Nashville Recap – Deacon Pops the Question: Season 4 Fall Finale ‘We’ve Got Nothing but Love to Prove’

Tonight on ABC Nashville starring Hayden Panettiere continues with an all new Wednesday December 9, season 4 fall finale called, “We’ve Got Nothing but Love to Prove,” and we have your weekly recap below for you. On tonight’s episode, Markus (Riley Smith) prepares for a concert on “Good Morning America,” but then he doesn’t feel ready to perform. Meanwhile, Luke (Will Chase) faces obstacles with the launch of his brand and his relationship with Colt; (Keean Johnson) and the distance between Rayna (Connie Britton) and Deacon (Charles Esten) widens.

Nashville chronicles the lives of various fictitious country music singers in Nashville, Tennessee starring Connie Britton as Rayna Jaymes, a legendary country music superstar, whose stardom begins fading, and Hayden Panettiere as rising younger star Juliette Barnes.

On the last episode Rayna’s new artist, Markus Keen, caused trouble for her when he scrapped a song on his new album one week before its release. Was Deacon part of the solution or the problem? Luke attempted to reconcile with Colt, and Scarlett surprised Caleb back in Nashville when she got time off on her tour. Did you watch the last episode? If you missed it, we have a full and detailed recap right here for you.

On tonight’s episode as per the ABC synopsis, “it’s a big morning for Markus Keen when “Good Morning America” comes to Nashville to broadcast a live concert in support of his new album launch, but come show time, Markus finds he’s anything but ready. Meanwhile, Luke’s relationship with Colt continues to be strained while Luke learns of another setback to launching his brand. And living in the same house, but feeling further apart than ever, Rayna and Deacon face a big decision.”

Tonight’s episode looks like it is going to be great and you won’t want to miss it, so be sure to tune in for our live coverage of ABC’s Nashville at 10:00 PM EST! In the meantime, enjoy a sneak peek of tonight’s episode below.

Tonight’s episode begins now – Refresh Page often to get the most current updates!

#Nashville begins with a concert set up and Bucky and Rayna are on scene. Markus is performing. Rayna hears that Markus isn’t where he should be. Erin tells Gunnar goodbye as a car pulls up to pick up Scarlett. He asks why Caleb isn’t there and she blames it on doctor stuff.

Deacon is there to get her instead. Gunnar tells Scarlett it worked and they had a great time. She says they’re friends and he says they’re partners. Daphne plays a song for Maddie as her sister fixes breakfast. The song is about fun and games.

Maddie says it’s great and Daphne says she can tell she didn’t like it. Maddie says they need to figure out their sound and need a more adult sound. Daphne reminds her they’re not adults. Will is playing with Cadence while Avery gets ready.

Gunnar comes in and bypasses Will to pick up the baby and coo over her. They turn the news on about Oscar buzz about Juliette in Shenandoah Girl. There’s an interview with Juliette who says she’s been acting her whole life. Avery is annoyed.

Gunnar says Cady knows her mother and Avery says how would she? Gunnar says from in the womb and they wonder why he knows baby facts. Rayna is looking for Markus and sees him out of the way. Gabriella shows Luke photos from the shoot with Colt.

Luke says he won’t use those and then Federal agents show up and tell him they’re from the IRS. The agents tell him Meyer Hoffman and Associates have been under investigation. They tell Luke that the man stole money from Luke and left town plus Luke owes $40 million in back taxes.

Emily shows up and Avery says Gunnar is around today. She says she went to see Juliette yesterday. She says J texted her a few days ago. He’s upset she didn’t tell him. Emily says she was skeptical and says Juliette has been in rehab and is now in a treatment center for postpartum depression.

Avery says Juliette is manipulating her and says leave. She says she’s there to watch Cadence but he says not anymore and tells her to leave. Deacon brings Scarlett to see the Beverly as it gets ready to open. He also shows her an engagement ring he got for Rayna.

Rayna finds Markus and says they’re all waiting on him. He says he can’t do this and it’s a huge mistake. He says he’s sorry. He says he’s not a country singer and everyone will see through him. Rayna tells him this is the best music he’s ever done.

She says she believes in him and he should too. She asks him to trust her. Deacon says he’s going to propose to Rayna at the Beverly’s opening night. Scarlett offers to stay and help and he asks what’s up. She says things are off with her and Caleb.

He advises her not to put it off or it will make things worse. Markus and Rayna sit for an interview. He’s asked whether his move to country is a lark. Rayna says the lines are blurred and this is the best and most authentic music he’s done and she says download the album tonight.

