Mob Wives Recap – Natalie the Rat Exposed: Season 5 Episode 4 “RATalie”

Tonight on VH1 their docu-soap series Mob Wives continues with an all new Wednesday January 7, season 5 episode 4 called “RATalie,” and we have your weekly recap below. On tonight’s episode Natalie moves to New York and goes deeper into the State Island circle.

On the last episode Big Ang’s party was the setting for a continuing showdown between Karen and Natalie. Meanwhile, Karen discovered unsettling news about her boyfriend, and Drita meets the new addition to Ang’s family. Did you watch the last episode? If you missed it, we have a full and detailed recap right here for you.

On tonight’s episode as per the VH1 synopsis, “Natalie moves to New York and goes deeper into the Staten Island circle. Meanwhile, Renee tries to rebuild her relationships with the crew, yet alliances may be broken when Drita discovers information about Natalie.”

Tonight’s episode is going to be another drama packed one, which you won’t want to miss. So be sure to tune in for our live coverage of VH1′s Mob Wives season 5 episode 4 at 10PM EST! While you wait for our recap, hit the comments and let us know how excited you are about the new episode of Mob Wives tonight.

Tonight’s episode begins now – Refresh Page often to get the most current updates!

In Long Island, at 388, Big Ang is with Renee Graziano. Big Ang says she wants all this drama straightened out. Victoria Gotti shows up then and Renee is floored. She says she has no issues with Victoria but says there is a family history. She says Ang knows that. Ang says she asked Victoria sit in and mediate. She says they both had similar experiences with their fathers and Victoria says they all come from the streets and know where they come from. She says family is first and foremost. Victoria says she never lets outsiders in and Renee thinks she and Victoria may be on the same page.

Renee says they have a dirt bag outsider – Natalie – that’s talking shit about her on social media and says it makes her mad that Ang still talks to her. Ang says she never has problems with people and Renee says they ganged upon her at the club and she didn’t like it. Renee says Ang’s loyalty was in question. Renee says it made her feel like she didn’t have her back and it hurts her. Victoria says she gets that and says if you’re loyal, you should show it. Renee likes that Victoria seems to be taking her side. Ang says she knows Renee called her a clown.

Victoria says you took it like the way she was acting, not the way she looks. Renee says Ang and Drita get around Natalie and they all act like clowns. Victoria says Ang is a good person that likes and respects Renee and her family. Ang says she shouldn’t be bad mouthing her family and Victoria says family is off limits. Renee says her son was talking to some of her family and the kid slapped his hand away. Renee says her son’s dad cooperated and she doesn’t like people thinking he betrayed them. Ang says if she was there, it never would have happened.

Ang says kids should never pay for what their fathers did. Renee calls her ex a jerk off and says he son shouldn’t pay for it. Victoria tells Renee and Ang they need to stand together. Ang says she reminded her they have too much history to let petty BS get in the way. Victoria leaves them to it and Ang says they can now move forward. Renee says she’s going directly to Karen to protect their friendship. She calls her as soon as Ang leaves and says she’s coming to her.

In Staten Island, Drita is working at her shop when her hubby calls. She says they’ve been really busy and have a new gig in Philly. She says Lady Boss is finally branching out. She says she went to see Ang and her new granddaughter Angelina. She says Ang was sad about AG missing the birth. She says he violated his parole and he’s at Rykers. Lee says it’s a zoo over there. Drita says Lee has been at a lot of prisons but Rykers is the worst. He says she needs to get knocked up again. She laughs.

Drita says if he hadn’t gone to jail, they would have had 10 kids. Renee goes to see Karen Gravano and tells her she met with Ang today and says she brought Victoria Gotti in. Renee says Karen is her friend and she’s loyal to her. Karen says the Gottis and Gravanos have a history. She says her dad ratted and their dad died in jail. She says they’ve both been through hell in back because of the lifestyle. Renee cries and Karen says she has no issues with any Gotti that was born into it.

She says she doesn’t see Victoria as an enemy and says Renee was not being disloyal. She says she and Ang made up but that Victoria took her side more than Ang would have liked. Karen says she’s happy that Ang and Renee made up and says if it took Victoria to make that happen, her hat is off to her. She says she, Drita, Ang and Renee need to go out and have some fun. Natalie is packing suitcases and she says London found them an apartment in New York.

She says it’s a big step for them to share a home. She says it’s great she’s moving closer to Drita and Ang but calls Renee and Karen hating-ass bitches. She says they can bring it and that she’s not backing down. Ang meets Karen in the city and says the core group is back together so she invited them all to a show. Renee shows up next to meet them. She and Ang swap a warm greeting. Ang says she can’t believe the four of them are going to be hanging out as friends. She says she’s happy Victoria helped.

Drita shows up last and asks where her drink is. She kisses them all and Ang says it’s going to be a good time. Renee says as long as that rat Natalie doesn’t show up, they’re good. Drita says she doesn’t want to think about her at all. Renee says the big pink elephant in the room is Natalie and tells them that she has an ulterior motive to infiltrate their circle. Drita says she doesn’t want to talk about anything negative. Drita says she and Ang are stuck as middlemen and she hates it.

Renee calls her a lying filthy rat bitch and Renee tells Ang not to defend her at all. Ang says Natalie has been good to her but lately has been crossing the line. She says she doesn’t want to talk about her. Drita says they can’t let her ruin their night and they agree not to talk about her. Renee says at some point Drita and Ang will see Natalie for who she really is and says she’s going to gloat like a mother fuc-*r. Ang says the show is crazy and chaotic.

