Disclaimer: This post is sponsored by Restylane® Silk. However, the thoughts and opinions are my own.
Let’s face it. As we age, things don’t stay where they once were. That’s true on both our faces and bodies. Lately, I’ve noticed that my lips have thinned out and aren’t as plush as they once were. I’ve been thinking awhile about having them plumped, but wasn’t sure what I wanted to do. I’ve done over the counter lip plumpers with mixed results, but nothing was too impressive. But I was really wowed by the results I got from Restalyne® Silk!
My daughter Robyn and I went for a beauty day and both got our lips done and the before and after was amazing. It was comforting to have her there with me because I was concerned about how I would feel. They were, after all, going to put needles into my lips. Who wouldn’t be worried about that? As it turned out, it wasn’t painful. The word I would use is discomfort. It wasn’t bad. I would equate it to a visit to the dentist, only with much happier results.
Robyn and I were able to watch each other get our treatments and see the results happen before our eyes. It was really interesting for me because when I look at my daughter’s face, I see how I used to look (a couple of decades ago) and how different the shape of my face and lips were. What I wanted from the Restalyne® Silk treatment was to get my cupid’s bow back. I used to have a nice arch there but over the past few years, it’s flattened out and isn’t as dramatic or pretty as it once was.
Once I got the injections, though, it plumped right back up like it used to look in my 20s. I was thrilled. I had a little stinging after the procedure, but that was gone within an hour or two and it was never seriously uncomfortable. The next day, I felt completely normal. And in no time at all, I was able to put lipstick onto my new plumper, nicely evened lips. I was worried that I would have a sensation that there was something “inside” my lips. Nothing could be further from the truth.
It feels completely natural. I would absolutely do Restalyne® Silk again. One of the reasons I felt confident getting the injections is it’s the first and only FDA-approved product specifically designed for lip enhancement and the smoothing of wrinkles around the mouth in patients. (must be 21 years or older to use though). My lips are looking great and most Restalyne patients still have plump pouts for six months after treatments, so I’m excited to see how long this lasts and to try more of it next time for enhanced results.
Important Safety Information
Indications: The Restylane family of products includes Restylane®, Restylane-L®, Restylane® Silk, Restylane® Lyft with Lidocaine, and Perlane®. Restylane, Restylane-L, Restylane Lyft with Lidocaine, and Perlane are indicated for the correction of moderate to severe facial wrinkles and folds, such as nasolabial folds. Restylane and Restylane–L are indicated for mid-to-deep dermal implantation. Perlane and Restylane Lyft with Lidocaine are indicated for implantation into the deep dermis to superficial subcutis. Restylane Silk is indicated for submucosal implantation for lip augmentation and dermal implantation for correction of perioral rhytids in patients over the age of 21. Restylane Lyft with Lidocaine is also indicated for cheek augmentation and for the correction of age-related midface contour deficiencies in patients over the age of 21. Restylane and Restylane-L are also indicated for submucosal implantation for lip augmentation in patients over the age of 21.
Products in the Restylane family contain traces of gram-positive bacterial protein and are contraindicated for patients with allergies to such material or in patients with severe allergies that have required in-hospital treatment. These products should not be used by patients with bleeding disorders or by pregnant or breastfeeding women. Restylane and Restylane-L for lip enhancement and Restylane Silk should not be used by people under 22 years. Restylane-L, Restylane Silk and Restylane Lyft with Lidocaine should not be used by anyone with a known allergy to lidocaine. Products should not be injected anywhere except the dermis, superficial subcutis (Perlane and Restylane Lyft with Lidocaine only), or lip submucosa (Restylane, Restylane-L, and Restylane Silk only).
Use of products in the Restylane family at the site of skin sores, pimples, rashes, hives, cysts, or infection should be postponed until healing is complete. The most commonly observed side effects are swelling, redness, pain, bruising, headache, tenderness, and itching at the injection site. These are typically mild in severity and typically resolve in less than 7 days. Serious but rare side effects include delayed onset infections, recurrence of herpetic eruptions, and superficial necrosis at the injection site. Do not implant into blood vessels. Use with caution in patients recently treated with anticoagulant or platelet inhibitors to avoid bleeding and bruising.
The Restylane family of products is available only through a licensed practitioner. Complete Instructions for Use for Restylane, Restylane-L, Restylane Silk, and Perlane are available at www.RestylaneUSA.com. Complete Instructions for Use for Restylane® Lyft with Lidocaine is available at www.RestylaneLyft.com