Tonight on ABC Nashville starring Hayden Panettiere continues with an all new Wednesday October 7, season 4 episode 3 called, “How Can I Help You Say Goodbye,” and we have your weekly recap below for you. On tonight’s episode, Beverly (Dana Wheeler-Nicholson) becomes brain dead following a second aneurysm, which leaves Deacon (Charles Esten) overwhelmed with guilt as Scarlett (Clare Bowen) is forced to make a painful decision.
On the last episode Juliette had a breakdown on a daytime talk show, prompting concern from Avery, but then her erratic behavior continued. Elsewhere, Rayna strives to showcase the validity of her label by making a play to sign Marcus Keen, a huge rock artist. Did you watch the last episode? If you missed it, we have a full and detailed recap right here for you.
On tonight’s episode as per the ABC synopsis, “Beverly becomes brain dead following a second aneurysm, which leaves Deacon overwhelmed with guilt as Scarlett is forced to make a painful decision. Elsewhere, Avery decides to file for divorce when Juliette’s behavior continues to spiral out of control.”
Tonight’s episode looks like it is going to be great and you won’t want to miss it, so be sure to tune in for our live coverage of ABC’s Nashville at 10:00 PM EST!
#Nashville begins with Beverly in a coma. Deacon, Rayna and Scarlett watch the doctor work on her. Juliette comes out of her bedroom and sees people passed out all over her hotel suite. Gabriella creeps out as Luke is waiting. Juliette goes to the gym and gets on a treadmill to run her troubles away. Maddie is recording a song at the school’s studio. Mr Simms asks where Daphne is. She’s in the principal’s office with Rayna. She’s expelled for three days for fighting.
Avery calls the tour manager looking for Juliette. Cadence is crying and Will takes her and comforts her. Avery is furious that he doesn’t have her cell number. Gunnar says to hang up the phone and Will says he’s going to Kevin’s. Gunnar is left with pancakes and a crying baby as Avery goes to get in the shower. Juliette runs into Luke in the hallway and she says she’s sticking around since it’s a short break. He says he’s not going home either. He says he’s going sightseeing and she asks if she can come along.
They tell Scarlett and Deacon that there is no brain stem reflex in Beverly. He says her body is being kept alive by machines and she will die within minutes if she’s taken off of them. The doctor says that recovery is not likely. Deacon insists they won’t take her off life support. The doctor tells him it’s up to Scarlett since she is the one with the medical power of attorney. Deacon is mad and tells Scarlett to say they’re not taking her off life support.
Deacon says Beverly can come back but needs time. Scarlett asks if her mother is in pain and the doctor says that doesn’t mean she’s not suffering. He tells Scarlett that her death could help other families and talks about organ donation. Deacon tells the guy to back off. Scarlett asks what if she’s one in a million. He tells them they can take her off life support slowly to see if she can take a breath on her own. Scarlett says let’s try it.
Rayna asks Daphne why she got into a fist fight. Daphne doesn’t want to talk about it but Rayna says to be honest with her. Daphne says the girl said Teddy was a criminal and is going to jail for a long time. She says she wants to see her dad and Rayna hugs her and takes her out. Avery is juggling a crying baby and he’s with Emily and Glenn. Emily takes her and says she’s happy to help anytime since Juliette is still sending her checks. Glenn asks how Avery is and he says not great.
Glenn says Juliette will find her way back to him but Avery says Juliette doesn’t want to get better. He asks Emily if she can watch Cadence for him then says he’s going to go take care of something he should have done months ago. Glenn says wherever Juliette is she’s probably sad. Juliette is with Luke at Indianapolis Motor Speedway driving race cars. She mocks Luke’s interest in fast cars and he asks her what’s fun to her. She takes him to a bar and says it’s a party. He says he doesn’t see a party.