Luke is advised to file bankruptcy since the money manager only stole from him personally and not from the business. Luke is told he has to come up with the tax money and Luke says liquidate anything that won’t draw attention.

Scarlett comes home and finds Caleb took the day off work and he’s apologetic. He tells her he loves her. Avery talks to his lawyer who tells him to calm down. He says he doesn’t want her near Cady. Avery asks what if Juliette tries to say she wasn’t competent to sign the papers.

Will shows up to the studio to work with Cole but they didn’t have a room reserved. Cole says they can work at his house and Will asks if his wife will mind. He says it’s cool. Markus does a sound check on the stage but he’s still worried.

He says what if no one shows up and no one buys the album. Rayna says if people don’t like it, screw them. He agrees it’s been a hell of a ride and she says they can go down in a blaze of glory. They shake on it but she looks worried after he walks away.

At Markus’ concert, things are hopping and Deacon works his way through the crowd. Deacon introduces Daphne and Maddie to Cash, Frankie’s daughter who’s a songwriter. Deacon brings her to the VIP section with them.

Gabriella comes to see Luke and says they will be okay. She says the IRS agreed to keep it quiet and accepted the payment schedule. Luke is glum and says Colt won’t even talk to him. She says Colt is with family and he says it’s his ex-wife’s family and God only knows what they’re saying about him.

He apologizes for being short with Gabriella then says he’ll just see her tomorrow. She leaves. There’s a huge crowd that showed up for Markus and all are chanting his name. He says now he wishes no one had shown up – he’s nervous.

He and Rayna sip from the flask and she says, let’s do this. Rayna takes the stage first and thanks them all for coming out. She says this city knows good music when they hear it. She says Markus is world renowned and decided to come to Nashville.

He takes the stage to cheers and hugs her. Rayna goes to stand with Bucky to watch. Deacon and the girls are with Cash watching the show. Avery talks to Will later about working with Cole at his house. He says he thinks he’s changing his mind about gays.

Gunnar asks about Emily and starts to call her but Avery says he fired her. The other guys go off on her but he says she’s been talking to Juliette behind his back. Gunnar says he’s being too harsh and Avery says Emily is nice and that’s why Juliette is using her.

Will says it’s not okay and says Cady is much better off with Emily than either of them. They both tell Avery to get Emily back and tell him that Emily is better than even Avery for Cadence. Caleb tells Scarlett he got a promotion offer.

He says it’s in Seattle. She says they live in Nashville. He says country stars live in other states but she says she’s part of a duo then asks how it would work. Caleb says let’s sleep on it and figure this out later. Rayna calls Deacon and says she’ll be another hour.

Bucky tells Rayna that there’s been a quarter of a million downloads already and it’s going platinum. Markus pulls her away to talk on the rooftop. He has a bottle of champagne and toasts her. He calls her an incredible woman who saw more in him than he saw in himself.

She says tonight was incredible. They drink straight from the bottle then he kisses her. She says no and he says they have chemistry. She says he has to respect her boundaries. She says no again and walks away and ignores him as he tries to call her back.

Next day, Caleb finds Scarlett awake staring at the ceiling. She says she doesn’t want to leave Nashville and he says he’ll turn down the job. He says he knows all her people are here so she doesn’t want to leave and he doesn’t want to leave her.

Deacon wakes Rayna with breakfast in bed. He says she’s Nashville’s hottest label head and producer. She says it was such a victory after all that hard work. He says Markus isn’t that bad and she says maybe not. He asks what she means.

Rayna tells Deacon that he tried to kiss her. He’s furious and says that guy is owed an ass kicking. Rayna says Markus is canceling the tour and moving back to LA after she gets a text. She says this album is dead if he cancels and Deacon is mad she’s going to talk to him.

Dr Kittley shows up at Avery’s house – she’s Juliette’s therapist. Avery says Juliette is trying to worm her way back into their lives. She says Juliette needs to bond with her child in order to recover. The doc says she’s advocating for his daughter but he says that’s his job.

Dr Kittley says he should be prepared to explain to his daughter that he didn’t let her get to know her mother. Rayna rants at Markus about canceling and he says his band is getting back together. Rayna says don’t go back from what he’s accomplished.

She says they both need this and says she’s begging him. Gabriella tells Luke the story is out and says the Forbes photographer was doing some digging and they’ve lost two endorsements already. She says the hack article says he’s either too dumb or too rich to notice $40 million.