Karen says it’s on and popping and they’re having a great time. Renee says it was great to hang out like they used to but says Drita and Ang don’t want to hear the truth about Natalie. She says Natalie will f- them over and then they’ll find out who their real friends are. In Queens, Natalie is at her new apartment unpacking. She says it’s not as big as she would like but says they’ll be back and forth between there and Philly working at the funeral home so it’s doable for now.

Drita goes to see Natalie and London’s new place. She comes in and asks for a tour. She tells her it’s really nice and Natalie says she’s tired from unpacking. Drita says she hasn’t seen the side of Natalie that Renee doesn’t like. She says no one will tell her who she can’t talk to. She sees all the clothes and Natalie says those are all London’s. Drita says the view is amazing and she can lay topless on the balcony and tan. Drita says the neighbors are going to check out her tits.

Natalie says she and London are much calmer. Drita says she had an adjustment with Lee when he got out of jail but says they had a bigger place. Drita tells her not to fight with London on the balcony so he doesn’t throw her off. Karen goes to meet with the girls. She’s with Big Ang and Renee. She wants to get their advice about what to do about Storm. She says she needs a big bottle of Scotch. Ang says she heard about what happened with Storm and the girl she caught with him.

Karen says Storm showed up and told her she was acting crazy about it. Ang says he’s putting it on her instead of him. She says he tried to tell her the girl was with his boy and just needed to use the bathroom. She says it’s the ultimate disrespect to bring a ho into her house. She says she’s lucky she didn’t put her foot up her a*&. Renee says no man from their lifestyle would bring a woman home. She say they are a different breed and says they don’t make men like they used to.

Renee says the men had a side piece and get a hotel room or the bathroom of a diner but they never bring them into their house. Karen says if he loves her and wants to fix it, he has to own his mistake. She says he called her yesterday and says he didn’t want to hurt her and wants to meet for dinner and talk. Ang says he needs to fix it. Renee says London owes her an apology and has to fix it and make it all better. Karen agrees and says she’ll see what London has to say.

In Philly, Drita is doing makeup at a photo shoot for an Italian magazine. She says it’s great exposure for her. Antoine, the creative director, is running the shoot. Drita says when Lee was in jail, she couldn’t leave New York but says now she can take more opportunities now that he’s out. Drita is working on a model named Natalie and says it’s Natalie Guercia. The model says she doesn’t know her personally but knows of her and says a friend dated her.

She says her friend went to jail and she waited for them. She says they got in a fight and Natalie called his parole officer and reported him. Drita says calling a PO is straight up shit and says if she did that, she’s a bona fide *&^ rat and exactly who Karen says. Drita says she doesn’t care if the guy was banging your sister, you don’t call his PO then send him back to jail. The model tells her you find out who people are. Drita is ready to go confront Natalie about being a rat.

The model says in South Philly, you’re dead if you’re a rat and Drita agrees. London meets Natalie and she says she likes the neighborhood and spent all day unpacking him. He says Nunzio will like it there. She says it’s hard on her son. London says he’s reached out to some friends of his with kids the same age and says he’s got some play dates set up. He says there are two girls and Natalie says they kiss at 10 and it’s no good. He says they don’t kiss til they’re teenagers.

Natalie doesn’t like it. London says she’s officially a New Yorker now and she says she’s worried that she has too much mouth to be in New York. He says she’s been more patient lately and she says he drives her up the wall but she loves him. He says they need furniture and she asks who’s paying the bills. She says she’ll put him to work in the streets to pay the bills. He says he’s her Latin Papi. They swap I love you’s.

Renee, Ang and Karen meet with Drita. She’s going to tell them what she heard at the photo shoot and says she wants to see what Ang thinks since they all hang out with Natalie. Drita says she was in Philly for a photo shoot and says one of the models knows Natalie. She tells them about Natalie being mad and calling the guy’s parole officer. Ang says that’s really bad. Renee says the girl is no good and that proves it. Drita says she now believes that Natalie is a rat.

Ang says it doesn’t look good for Natalie if she’s a cop caller. Karen says she won’t say I told you so, but Renee says she will. She says it’s the most insulting thing that it took a complete stranger to show them the truth about Rat-alie. Renee says she’s been saying it. Karen says Renee is right that Drita should have believed them since she’s known them for 25 years.

Karen says she’s also insulted but glad they validated what they’d been saying about them. Drita says she and Ang need to go ask Natalie straight up if she’s a rat. Ang says she took this girl under her wing and says she’s making her look like a jerk off. Renee says she’s a dirty filthy punk bitch. Ang says they defended her and they look like f-ing idiots. Drita says she’s mad and Renee says bitch belongs in a sewer. Drita says she can’t wait to rip her head off.

Ang meets with Victoria again. She says she just got news that can change everything and needs advice. Victoria asks how she’s been and Ang says things are good with her and Renee. She says Renee’s husband Junior was the informer in her cousin Ronny’s trial. They were in a robbery that went wrong and an innocent bystander was killed. Junior shot the guy accidentally but then he cut a deal and turned over on Ronny. Ang says her cousin will get life.

She says he’s facing more time than the rat that pulled the trigger. Victoria says she has a real sore spot for rats. Victoria says the witness protection program today is a joke. She says it’s legalized crime and they call it the Sammy Deal. Ang says when Karen’s dad cooperated back in the day it was a shock. Ang says she hasn’t talked to Renee yet because she self-medicates and thinks Renee might go crazy about Junior. Renee blames Junior but Ang is worried she’ll take it out on her. Victoria says her dad always told her ladies didn’t fight.


Stormy Elizabeth:
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