She slaps down her black Amex and sends out a tweet. Will comes to Kevin’s and finds him working with other writers. Kevin asks him to stay and get to know his friends. Will agrees. Teddy is told by a guard he needs to call home immediately. Rayna tells Teddy that he needs to just talk to the girls. Teddy says his attorney says he can win this if they drag it out but Rayna says the kids are being harassed and want to see him. She says he has to talk to them. Teddy says to hang on longer but she says no.
Noel tells Gunnar they need to lock down rehearsals. They talk about the drummer and Noel asks when Scarlett can be back to work. Gunnar is surprised to hear something happened with Scarlett. He asks Noel to call Scarlett to find out more but Noel refuses to get deeper into their strange relationship. Scarlett and Deacon are with the doctor doing the test on Beverly. He says they need to see if she’ll breathe. She’s not breathing then Deacon says it’s a breath. The doctor says it’s involuntary.
Deacon rants and says he knows his sister and says she’s a fighter. Scarlett begs him to just stop. She walks out. Avery goes to see a lawyer. He says he wants to divorce his wife. Scarlett comes to see Caleb and she asks him to tell her that her mom is gone for good. Caleb says he can’t make the decision for her. He says that’s a decision for her when she’s ready and sure. Scarlett says he’s right then walks away from him. The attorney tells Avery that it’s abandonment and says he can get alimony and support.
Avery says he just wants full custody of his daughter and says his wife won’t fight it. Luke is at the packed bar with Juliette and her party crew. She drags Luke onstage for an impromptu show. She sings Joan Jett’s I Don’t Give a Damn About my Reputation. Luke has to sit and watch and laugh. She’s rocking out like a maniac. She tries to get Luke to sing and chants his name. The crowd chants too. He picks up the tune. Will makes margaritas and one of the writers asks him to sing.
They ask him to sit in but Will says he’s taking a break from music. Jill, a writer, says “we” noticed. Kevin distracts Will from asking what that means. Rayna brings the girls to see Teddy but Maddie won’t hug him. Daphne is thrilled to see him and tells him about the fight at school. Teddy says she doesn’t need to stand up for him then she says he didn’t do anything wrong then asks when he’s coming home. Daphne throws a fit and says he’s not a criminal and should be home with them.
Teddy tells her that she needs to stop defending him. She asks if he really did all those things. He starts crying and says he’s sorry. Daphne tells him she hates him and rips the necklace off he gave her and throws it on the floor.
KScarlett is in the hospital chapel praying. There’s a piano there. Kevin asks Will to come give his opinion but Jill says he doesn’t seem like the kind of guy to weigh in on things. Will asks what Jill’s problem is and she says country music needs him and says he can reach more people in five minutes than she can her whole career but he’s hiding hoping people will forget he’s gay. She says the going gets tough the tough get silent. Maddie and Daphne tear up scrapbooks with photos of Teddy.
Rayna goes off on them for tearing up photos of their father. Maddie screams that Teddy is not her father and storms off. Deacon promises Beverly he won’t let anything happen to her and says he’s there for her. Scarlett sits at the piano in the chapel and plays and sings a song. Gunnar shows up then and she stops playing when she sees him. He says he knows he shouldn’t be there but she runs into his arms and he holds her while she cries.
Luke watches as Juliette parties on and sings. A guy from the bar says they have to leave since the place is overcrowded. Luke asks if there’s a place they can hide out while he clears the place out. Juliette does a stage dive and crowd surfs. Scarlett tells Gunnar what happened and says she feels bad for wishing her mom was dead when she was younger. Gunnar says he knows she still loves Beverly and always has and says she was mad at her mom because she mattered to her.
Scarlett worries about making the wrong choice and he says she’s the most level-headed person he knows. Will rants to Kevin about Jill but Kevin says she’s not wrong and he could be an important voice for the community. Kevin says this matters and Will asks if he wants him to be the gay cowboy. Kevin says the public already sees it that way and that’s why things need to change. Avery comes home and finds Emily playing the lullaby that Avery wrote and Juliette sang.
