholic and has been most of her life.

Simone says people earn a space in her life then when they let her down, that space is gone. Simone says her dad doesn’t own or take responsibility for his actions and she feels that way with other people too. Jackie tells her she’s angry over that. Simone cries a bit and Jackie hugs her while she sobs. She says it’s hard seeing Simone break down like that because it’s so rare. She says it’s a breakthrough and says she needs to go back. Simone says it’s too painful.

Simone says she thought the history with her dad isn’t affecting her life but Jackie is making her see that it is. She doesn’t want to be that person and says she has to stop giving Toya control to take her there. Jackie says to get it out, deal with it and move on. Toya takes her kids with her to see her friend Jill. Toya says she and Jill know how to do a playdate and she has the wine ready. Jill’s husband is a plastic surgeon. Jill says she likes Toya a lot and says they’re alike but different.

Toya tells Jill that one of her sons grabbed a woman’s coochie at the mall. Jill says her parents called her a whore for phoning a boy when she was 16. Toya tells her she’s trying to get Eugene to let her work with him. She says the kids are in school part time and she could work four hours a day on Nomad, maybe three. Jill asks if she’ll do a good job and Jill says it’s been a while since she’s done all that. She tells Toya she had to write someone up and it’s hard managing people.

She says being the doctor’s wife can be difficult. Jill says the idea of going back may be more attractive than actually doing it. Jill thinks if Toya tries it, she will give it up soon. Simone heads home and chats with Cecil who says there’s a lot going on at work. She says she had two inductions today at the hospital and she has to go back over to deliver lately. Simone wants to talk to him about the outing with Eugene and Toya. She thanks him for trying to get them together.

She says she also owes him an apology. Cecil laughs and says she lost her damn mind in the parking lot. Simone admits it’s hard to say sorry. She says she’s hardly ever wrong and Cecil laughs about that and says that’s her problem. Simone says she has to do better when Toya takes jabs at her. Cecil tells her she should look into dealing with her temper. He talks about her pop-off and says he can’t handle it every day. She says if he can’t handle it, he can pack his sh*t and they laugh.

Lisa Nicole is at her boutique talking to Jay about what she wants to wear tonight. She says her store is more like an experience, can get their face done, or even a massage. She says it’s all about the details. She’s excited about her Hers award for her philanthropy. Darren shows up and she calls him eye candy then talks about the award she’s getting. He says he’s still recovering from last night referring to their sex life. He says they know how to please each other and she says it was make-up sex.

He says when he’s thirsty he has to have his drink. Heavenly shows up to the event to also be recognized for her philanthropy. Her hubby Damon is with her. Jill comes over and congratulates Heavenly on her award. Heavenly says she knows Jill who has been to their parties. She asks Jill if those are her real breasts and says they’re too round. She says her breasts got deflated after she breast fed her kids. Jill says people expect you to look your best when your husband is a plastic surgeon.

Toya shows up next and Heavely explains what the magazine is and she asks if it’s new. Toya says it’s nice to be recognized for what they do. They start talking about Toya’s party and all the crazy. Toya asks if she thinks Quad ran the background check. Toya says she knows why Quad is doing it and then Heavenly says they need to run one on Jackie. Toya thinks Lisa is way overdressed and looks like she’s going to a prom in 1994.

Lisa says Simone is coming tonight too. Toya says they will work out their issues once Simone works out her issues. Heavenly says Jackie has a boring life and works too much. Jill asks if Jackie will come with them to the Cheetah, a strip club. We see Jackie at the hospital heading into labor and delivery. She says the hospital has been so crazy that she’s had to schedule some surgeries at night. Her patient Ashley has a large ovarian cyst and so Jackie is doing a diagnostic procedure.

Lisa says she would never take her man to a strip club because it’s tempting. Toya says she went with her husband and Jill says she does too. Heavenly asks her hubby if he wants to go to a strip club with her and he says no. She asks if without her and he says yes. Toya says she knows Lisa doesn’t want to take her hubby since he’s cheated before. Damon says the strippers warm you up for what’s waiting on home. Heavenly says she can shake her ass at home.

Simone and Cecil show up to the party. Simone thinks you must be the sh*t to be on the cover of a magazine you’ve never heard of. Lisa tells her about the strip club conversation. Jill tells Toya that Simone is staring at her. Toya says she doesn’t need any drama tonight and says she’s too sober for this. Quad is making a sandwich then has work to do. She says the other girls thinks she just sits around. Simone says it’s time for her to get past these issues with Toya.

She goes over to say hello to Toya and Jill and says it’s baby steps. Toya is surprised that Simone didn’t get loud and says she even warned the manager. Damon tells Darren about the strip club conversation. Cecil listens. Damon says most guys would agree they get revved up and go home. Simone says that’s disgusting that you get get hot for some other woman then come home to her. He says it’s okay if she does that. Damon says the bottom line is that you are going home.

Darren doesn’t make any comment. Cecil says maybe Darren is doing something different. The conversation gets awkward fast. Jackie is in surgery and says she gives 125% of herself to every patient and says she treats them all like she would her own mother. During surgery, there’s a surprise. She says it’s unpredictable and they find a gallbladder issue. She gets the cyst and says the whole ovary seems to be filled with them. She says the surgery was successful.

Jackie says they saved her ovary and it’s why she does what she does. Jackie talks to Ashley’s mother and says she needs to see a gastroenterologist about the gallbladder and that wraps it up. Back at the party, Lisa is called to the red carpet and so is Heavenly. They all line up with their covers and Heavenly says Jackie hasn’t done anything to be on a magazine cover. The editor talks about why she started the magazine and how it was about balance.

Lisa takes the stage and gives a thanks to Darren. She says it’s every girl’s dream to be on a magazine cover. She says it’s a huge honor to be recognized. Heavenly is next and she also thanks Damon and says the award was for both of them. Heavenly says life is about doing great things and being recognized for it. She says they could do phenomenal things for the community if all the women there put their resources together but says the other women are all doing catty shit.

Simone slops her drink and she wipes it off where it got on Heavenly’s dress. Heavenly tells her to keep her hands off her titties. Quad and Simone are at the farmer’s market. Simone says Quad is so serious about her cooking thing. She says they drove all the way up to an organic ritzy ass market on the north side of town. Quad says she wants to cook for the ladies but they need to work out some relationship kinks first.

At Jackie’s, she meets with Ashley a while after her surgery. She says Ashley wasn’t having a lot of sex because of the pain from the cyst. She says she can now exercise and have more sex. Quad and Simone talk about Lisa and Quad says she’s going to have some fun with her and tells Simone about the private investigator she hired, Walter. Quad says she believes in leveling the playing field. Simone says this is getting deep and Quad asks if she read the blog.

She says Lisa has been planting stories about her and says she wrote that Picture Perfect Pup isn’t selling. She says this will be over soon. Quad says she would like to sit down with Lisa and deal with this then move on and says she’s a heavyweight and Lisa is a lightweight.

Stormy Elizabeth:
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