Married to Medicine Recap 7/26/15: Season 3 Episode 7 “Love and Races”

Tonight on Bravo, Married to Medicine returns with an all new Sunday, July 26 season 3 episode 7 called, “Love and Races.” We’ve got you recap down below! On tonight’s episode, Jacqueline Walters comes up with a creative strategy to whip the girls into shape in the second phase of Fit Is The New It. Meanwhile, an anxious Dr. Simone is happy when her sister comes to town to hold her hand through her son’s first date.

On the last episode, still reeling from her visit to the strip club, Lisa confronted her husband in order to discover the truth. In hopes of being a supportive wife, Toya tried to get involved with her husband’s new business venture. Always the ones to inform and enlighten, Simone and Jackie demonstrated safe-sex techniques that embarrass some of the ladies and perks the interest of others. Meanwhile, through laughter and tears, Mariah and Quad tried their best to mend their relationship but aren’t sure if they could dive back into their friendship. Did you watch the last episode? If you missed it we have full and detailed recap, right here for you.

On tonight’s episode per the Bravo synopsis “Jackie comes up with a creative strategy to whip the girls into shape in the second phase of Fit Is The New It. Meanwhile, an anxious Simone is happy when her sister comes to town to hold her hand through her son’s first date. Wanting to settle the score once and for all, Lisa Nicole meets with her attorney to discuss legal options against Quad, while Quad brings in high-powered attorney Phaedra Parks to weigh in on the matter.”

Tonight is going to be another great episode of Married to Medicine and you know there will be laughter, drama, and, of course, “shade.” Tune in at 9pm EST when we’ll be recapping it right here for you but in the meantime, hit up the comments and let us know how excited you are by season 3 of Married to Medicine so far.

Married to Medicine Recap 7/26/15: Season 3 Episode 7 “Love and Races”

The group likes to pretend there isn’t this great big divide but there is. And that’s all anyone can talk about on tonight’s all new episode of “Married to Medicine”.

Lisa Nicole and Quad had a fight and rest of the ladies on the show had to make a decision. Were they going to side with the angry wife or the woman that walked away with a bandage on her face? So for some like Heavenly and Toya, the choice was easy. They were going to attempt to ride the middle road and speak to both ladies about their wrong actions.

But the more Heavenly and Toya hung out with Lisa Nicole, the more Quad doubted their loyalties. Don’t forget that Quad is known for being a tad dramatic. And, even if she was the one to ignore their calls, hearing about them going out with the “enemy” can/will be seen as a personal betrayal.

So technically it didn’t even matter that Heavenly eventually took Jackie and Simone aside. Or that she asked them if they could intervene in order to have this argument just settled.

The two doctors are staying neutral but Simone for one can recall what Lisa Nicole’s behavior was at the strip club. Meaning she now had no doubt that Lisa could have actually have hurt Quad during an argument. So, with the cards being the way they are, it wasn’t all that surprising that Lisa sought out legal help.

She and her husband met with their attorney and they discussed what possible avenues they could take if Quad ever sued or pressed charges. And with their relationship being the way it is, it was only reasonable for Lisa Nicole and her family to be on guard. Things got pretty ugly during her fight with Quad and at the time that was supposed to be something akin to a peace summit.

Instead they both showed up with background checks and wanted to do some mud-slinging,.

And now, Lisa might be right about Quad. Because Quad did seek legal advice for herself and Ms. Phaedra Parks was happy to help.

Phaedra told Quad that she could either pursue a civil or criminal case. Yet she told reminded the other woman that Lisa Nicole does have children that will be affected by criminal charges. So, in this, the lawyer did try to do the right thing.

Only Quad didn’t want to hear it. In her own words “Mama should have thought of that”. And that means anything goes for her.

Though in amidst of all of this, Jackie has been trying to host small events for her friends in an effort for them to all get fit together. So Quad did show up at a group event. Mind you it was for the Wilderness Fitness Challenge but she did show up.

And the day proved to be a highlight to pretty much everyone.

Quad had fun and Simone was able to take some time for herself. Earlier her sister arrived in town for some family bonding and the conversation eventually came to their dad. The same dad whose alcoholism nearly destroyed their entire family.

Carmen, the younger sister, didn’t believe they need to develop more of a relationship with the older man. In fact she preferred the distance. However as the older sister, Simone at least remembers the early and thus better days with their dad. And that’s why she’s been going back and forth on what to do.

One part of her does want her kids to know her dad but on the other hand she remembers what happened once her father began to let himself go. So this father issues isn’t going to be solved anytime soon and in the meantime her kids are growing up. Her son Miles had gone out on his first date and had been spied on by his mother.

So when you think about there is a lot her dad is missing out on but really he has no one else to blame.


Kristine Francis:
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