He’s upset but Cadence is asleep. She’s surprised to see he has divorce papers and he says it was crazy to think that Juliette ever wanted them or a family. Emily tells him that she knows he’s angry but says Juliette wanted him and the baby. Scarlett tells Deacon they are taking Beverly off life support and donating her organs. Deacon is angry but Scarlett says they have to let her go. He says they can let her live. Scarlett says if she wakes up in 10 years, she won’t be able to walk or talk and will have nothing.
Scarlett says some things are worse than death. Deacon says she knew he was singing to her while she was in a coma. Scarlett says it’s not his fault and she knows he feels guilty. She says the best they can do it to let her death be meaningful so she can save other people the way she saved him. She tells him that she’s doing it at noon tomorrow then asks him to be there to do it with her and says she can’t do it alone. She leaves Deacon alone and upset.
Later, Will comes back to Kevin’s and says he’s sorry. Kevin apologizes also. Will says he’s right but he’s scared. He says this is all new to him and says six weeks ago he would have done anything to keep his secret and all he’s done now is get kicked off his label and says he doesn’t know how he feels or where he’s going. Will says one thing he knows for sure is them and tells Kevin he loves him then asks if that’s enough for now. Kevin says it is and he holds him.
Rayna brings the girls back to see Teddy and says things got out of hand yesterday. Rayna tells him thank you and he asks for what. She says he was a great husband and father to the girls and says he was always there for them – every scraped knee and soccer game and says he was there when she was on the road. She says he’s made a few mistakes but that doesn’t take away from all the good years and good things he’s done and says family forgives. She hugs a crying Teddy then so do the girls.
Teddy he’s sorry that he let them down and says he forgot who he was for a while and thanks them for reminding him. He says he talked to his attorney and he’s going to plea guilty. Daphne asks if he’ll stay in jail and he says actions have consequences but he’s going to change things and make it up to them once he gets out. He asks them not to forget him while he’s in there. Maddie says he’s their dad and they can never forget him.
Juliette wakes to see a trucker hat by her bed and is relieved to see Luke is not in bed with her. Instead, he’s reading the paper on the sofa. He offers her coffee. She apologizes for getting carried away. He asks how much she remembers and she says singing, dancing then asks if he put her into a suitcase. He says it was a band case so they could sneak her out of the club. Luke says back in the day he was like that and then some. He says fame is a seductive mistress. He says the problem is he had a wife and kids at home.
Luke says he screwed up his marriage and she took the kids and he was relieved until he woke up and realized what he lost but by then he had missed half his kids’ lives. She tries to lie about her marriage but he tells her he sees the truth and is not judging her but doesn’t want to see her make the same mistakes he did. She goes back to her room. Rayna finds Deacon in her office looking sad. She says she can’t imagine what he’s going through and says they’re all there for him.
Rayna says she doesn’t want to see this divide he and Scarlett and tells him to go to the hospital. He says he can’t be there and says it isn’t right. Rayna says maybe it is or not but says she knows he wants to say goodbye to his sister. He’s crying and she says she’ll go with him but he says to stay there and he’ll go. Cadence starts crying and Avery comforts her. He gives up and turns on the lullaby they wrote for her. He rocks her and she calms down. Juliette comes back to her hotel room.
She goes to call home then her party buddy comes in with stuff for mimosas. Juliette starts drinking instead. Scarlett is with her mom as they walk her bed to the room where they will let her go. Caleb sees her walk by. Deacon sits in his car then gets out. He’s at his old house. He goes inside. Avery looks at a photo of he and Juliette with Cadence then puts the divorce papers in the drawer. The doctor tells Scarlett it’s time. She whispers to her mom that she loves her and asks her to forgive her.
She tells them to go ahead and they start taking all the tubes and wires off of her. Deacon makes the bed in the guest room and looks at a photo of he and Beverly as kids then just starts bawling. Scarlett is with her mom as she flat lines. The transplant team takes her away to start the donation process as Scarlett breaks into heartrending sobs.