Luke rants at Gabriella at advice she gave him. She says it’s her job to protect his brand and his to protect his son. She says she obviously bet on the wrong horse and walks out after telling him that his problems started long before they met.

At the Beverly’s opening, Frankie tells Deacon it’s time to get onstage. Deacon is waiting on Rayna but says he’s done waiting and goes onstage. He thanks everyone for coming and says it will be one of the best damned bars in Nashville. He says dreamers can sing here and find a home.

Then Deacon brings out Scarlett out to sing. Caleb is there too. Deacon says this is dedicated to their favorite dreamer Beverly. They sing a duet. Maddie goes to get a soda while Daphne waits. Cash hugs Maddie and asks if she’s playing tonight.

Maddie says this is not their crowd since she’s on a label with her 12 year old sister. Cash says they should write together sometime. Emily shows up and asks about Dr Kittley and what he thinks. He says she’s a complete stranger who doesn’t know what a manipulator Juliette is.

Avery says Juliette does this again and again. She asks him to just go to the treatment center and talk to her. He says J is an actress and can lie. Emily says he’s protecting himself but has no right to keep Cadence from her mother. She is angry and walks out.

Scarlett asks Gunnar if they can talk. She tells him Caleb got a job offer in Seattle. She asks what he thinks and if they could still make it work. Gunnar says it’s not ideal but if it makes her happy, they can try. He says he can go there, she can come here and says they can try.

Scarlett thanks him. He smiles and walks away. Avery pulls out a box of baby stuff and looks at the sonogram and photos of Juliette with Cadence. Cole and Will are working at his house – Cole’s family is out of town.

They stop working and Cole offers to make steaks for them and have a beer and watch the game. Will says he can’t because a friend has a bar opening. Cole says he knows he came off judgmental and says he admires him then tries to kiss Cole.

Will rears back and Cole says he has no right to judge. Will says he’s surprised then asks how he stayed in the closet all these years. Cole says Will could have played it right too and had all this. Will tells him he’d rather be him than Cole and leaves.

Rayna shows up to the Beverly and Deacon doesn’t look happy to see her. He goes outside and she follows. She says sorry. Deacon says she chose Markus again and keeps doing it. He says this was a big night but she didn’t show up because he pitched a fit.

She says her label is dead because she couldn’t talk Markus out of leaving. She’s mad at his jealousy and says she can’t be with him right now. She walks off. Caleb finds Scarlett outside and asks what’s wrong when he sees the look on the face.

She says she talked to Gunnar about making the band work long distance. He says he won’t take the job but Scarlett says he has to. She says he’s a brilliant doctor and he can’t throw it away for her. She says he deserves someone who will follow him anywhere.

Caleb says he should have known better and says if it wasn’t for Deacon’s cancer, she never would have given a chance. He says he’s too normal for her. He tells her to pack and get out tomorrow while he’s at work.

Avery calls Emily and she comes over. He says he’s sorry and he’s furious at Juliette and took it out on her. She says it’s fair to suspect Juliette and says she has to prove herself. Avery agrees to let Emily take Cadence to see Juliette as long as she’s never alone with the baby.

Avery says he’s sick to his stomach as she tells him he’s doing the right thing. Luke comes to see Colt but Sarge doesn’t want to let him in. Colt says it’s okay and steps out to talk to him. Luke says he was wrong and he’s sorry.

He asks Colt to come home but he says no. Colt says what’s wrong between them can’t be fixed. Luke says it can and says the brand is dead and he never should have gone down that road to start with. Colt asks if it’s really dead.

He asks about Gabriella and Luke says she’s gone too. Colt says now Luke has lost everything and shuts the door in his face. Gunnar finds Scarlett in the bar and she says she and Caleb broke up. Will comes over and hugs on Gunnar and kisses him.

He orders them another round and says he needs one of them to drive him home. Avery shows up too. They add a drink for him. He says Emily has Cadence and says he’s letting Juliette see the baby. Scarlett says it’s a good thing because a girl always wants her mama.

Deacon finds Rayna staring at the city lights and says some things don’t change. He says he supports her and the label. He says she didn’t do anything wrong but he got jealous because they used to be in the studio like that and says making music is intimate.

He holds her and she says she needs him. Deacon says he wishes he could change things and says he’d change everything and nothing then he drops down to one knee and says he loves her so much. He asks her to marry him and she says yeah. He slips the ring on her finger and they kiss.


Stormy Elizabeth:
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